Beat of Our Hearts

That Day in Spring



The living room was littered with empty cans of beer, half-opened chips, and a set of Hwatu cards—all remnants of the send-off party that started a few hours ago. 


Jae Suk had his mouth hanging open, one arm draped over the table while the other nestled his head as he snored.


Across him with a pillow clutched to his stomach, Mino slowly drifted to sleep, his head lolling from side to side. After failing to win two games, he suffered the consequence of letting the victor do whatever they pleased with his face. Now as he lay sprawled on the carpet, a circle had been drawn around his left eye to resemble a monocle. Add that with the curly mustache, he looked like that guy from the monopoly game. 


Beside the punk, Dong-Gil had his back supported by the coffee table, his arms crossed over his chest. If one were to see him in his current position, they'd think he's merely closing his eyes. In truth, the gentle giant was out like a light.


Tae Hee was the only one who had the common sense to place himself on the couch, his feet propped up on the ottoman. Today's schedule had been sent to him via e-mail and man, was it packed. He'd probably need to debrief Jiyong about the new line-up of advertisements he needed to shoot. This was his last thought before he finally succumbed to the alcohol's effects.


Outside on the patio, his legs dangling from the balcony, Jiyong craned his neck to look at the nightsky. The dreaded day was coming. His bags were packed, his bed made, his heart heavy. It's funny how a month ago, he was ready to sell his soul just so he could return to the city. Now? He didn't even want to leave. He let his gaze roam around the place, smiling as it landed on the huge cherry tree up ahead. A few days ago, he found Dara sitting underneath it, a piece of paper on her lap. She was so into whatever she's writing that she didn't even notice Jiyong's presence until he swiped it from her grasp. The look on her face had been so murderous that he feared for his life for a second.


'What's this? Writing a love letter?'


'Give it back, you jerk!'


He extended his hand to the sky, chuckling at her feeble attempts to snatch the paper from his grasp. 'Make me!'


'I'll kill you! You conceited *kick* pompous *punch* narcissistic pig!! Yaaaaahhhh!!!'


In the end, Jae Suk came and scolded both of them for making a ruckus so early in the morning. Dara had used the diversion to reclaim her property before kicking him in the shin. Come to think of it, he never got to read whatever it was that she wrote.





"Penny for your thoughts?"


I smiled broadly. "Are you sure you can afford it?" Turning around, I watched as Dara appeared from the door, carrying a mug on each hand. She was dressed in one of her endless supply of tracksuits, this one in a forest green number. I swear I don't even know where she buys them. Probably from a run-down sports apparel in the outskirts of town. 


"You lost three games in a row. You just made Jae Suk a rich man."


"Right," I said with a frown. "Remind me not to bet against him again."


Dara swung her legs over the porch and took a seat beside me, accidentally bumping my shoulder in the process. She muttered an apology before handing me my drink.


"Something's different," I stated, my brows in a furrow as I took a sip.


"I figured since this will be our last night together, I'd make it extra special." She peeked through her unruly bangs.


I took another tentative sip. "What is it?"


"Do you like it?" I nodded and she smiled. "It's honey."


"Ah. That explains the sweetness."


As we looked out the front yard, each occupied with our own thoughts, I wondered why the little tokki started being amicable when up until last night, she had been avoiding me like a pariah. I glanced down at my fingers, three of which were covered with cartoon band-aids. I was trying so hard to get her attention earlier that I had cut myself multiple times when we were preparing in the kitchen. Despite it not being a part of the plan, I thought the pain was worth it since she dropped whatever she was doing to patch me up.


I watched her from the corner of my eye. 


"Take a picture, it'll last longer."


Sh*t. I almost spilled my drink. "Ha-ha. Very funny."


"So..." She straightened and donned on a serious look. "You're finally going home."


"Why? Are you going to miss me?" I teased, bumping her shoulder playfully.


She snorted. "Why would I miss a public nuisance?"


