IV. Mild Discordance

Enigma ﴾¿﴿ Story Arc: Revelation ﴾?﴿

iV. mild discordance

Gemini headquarters
—  disclosed area; 22.7.2017


  A light caress on the neck, working diligently down the length of his arm before fingers intertwined, while brushing of the lips to the knuckle, ever so lightly.

  Just like butterfly wings. 

  "Jineul." The call came more insistently,  while the Queen found himself ignoring him more easily. His mouth continued down the knuckle, kissing down the slight calluses etched on his fingers. Sungjong gave a small sigh, though did not withdraw his hand. 


  The blunt and slightly emotionless tone adopted with the use of that particular nickname made Jineul's head promptly snap up with his eyes narrowed - and on guard - at the man above him, though they softened again when his met Sungjong's. "What?"

  "I was thinking." There was a pause. "What do we actually know about the Elders?"

  Random thoughts were a normal occurence; Jineul gave that question a few moments of thought before replying, "That they are s, that they are in charge of Gemini, that it's highly likely some or most of them are authority figures in the Underworld." 


  "They see it their right to command us as they please. If that isn't being s, I don't know what it is." The Queen replied bluntly, and stood from his place kneeling on the study carpet. "Why?" 

 "Curiousity." At the prompt answer, Jineul raised a slight eyebrow, but nonetheless didn't comment, and merely scooped Purrfection from the floor (she had slipped through the door, in all probability), running his fingers through her fur absent-mindedly. There was a comfortable silence which had settled in the room, when suddenly a knock came at the door. 

  In a few strides, the Queen had crossed the room and settled himself on the King's lap, the edge of his plait skirt hanging just above his thigh as Sungjong, who didn't even budge, replied "Come in." 

   With that, the double oak doors opened to reveal Chess, who was leafing through a huge pile of papers held in one arm using her other hand. Her eyes then flickered up to meet the Queen's, before flitting towards the King's and gave a short bow. "Evening, Your Majesties." 

  "'Morning' might be more appropriate, Chess," Sungjong replied absent-mindedly while playing with Jineul's fingers, splayed across his own exposed thigh, while the Queen was in charge of staring daggers at the secretary. 

  "My apologies." The response came with icy curtness. "Anyways, I have compiled the profiles as you have ordered. If you would take a look...?" 

  "Of course. Just leave them on the table then. Thanks." And after the command, the faery promptly dumped the huge pile of profiles at the corner of the desk, which resounded with a loud thump, before turning on her heel, giving a short bow and walked out of the room, the doors closing behind her retreating back.

  Another short pause then elapsed, with the two eyeing the large pile of documents on the edge of the wooden surface. Sungjong was the first to give in; he let out a slight sigh, and reached a hand towards it, plucking the first pile off the larger one.

  "Shall we start?" 


  "I say no." 

  "Well, my opinion is that it's a good idea. So there." 

  Minkyung sighed, and tried to rid herself of the sore spot at the side of her head by rubbing it, trying some of her own magic. Not so astonishingly, it didn't work, and she directed her attention once more towards the small array of chemical equipment spread across the table in front of her. 

  "You're not even the tactician here, Jaebin," She could hear a third voice, Celeste, butting in as she scoffed slightly, before the heavy smell of tobacco by Minwoo floated towards her once more, which she waved at, getting more and more irritated by the moment. 

  "Well yes, but unfortunately for you I'm a vampire." An agitated pause. "I would think that I know more about my own species than a - what? mermaid - would now, yes?" 

  Another pause. Minkyung could sense the tension in the air getting thicker by the minute, but she had more important matters on hand. Measuring the pale blue liquid carefully, she made sure she had the accurate amount before pouring it drop by drop into the small cauldron placed right in front of her, and let out a satisfied sigh when the colour changed promptly to a light brown. 

  "Still, I don't think it's a good idea." The same opinion came flying out again, and the Knight found herself hearing in the conversation while packing the successful medicine in a small bottle, before gathering the rest of her instruments, and placing them into a case.

  "Um, if I may - " 

  "Seoah you keep out of this." 

  "Jaebin, it's not that we don't trust you - " Ah yes, the charmer; Minwoo. Minkyung had found the man skeptical at first glance, but quickly admitted towards his capabilities when she saw the succubus at work. "It's just that this plan of yours is dangerous. Maybe reconsider some parts of it before acting on it. And besides, the King didn't say anything about this." 

  "The King is a deciding factor now?" The healer could hear the disbelief on Celeste's part as she carefully put her apparatus away. 

  "Look, I'm just throwing this out. Doesn't mean you should agree." 

  "Excuse me - " 

  "Still, this is the time to act, Minwoo." The opinion came more insistent. "When the guard is down - " 

  "You're betraying your kind? Really?" 

