
A Game of Chaos

The thunk of ZhouMi’s halves hitting the ground echoed throughout the forest; the dark blur sped just past where he had stood and skidded to a halt. KyuHyun straightened his stance as he smirked wildly; he glanced down at his bloodied, still flaming hand and made a fist, the fire went out immediately. The smell of burning flesh spread through the clearing as the wound that killed ZhouMi cauterized itself due to the heat of KyuHyun’s hand passing through him; the young man looked down at himself and noticed the blood splatter painting his shirt crimson. KyuHyun merely shrugged and wiped the blood off his hand and on to his shirt, it was already stained with crimson anyway. ZhouMi’s body lay in front of him; the bloody and smoking halves of the Chinese man had spattered the ground with blood and entrails. KyuHyun made a face of disgust, it smelled awful; however, the sight of the carnage laid out before him returned the smirk to his face almost effortlessly.

KyuHyun chuckled and approached ZhouMi’s upper half; he nudged the piece with his foot. He unceremoniously delivered a swift kick to the older man’s upper body and it rolled over. ZhouMi’s frozen, bloodied and disfigured face stared up at the sky; horror, fear and realization were written all over the older man’s face. KyuHyun peered at the man’s expression with amusement; the life had not fully faded from ZhouMi’s eyes, they shone with the fear he experienced in his final moments and the tears that had not yet rolled down his cheeks. KyuHyun scoffed.

“Pathetic.” He sneered.

               The younger man spat on ZhouMi’s corpse and turned away from the body. Off to the next one he went. He walked through the forest, singing to himself contentedly as he went; that had gone beautifully, KyuHyun was sure that Loki would be proud of him. He showed no remorse, no sign of being disturbed by what he had just done; in fact he had enjoyed it. Killing ZhouMi had felt good, adrenaline and endorphins pumped through his veins; it felt better than any drug ever could, killing brought him a high he had never felt before. He could get used to this. A howl that KyuHyun recognized as Kris’ brought him back to reality; he stopped in his tracks and waited to hear the howl again so he could locate it. Sure enough another long, drawn out howl echoed throughout the forest and KyuHyun took off running towards it. The adrenaline pumping through his veins made him move faster; he was chomping at the bit to kill again, he needed to experience that feeling of power and adrenaline coursing through him once more. He needed to feel that high again and he needed it now.

               KyuHyun found himself heading towards the edge of the forest, towards the cliff side and waterfalls that signified the transition from forest to the valley below. His run slowed to a walk as he approached the top of the cliff; he smirked as he heard Kris and Kai barking orders. KyuHyun came to a stop at the very edge of the cliff, he watched overhead as the two creatures and a pack of hellhounds had surrounded a group. With a smirk he noted just who was in the group: two men that he recognized very well, that damned monkey and one that he did not know. Kai and Kris sat in front of them, growling at the four as the hell hounds moved to surround them completely; KyuHyun tsked, they were backing them up towards the water, in theory EunHyuk would have the advantage considering he could easily manipulate the massive amount of water behind him. The fire user watched as one of the hellhounds lunged at the smallest of the four; YeSung stepped in front of the smaller man and blasted the hellhound away with a gust of wind. KyuHyun rolled his eyes, of course his hyung would step in, the man had a hero complex; the man’s lip curled into a snarl, it disgusted him. Kris howled angrily at the hellhounds, setting his sights on KiBum; KyuHyun laughed outright at the match up, this ought to be interesting.

“Damn, should’ve brought some popcorn.” KyuHyun mumbled to himself.

               He watched in interest as Kai’s tongue lashed out at EunHyuk, the water user barely dodged and acid splashed onto his shirt. The small amount of acid burned through the thin piece of fabric and EunHyuk screamed as his skin began to blister and burn. KyuHyun cackled at the man’s suffering, finally the monkey was getting what he deserved; his fist clenched and unclenched as he watched Kai attack the older man. He wanted to get in that, he wanted to be the one to destroy the blonde man; he wanted to hurt EunHyuk, to wound him severely and laugh in his face as the man begged for mercy. He wanted to be the one to kill the monkey. Another scream rang through the forest; KyuHyun turned his attention to the origin of the pained scream, KiBum. Kris had the psychic’s arm in his mouth, the creature chomped down on the arm and the sound of bone being crushed echoed throughout the forest. KiBum screamed once more as blood gushed out of his arm; a large smirk spread across KyuHyun’s face. The sight of YeSung blasted Kris away from the psychic made the smirk turn into a snarl once again; hatred urged him forward, pushed him to jump off the cliff and get himself involved. He would kill them all.

