III. Rare meetings

Enigma ﴾¿﴿ Story Arc: Revelation ﴾?﴿

iii. rare meetings

Gemini headquarters
—  disclosed area; 21.7.2017

  Cutlery clinking against bone china, the sound of napkins being folded and unfolded again, the serving of some dishes onto the pristine white tablecloth. 

  To be exact, the members of Gemini was attending a formal dinner. Or what could have passed off as a formal dinner, because despite the delicate French cuisine being served on equally delicate dinnerware, the only one who looked remotely dressed for the occasion was Celeste.

  And even then, not really.

  To top it off, none of them were talking to each other.

  Chess gave a sigh as she surveyed the situation in front of her. Despite the seven years the new generation of members had spent with each other so far, somehow, when all of them were gathered with the absence of the King, they could get nothing done.

  She almost felt sorry for them. 

  Suddenly, the doors at the other side of the dining room flew open, and the attention of all the members were commanded towards it, albeit some with bleary eyes - no doubt from the strain they had been through for the past few days. She could see the Knight shifting slightly in her seat, expression twisting into something unreadable, before arranging it into something more civilized. 

  "Hello, everyone. Sorry I'm late." Sungjong's apologies were to be expected, except they were so frequent and tiresome that everyone stopped caring three years back. Behind him trailed the Queen - Shin Jineul, she remembered - an axe wielding shadow constantly standing next to or behind the King (and on certain occasions, seated on his lap). The two made their way to their seats, before being served dinner as well.

  The faery graciously gave the King a few moments of needed settling down and a sip of wine, before she dived right into the agenda that demanded desperate attention. "Your Majesty, I believe there are certain matters that require your addressing."

  "Perhaps later, Chess." Sungjong replied absent-mindedly, and she heard an exasperated sigh down the table - no doubt from Minwoo - which she felt a connection to, but forced it down. "I think - "

  "think," Celeste interjected, setting down her cutlery and folding her napkin neatly, before turning her piercing blue eyes onto the King. "That we have a right to know what exactly is happening, instead of avoiding the issue everytime it is brought up. The poor girl has been trying to tell you something, hadn't she? Perhaps we should listen." 

  Chess shot the mermaid a grateful look while Celeste was on the recieving end of a glare by the Queen, which she promptly ignored. At that, the King looked up slightly, and, noticing the other four expectant eyes on him (Jineul was too busy glaring at Celeste to care), dabbed at the corner of his lips delicately, before speaking, "Well. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to hear it then, Chess?" 

  "Yes, of course." Finally. "Three of our members had returned from missions that you had detailed, namely Almeta, Gossamer and Invictus. Mission reports count them as successful so far, as the requested objects had been located. Agent Gossamer had also reached out to the Praetor's leaders, informing them of your decision. However..."

  "However?" Nam Minwoo drawled slightly from the other end of the table, head on hand. 

  Chess coughed delicately. "Well, we have recieved word that there is action from Wonderland." 

  There was the sound of someone choking; the faery looked over to see Jaebin coughing wine out of his system, while Seoah rubbed his back helpfully - she took it he had a bad run-in experience with them. Not that it mattered, and the secretary was prepared to continue when someone decided at this moment to pipe up; "Who's Wonderland again?"

  "Human organization supposedly 'in charge' of maintaining 'peaceful co-existence' between humans and Underworlders." Jineul's voice echoed throughout the silence, and Chess looked at him in surprise; the Queen was known to not speak unless absolutely necessary during meetings. 

  Apparently this was absolutely necessary.

  "No, that's CARDS." Celeste sat a little straighter. "Wonderland is their newly created elite puppet group under their supposed 'leader'. What was his name again - " 

  "Carroll," Minwoo supplied, rummaging through his coat for something, probably his cigarette case. "Little weasel - "

  "And their goal is probably to stop us and whatever plans we have." She continued, ignoring the man. "According to a reliable source of mine." 

  "Still a joke," Minkyung put in, speaking for the first time. She could hear Jaebin sniggering at that, before coughing for attention. "At any rate, word has it that CARDS had dispatched Wonderland. And therefore..." She trailed off, looking at Sungjong, waiting for any instructions. 

  The King mulled on that a little, before pushing his plate away and straightened himself. "Chess, would you please compile a profile of their members so we could decide on the next mode of action?"

  "I can give you the basics on one of them." Minwoo's voice came from a haze of smoke, which Celeste waved, irritated, at. "Alexander Wang. Warlock, cold sort of guy, doesn't really like working with others." There was a pause as he gathered his thoughts. "Brains, probably."