"Guilty as charged," I admitted, raising one hand in a show of surrender. "My beauty is rather distracting. I actually feel bad for the rest of the guys out there."


She rolled her eyes. "Your ego knows no boundaries."


"That's probably why you and I work. We compliment each other."


"I'm afraid I don't follow," she said, her forehead creasing.


"Let's put it this way, with you around, I shine brighter. Your dullness makes for a perfect confidence booster." My laugh was cut short with Dara flicking me in the ear. "Hey watch it, Santokki! I have like, the biggest fandom in the world so you better treat me with respect."


"Arasso, pyeha," she sarcastically drawled and proceeded to do a mock bow. "Would you like me to build a statue for you?" 


"Actually that's not a bad idea." I raised my chin in the air and sat up a little straighter. "If that pleases my humble servant, then I shall grant you your request." Expecting another sign of reverence, I was caught off-guard by her sudden violence.


"Ya, do you want to die?" I was forced to raise my arms to deflect the onslaught of her attacks. "Who are you calling a servant, huh?" She hit me again.


"Aiisht, you're the one who started it!" Dara gave me a sharp look and I instantly cowered. "Arasso, arasso." Jumping from the patio, I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to sit on the stairs beside me. "Settle down or Dong-gil might wake up and hear you. He takes his job very seriously, you know."


She snorted. "Don't worry about it. Your bodyguard adores me."


I howled with laughter. "Yeah, right."


"If you must know, he asked me to be his daughter's godmother."


"Of course, he—" It took me a few moments to comprehend what she just said. When I finally did, my jaw dropped in shock. "Dong-gil has a daughter?!"


"What, you just found out?" The answer must've been written on my face because she went, "Oh, you really did. Wait. How long has he been working for you?"


I ran it over my head. "Um...about three years?" 


"Three years and you never knew he was married?" She clicked her tongue in disapproval. "Don't the two of you talk?"


"Well..." It was clear as day that the little tokki wouldn't be too fond of my next words. "I may have stipulated certain conditions in the contract before hiring him," I explained as vaguely as I could.


She regarded me suspiciously. "What conditions?"


I cleared my throat. "Somewhere along the lines of 'I'm your number one priority so when I say jump you say how high' sort of thing."


"You're an ."


"Hey! You can't blame me! I had to make sure I can count on him."


She raised a brow. "By being rude? Yeah. That's a perfect way to gain someone's loyalty."


"It's called professionalism, my dear." Looking back, I'm pretty sure I've never seen the head f my security team wear any wedding ring. "I just...I didn't think he had a life outside his work." I glanced at the window where I knew Dong-gil was sleeping. More to myself, I mumbled, "Why didn't he tell me?"


Apparently, Dara heard. "The question is, did you ever ask?" 


Well duh. I'm his boss. I don't exactly 'ask.'


"What if you try making small talk with him?" she suggested. "Maybe he'll open up to you."


"Like, what? Chat him up when we're in the car or something?" Dara nodded. "I'm not really a good conversationalist. I wouldn't know what to say."


"Think of it like talking to your brother."


I scoffed. "Unless you want me to not talk at all, then that's an advice I need not heed."


"Do you have a brother?"


Do I? Crossing my arms over my chest, I asked her, "Does it count if you only see each other on holidays?"


She frowned. "Of course it does."


Huh. "Well then, yes. I do have a brother."


"Is he older than you?"




Dara brought her knees up to her chest and sighed. "It must feel good to have a sibling."


"Ha! I wish." I picked a pebble from the step and threw it across the yard. "The only thing we have in common is our father."


She turned her head to look at me, opening and closing until she finally settled with, "Oh."


"Yep." I leaned back on my hands. "We're more strangers than brothers. In fact, you and I have engaged in a longer conversation than we've ever had in the years we've known each other."


"Why is that?"


"He lives in the States. He used to live with us when his mom died. Bit of a shock for the family when he turned up in front of our door and announced that he was my Dad's son. My mom almost had a heart attack." I chuckled. Of course it didn't seem so funny back then. 