               KangIn sat up abruptly, he couldn’t even remember falling asleep; all he knew was that something was wrong, horribly wrong. He looked over at Siwon, who had also fallen asleep; the younger man looked pained, KangIn coughed wetly and struggled to stand up. He didn’t know why, he just needed to stand up; he felt something pulling him towards Siwon, something made his hair stand on end and the beach was eerily quiet. Something was not right. Mindful of his broken ribs KangIn pushed himself up to a seated position, he looked around carefully just in case something was lurking; one couldn’t be too careful considering the myriad of creatures living in the game. Once he was almost positive he was not about to be eaten he pushed himself to a standing position; his lungs burned with every movement, he could feel bits of his ribs pressing against the tender flesh of his organs. He was in trouble and he knew it. Siwon stirred in his sleep and let out a groan of pain as he tried to move.

“Stop that you idiot, you’re injured.” KangIn hissed at the other gangster.

               Siwon’s sleeping mass let out a grumble of disapproval and a soft snore; KangIn smiled in response, although still annoying his dongsaeng was still alive and relatively well. Despite being stuck in the game and the constant threat of death looming over his head KangIn found himself content with this knowledge; at this point he could find reassurance in Siwon’s survival. The man shuffled over to Siwon, as he did he felt his pulse speed up. He felt as if something—or someone—was watching him; it was unnerving. His heart beat heavily against his chest, his breath caught in his throat as the feeling of imminent danger chilled him to the bone. The wind blew softly, the breeze carried with it a barely audible warning: death is coming.

“Won-ah, wake up.” KangIn hissed softly.

               His voice cracked as he spoke, the fear was getting to him. Siwon stirred once more, his eyes fluttered open and he looked up at his hyung in confusion; sleepily the injured man tilted his head to the side in complete confusion.  KangIn stared at the younger man as if he had seen a ghost; his visage was pale and haggard, his eyes sullen and dark. The sound of waves lapping against the beach rang in both their ears as the feeling of uneasiness settled over Siwon as well. Terror washed over them as they sensed a dark presence behind them. KangIn turned very slowly towards the beach; fear and adrenaline coursed through his veins. He turned and found himself staring at a pair of amused, dark eyes leering at him; a dark smile greeted him and KangIn gulped.

“Well hello there, fancy meeting you here.” Loki purred.

               Siwon struggled to sit up, he needed to help his hyung; KangIn held up a hand and Siwon stopped moving.

“Stay still.” KangIn commanded.

               His tone was firm and Siwon didn’t dare ignore the command. An air of seriousness and determination surrounded the older man; Loki laughed. The laugh was mocking, he knew he was the one in control and relished the fear written over the pair’s faces; this is what he craved, fear, despair, resignation and death. KangIn did the best he could to take up a fighting stance; his lungs burned and he felt a few, sharp pieces of bone puncture the tender flesh. Loki smirked. The plant life surrounding the three creeped towards them; the flora inched towards its master and KangIn found reassurance in the fact that he could still do something to protect his dongsaeng. Loki raised an eyebrow in amusement and disappeared into thin air. It would be too boring to kill them now. KangIn turned towards Siwon; the older man wanted to warn him, to try and get him out of there but as he opened his mouth to speak something slashed through his arm. A scream ripped itself from his throat as his arm was nearly severed; the now limp limb hung from a few tendons and strands of skin just above his elbow.

               Siwon stared in absolute horror at the wound; the man’s bone looked as if it had been hacked in half, he could see the dark marrow oozing out and mixing with the spurting red blood. KangIn felt the blood rush out of his head and dizziness set in. He wanted to pass out, but he could not afford to let that happen; if he did both he and Siwon would be dead. Instead KangIn grit his teeth, he would not give Loki the pleasure of seeing his pain; he wouldn’t show him the despair and pain that he desperately wanted to see. KangIn launched into a series of erratic attacks around him; chunks of earth hurled themselves at the invisible assailant. Loki’s laughter echoed out around them; it rang in their ears. Another invisible slash cut through KangIn almost effortlessly; he fell to one knee as his left leg was nearly taken out from underneath him. KangIn bit his lip to fight off the scream; the bite went nearly clean through and he bled from the mouth, but he did not scream.