  "And you know this because...?" Minkyung asked, suspicion clear in her voice. The other chuckled at that, and took another drag from his cigarette. "Working in the government wasn't fun, but at least you get details on your future enemies." 

  "Since when - " 

  "Enough." At Sungjong's words - or rather, word - the Gemini members fell silent once more. "Here's what we are going to do. Chess would compile the profiles of the Wonderland members so that we can access their weaknesses. Celeste, please continue your mission in the human government. As for Seoah, continue strengthening our diplomatic relations with the Unseelie and Seelie courts. The others...do as you please." 

  Without waiting for a response, Sungjong stood up, and promptly left the room with the Queen in tow, sweeping out in a blink of an eye, with the others still staring at their retreating backs.

  There was another silence, before Chess too, with a brief nod to the members, walked out as well. 

  "The only time all of us gathered here, and the talking only lasted five minutes," Minkyung said dryly, before downing her glass of water. "What a surprise." With that, she stood up, shoved her hands into the pockets of her pants, and strode out as well. Not long after, Celeste too dabbed at delicately and stood out, leaving. Jaebin then followed suit, leaving Seoah and Minwoo alone, while people bustled around clearing up the plates. 

  "W-what's happening?" The faery asked, slightly bewildered. 

  Minwoo chuckled, taking another drag of his cigarette. "Just an everyday Gemini meeting, dear." 


idk what's happening here but hope it's good :D 

(also for clarity's sake, the photo on the top of the chapter would just be members of the Gemini and not the POV the chapter is set in)

Also it's so damn hard to find Sungjong wallpaper pics???

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[24/05] enigma -- double update!!


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i was not actually expecting minhwan to cameo LOL it's so funny and hOLY the siblings meet ;))))))

i gotta wonder whose side mother is on :eyes: because i don't remember if i ever said that in the app LOL

but yeah 's heating UP
Chapter 80: not me not remembering Alex’s past- oof. I gotta read back his history >< it was a nice gateway to reveal more of CARDS and Gemini’s past, I think it flowed perfectly. I think it’s interesting how they use to be allies and now are enemies.

also, I don’t know if I missed this completely from previous chapters but Helena towards Daehyun? I didn’t know she had such feelings, oof. I kinda like the drama LMAO

ALSO ALSO CARDS LET MY BBY REST ;-; he needs rest- look at his eyes! D;
Chapter 79: i understand where you're coming from and I hope that you'll do what you want and go for it! in the end, this is your story - you get to decide what you should do with it :D

ps: pls add me to the list of future buyers of this book once it's published o.o the whole plot is too cool to NOT be an actual book

i too hope that in the future I'll be more active with feedbacks since I get how discouraging it is when you're writing but you get nothing back in return ;-; hope everything works out for you <3 sending headpats and hugs
Chapter 79: hello, author-nim!

it’s been awhile >< also, I do understand your feelings towards the ocs and your plot. it is up to you, as you’re the author. I’m sorry that you felt that way, and I hope that you’re able to write the future chapters with more positive feelings.

I would also like a copy of the book as well, so I can buy it and support you!

I hope all is well for you, and I will try to be more active. ♡
Chapter 79: that sounds good

i think the problem with applyfics (and why most ppl never finish writing them) is because it's annoying to make sure every character gets equal screentime while still keeping track of the plot

and then you get the ppl who don't keep up, which adds a whole nother layer of bothersome lol

but yeah mini revelation over, you do you!!!! it'll be fine either way (and i demand a copy once you publish ;))
Chapter 79: yeet ig
i've just been: deceased
Chapter 78: ahhhhhhhhh that's a hard choice :(( i'd say go to school 2 since it sounds like a big hotshot (also because if you decide that you don't like your major, you can change and it seems like all the programs will be good!) but school 1 sounds really nice if you're DEAD set on your major. i'd say don't let the living situation influence you too much but actually ik those things can make or break a decision so i will simply not comment on it anymore.

also, 2hyun 4 lyfe ;)
Chapter 77: heeeheheheheheheheeeeee wucasi uwuu

no i'm not okay thank you for asking


if you are open to constructive criticism i'd say split up some of the bigger paragraphs; with this small of a font (yes i know i can turn off some sort of view but i'm old and dumb)it makes me eyes hurt to read so much compact text in one big long paragraph ;;;
Chapter 75: aww daehyun and hyunnie ♡ they’re so cute

I think spreading every now and then is good but you should also limit it >< I hope you rest even more )): I get what you mean by Asian parents comparing you to others ugh I’ve learned to ignore it tbh sigh I hope you feel better! ♡