"How old were you when you found out?"


"Mmm...Eleven, I think."


"Did you hate your Dad for it?"


"Honestly?" I asked and she nodded, moving closer so that our knees were almost touching. "Yeah. A little bit. I hated that he cheated on Mom. I hated that he had another son. And I hated the fact that he invited him to live with us." 


The memory of that day was crystal clear in my head.


The stoic looking boy sat on our living room, hands clasped over his lap, his gaze straight ahead. He was clad in a black suit, well tailored and pressed. He refused to let go of his backpack as if he was ready to leave in case we kicked him out.


'His mother died, Jiyong."


'So?' I stomped my foot on the floor petulantly. 'Can't he just live with his grandparents?'


'They sent him here. He's got no one left to take care of him.' Dad went down on one knee and placed a hand over my shoulder. 'Your brother needs you, too.'


'He's not my brother. Not now, not ever!'


I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


"I channeled my anger at the situation toward my brother. It didn't help that he was taller and bigger than me, spoke fluent English, got high marks in every damn subject and could play the piano blindfolded. Even that impressed my mom, though she never went vocal about it." I laughed sardonically and ran my fingers through my hair.


"Not long after he became a part of the family whether I liked it or not. I was starting out as a trainee then so we didn't see each other very often and even at home I kind of ignored him." With Dara's forming scowl, I quickly added, "I know, I know. I was young and stupid." I sighed. "One day, my Dad was busy at work so I had to fetch the squirt from school. That's how I found him in a brawl, exchanging punches with a group of older guys."


Her forehead creased. "Was he a troublemaker?"


I shook my head. "Even when I played tricks on him he never showed any reaction. He'd leave the house for a few hours, but he always arrived before dinner."


"He was probably making a vodoo doll to curse you."


"I did consider that, you know." That made her laugh and I grinned.


"So what happened?"


Hesitating for a second, I grasped the sleeve of my sweater and rolled it up. "It's faint now, but I got this scar from one of the boys who beat my brother," I said, tracing the jagged skin on my forearm covered with the heart tattoo. "He had a small knife and was about to slash the squirt's face with it."


"You protected him." Dara regarded me with an odd look. I'm not sure if she was impressed or just skeptical.


"Well—I mean—I didn't want my Dad to be angry with me." I coughed to cover up my embarrassment. "Anyway, we decided never to speak about it. After a few years, being the smart aleck in the family, he applied for a scholarship abroad. At that point, I've learned to tolerate his presence."


"So you became close?"


"Hardly. Though I was civil enough to see him off the day he departed. We even shook hands."


"That's it? You wouldn't see each other for a long while and you just shook hands?"


"My parents were there, what did you want me to do, punch him in the face?"


She looked incredulous. "No, ," she said and elbowed me in the ribs. "You should've hugged him!"


"Are you off your rocker? I just told you I bullied the little squirt. What makes you think he'd want a hug after how I treated him?"


"Because from what I heard, your brother could've fought back." She looked at me, her eyes softening. "Yet he didn't. Maybe because he saw something in you that you're too stubborn to admit to yourself."


"And what's that?"


"That you actually care," she replied with a smile. Her words had hit home and the air suddenly felt stifling. I bowed my head and refused to look at her, afraid that Dara might see how my face was slowly burning up. She surprised me by reaching out and patting me on the head. "Aigoo, Kwon Jiyong does have a heart," she cooed. 


"I don't even know why I told you that," I grumbled, but didn't stop her from petting me like a dog. 


"That's because I'm a good listener."


"Shut up."


She giggled. Truly giggled. It was heartwarming. 


*Thump thump*


What the...?


Lub dub 


     Lub dub


lub dub


I swallowed. W-why was my heart beating so fast? Am I having a heart attack? I lifted my head and stared at Dara. Why was she suddenly going in slow motion? . She's even blinking super slow. Did she always look this bright? Where did all these fireflies come from? 


Sh*t. I'm losing my mind.


*Thump thump*


 Hajima!! Andwaeeee!!


"Don't worry, I'll keep your secret." She winked.


You're killing me, Santokki.


The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop it. "Then can I keep one, too?"


She tilted her head in silent query. I caught her hand and brought it down to my cheek. It was small and warm and smelled faintly of cinammon. Dara's breath hitched as I planted a kiss on her palm. I gazed up at her with a barely there smile. 


"Can I keep you?"



Dara's POV


Legend says, when you can't sleep at night, it's because you're awake in someone else's dream. 


I groaned and rolled over to my side. 


Can I keep you?


       Can I keep you?


              C a n    I    k e e p    y o u ?


I buried my head under my pillow. Why would he even say that? He's leaving wasn't he? Kicking the sheets from my body, I bolted up from the bed.


"What kind of girl does he take me for? Woah, that bastard. Is that how he hit on girls?" I scoffed, flipping my hair over my shoulder. Tam-Tam his paw and watched me pace around the room. "Aigoo, this jerk is really something. I can't believe he'd say that to my face." 


It was a good thing that Jae Suk came out the door at that very moment or else...




"Hahahahaha! You're hilarious! I wasn't thinking of kissing him."


Meow. You did.


I chewed on my nail. "No, I didn't."


Meow. You're thinking about it now.


"Stop it Tam-tam or I'm going to let you sleep outside!" I catapulted myself on the bed, face first. My brain hurts. I don't want to be one of those girls who's crazy enough to have their hearts broken because of one silly crush.




I rubbed Tam-tam's ear. "Should I kill myself now?"




"Your absolutely right. It doesn't matter. He's going to leave tomorrow and we'll never see each other again." 


Then why do I feel like crying?


I shook my head to clear out my thoughts. Jiyong is leaving and that's that. I can continue with my life—at least what's left of it—in peace just like how I planned it. We're too different. He's a superstar and I'm...I'm a ticking time bomb. 


We're better off being strangers. Just like how we started. It would be easy for him to forget me when he's back in the city. 


"This is just a stupid crush," I told Tam-Tam and he purred. "I'll get over it."




"Yes. Let's forget him." I pulled the covers over my head and willed myself to go to sleep. But even at the back of my mind I still saw his face. My lids fluttering open, I took my phone from the nightstand and started shuffling through my photos. I stopped. 


It was the night Mino won the competition. We were all posing for the camera and Jiyong had his arms around me, his chin on top of my head. That time, his strong hold on me made me feel protected. Like coming home.


I smiled. 



Kwon Jiyong, you jerk.





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New chapter posted guys!! Sorry for making you wait. I got busy with the holidays, but here you go. Check it out now!


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Chapter 66: Authornim update juseyo 🙏🙏🙏
Carol_99 #2
Chapter 66: Update please author
freckles #3
Hope your okay. . . . Still Awaiting for your updates. . . . :-D
bernie20 #4
Chapter 66: Oh interesting.....jiyong it will takes all ur efforts to build a new good memory with her...
Thank u for the update....loving it
Chapter 66: I don't usually like reading incomplete stories because i hate waiting for updates but I'm glad i read this. This is one well written story. Can't wait for more updates. Thanks authornim
Grace62 #6
Chapter 66: Oh my god dont let her forget jiyong authornim he suffered too much!
Chapter 66: i just wished they all just planned this so jiyong can focus on his career
while dara is slowly recovering or a joke? anything just not her forgetting him
they had so many hardships already authorniim! haha
daragon_vip #8
Chapter 66: Nooo!!!! don’t make the plot by letting dara has amnesia authornim!!! Jeball...
daragon_vip #9
Chapter 66: Nooo!!!! don’t make the plot by letting dara has amnesia authornim!!! Jeball...
sheila_261981 #10
Chapter 65: Update pls...i really love the story