  "I'm just being realistic - "

  "Well, as your second-in-command," Getting tired of the argument flitting back and forth, Minkyung snapped the clasp on her case promptly shut and stood, lunging it along with her as she strode towards the four members seated on opposite sides of the huge couch in the lounge. "I strongly suggest you all to continue your discussion tomorrow night." Giving it a moment to sink in, she gave a slight jerk of her head towards the windows, where it still showed darkness. "It's approximately three hours to sunrise. As your resident healer, I strongly recommend rest." And as the others began to open their mouths to protest, Minkyung cut them off with a prompt "Doctor's orders" before turning on her heel, and striding towards the direction of her room. 

      At that, Minwoo made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a choked off chortle, and settled for a drag of his cigarette instead, letting the smoke drift out of between his lips while the others looked on in mild disgust, drinking in Minkyung’s comments as well.

  "I'm surprised you're still alive with smoking that much," Celeste commented, rummaging through her bag for something while Seoah nodded in agreement. "Considering you inhale about three cigarettes' worth of smoke into your lungs each day." 

  "And I'm suprised you're still alive, Cely, considering your kind has been living with poison in the waters for so long." 

  "Whose fault do you think it is?" She snapped back, before pulling an inhaler out. "At any rate, I'll take Minkyung's suggestion on sleep. Before my body decide to give away at set tomorrow. See you in the morning. When the sun rises,” Celeste added just as Minwoo was about to input another sarcastic comment, then sat back in defeat. 

  The succubus then waited until the sound of Celeste's heels disappeared down the hall, before he gave a yawn, stretching slightly, turning back towards the vampire. "Think about the potential danger you're throwing yourself into, Jaebin. We'll go over this tomorrow. 'Night." 

A second Gemini chapter :3

And uh, besides saying that this is a mess, I don't have anything else to add

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[24/05] enigma -- double update!!


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i was not actually expecting minhwan to cameo LOL it's so funny and hOLY the siblings meet ;))))))

i gotta wonder whose side mother is on :eyes: because i don't remember if i ever said that in the app LOL

but yeah 's heating UP
Chapter 80: not me not remembering Alex’s past- oof. I gotta read back his history >< it was a nice gateway to reveal more of CARDS and Gemini’s past, I think it flowed perfectly. I think it’s interesting how they use to be allies and now are enemies.

also, I don’t know if I missed this completely from previous chapters but Helena towards Daehyun? I didn’t know she had such feelings, oof. I kinda like the drama LMAO

ALSO ALSO CARDS LET MY BBY REST ;-; he needs rest- look at his eyes! D;
Chapter 79: i understand where you're coming from and I hope that you'll do what you want and go for it! in the end, this is your story - you get to decide what you should do with it :D

ps: pls add me to the list of future buyers of this book once it's published o.o the whole plot is too cool to NOT be an actual book

i too hope that in the future I'll be more active with feedbacks since I get how discouraging it is when you're writing but you get nothing back in return ;-; hope everything works out for you <3 sending headpats and hugs
Chapter 79: hello, author-nim!

it’s been awhile >< also, I do understand your feelings towards the ocs and your plot. it is up to you, as you’re the author. I’m sorry that you felt that way, and I hope that you’re able to write the future chapters with more positive feelings.

I would also like a copy of the book as well, so I can buy it and support you!

I hope all is well for you, and I will try to be more active. ♡
Chapter 79: that sounds good

i think the problem with applyfics (and why most ppl never finish writing them) is because it's annoying to make sure every character gets equal screentime while still keeping track of the plot

and then you get the ppl who don't keep up, which adds a whole nother layer of bothersome lol

but yeah mini revelation over, you do you!!!! it'll be fine either way (and i demand a copy once you publish ;))
Chapter 79: yeet ig
i've just been: deceased
Chapter 78: ahhhhhhhhh that's a hard choice :(( i'd say go to school 2 since it sounds like a big hotshot (also because if you decide that you don't like your major, you can change and it seems like all the programs will be good!) but school 1 sounds really nice if you're DEAD set on your major. i'd say don't let the living situation influence you too much but actually ik those things can make or break a decision so i will simply not comment on it anymore.

also, 2hyun 4 lyfe ;)
Chapter 77: heeeheheheheheheheeeeee wucasi uwuu

no i'm not okay thank you for asking


if you are open to constructive criticism i'd say split up some of the bigger paragraphs; with this small of a font (yes i know i can turn off some sort of view but i'm old and dumb)it makes me eyes hurt to read so much compact text in one big long paragraph ;;;
Chapter 75: aww daehyun and hyunnie ♡ they’re so cute

I think spreading every now and then is good but you should also limit it >< I hope you rest even more )): I get what you mean by Asian parents comparing you to others ugh I’ve learned to ignore it tbh sigh I hope you feel better! ♡