“Hyung!” Siwon yelled worriedly.

               KangIn glanced back at Siwon and used his good arm to push himself up to a standing position. He knew what was going on; he knew he was being hunted. The older man stood up on shaky, injured legs, propped up by a large root and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and focused on the sounds around him, maybe he could hear Loki if he couldn’t see him. He heard a gust of air slice through the air to his left and he reacted instantly. Rocks flew in the direction of the master of the game and Loki found himself with little choice but to block them; the rocks exploded as they came into contact with the man’s power. KangIn’s eyebrows rose in surprise as he heard the rocks exploding; Loki’s laughter rang out around them once more. Another gust of wind and KangIn found himself being grabbed by the throat.

“You’re mine .” Loki hissed.

               He held KangIn up by the throat, lifting the larger man up off the ground; razor sharp dark claws had replaced the man’s hands, and they dug into the gangster’s throat. Siwon made a choked noise as he struggled to push himself to his feet, he needed to help his hyung. With his functioning arm KangIn grabbed at Loki’s taloned hand as the other man’s grip tightened; blood spilled from his neck. A telekinetic blast knocked Siwon back down and Loki smirked, looking right past KangIn, directly at Siwon.

“You’re next. Wait your turn.” He said darkly.

               KangIn turned his head to look over at Siwon. His eyes were apologetic and fading, he had lost too much blood and had begun to black out.

“Sorry Won-ah, you’ll have to keep going without me.” KangIn said quietly.

               Siwon stared at the older man in horror.

“Hyung, don’t you dare—“ Siwon started.

               As the younger man spoke, strong, dark vines wrapped themselves around Siwon like a cocoon; they were closing rapidly around him, narrowing his field of vision and protecting him. Siwon watched in helpless shock and horror as Loki squeezed KangIn’s neck, the talons sliced through the man’s neck; Siwon screamed as the last thing he saw before the vines encompassed him completely was his hyung’s head falling to the ground, a smile on the older man’s face.

“KangIn-hyung!” Siwon screamed.

               The vines wrapped around Siwon completely, a physical representation of KangIn’s dying wish: for once in his life he was going to protect someone he cared about, even if it killed him. 


AND SCENE. Sooo, I understand a lot of you may hate me after this. I am fully prepared to get an earful from Dobu, Ahjumma and several other people haha. Sooo, since I go to school with these people I may or may not be dead tomorrow... Just in case I die tomorrow I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'm really glad you guys are sticking with me on this one. I love you all. I'd love to hear from you guys, did you like the chapter? Did you hate it? Do you want to kill me? Anyway, I love your faces and thank you so muchfor your support. SARANGHAE


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Soo.. sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I lost my notebook I had written the plan out in.. BUT I'M BACK AND WRITING THE NEW CHAPPIE. It'll be out by 20th


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Kimgaram123 #1
Chapter 51: Please update, 2023 is just to be end and i'm still waiting, i really wonder what happened to Siwon
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
Chapter 51: I am seriously loving this story so damn much ohmygod your waiting is flawless! Are you planning to continue this story? (Please say Yes!!) Cause it's got me hooked and gahhh the suspense!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 51: I love it please update I want to know what happened to sungmin
MeinAltire2 #4
Chapter 50: what happen next??? looking forward
Chapter 51: This story is so amazing. Like I kept putting off reading it but now that I have, I'm mindblown.

I seriously spent all night reading this. I wonder....do you have any plans to update this story at all?
Kpopcrazy92 #6
Chapter 51: This makes me angry...
The fact that I have to wait for an new chapter of this freaking amazing story. Why? Just why??
But this story is amazing. Plain amazing.
257471 #7
Chapter 51: woahhh this is good, thanks please continue :)
Chapter 51: I just got an account for AFF very recently and this story makes me log on pretty much everyday in hope of seeing an update! You're an amazIng writer! :) I'm always on the edge of my seat while reading! (Even though I'm pretty much always laying down when I read...but that's beside the point! XD) Keep up the good work!! Hwaiting! ^ ^
cynicallynnlove #10
Chapter 51: soo, in a weird way, it's kinda funny that people are dropping like flies, but still... D: and asjkldgh! snap out of it kyu! go protect ming ;^; omg teukie where are youuu~? thanks for the update ^^ I know reality can get pretty hectic and I really appreciate your effort to update c: