
A Game of Chaos


DongHae sat up slowly, groaning as he did so; he couldn’t remember anything, the last thing coherent was the head-splitting pain that had followed the screeching. His head was throbbing, and his mind reeling; he heard a low, pain-filled groan from behind him. DongHae turned his head slowly, his vision blurring as he did so; he shook his head lightly, and looked over to his right. SungMin was lying on the floor, groaning in pain; the older man was holding his head. SungMin placed his palm down on the cold floor and pushed himself up to a seated position. He rubbed his temples lightly with the other hand and struggled to find his bearings.

“Minnie-hyung? What happened?” DongHae asked.

                SungMin blinked and struggled with his memory, he too could not remember clearly what had just transpired. He remembered the pain, the screeching and hitting the floor; slowly SungMin got up, once he was standing he swayed a tad. SungMin tightened his left fist, struggling to maintain his vertical base as a dizzy spell over took him. He looked around at his surroundings; DongHae was staring up at him expectantly. The older man walked towards the still seated “Fishy” and offered him a hand; DongHae took it gratefully and was pulled up to a standing position. The two men leaned on each other for support, neither fully stable just yet; SungMin wrapped his left arm around DongHae’s waist to get a better grip.

“Hyung? What was that? There was this weird sound…” DongHae mumbled.

“I don’t know…it came out of nowhere.” SungMin replied.

                DongHae craned his neck and looked around; he tilted his head to the right in confusion, blinking.

“Where’d Henry go?” DongHae asked.

“Huh? What do you mean? He’s right—“SungMin stopped talking, not seeing the youngest male anywhere.

                The pair exchanged confused looks, the youngest male could not be seen anywhere. SungMin let go of DongHae and turned towards the tunnels. SungMin’s eyes widened as he noticed the walls had music notes all over them; the older male walked towards one of the sets and touched the wall. The notes were etched into the crystal; raised above the rest of the crystal.

“Minnie-hyung…what is that?” DongHae asked as he wobbled over to the elder.

                DongHae leaned forward, examining the wall along with his hyung; SungMin ran his hand down the wall slowly.

“I think it’s…sheet music…” SungMin said.

“What…but…how?” DongHae wondered aloud.

“I don’t know…but, it looks like sheet music. Ave Maria if I’m not mistaken.” SungMin continued.

“Wait…didn’t Henry say he played violin? Maybe…”

“You think he did this?” SungMin asked.



                SungMin tapped one of the notes lightly and a tone echoed throughout the room; SungMin and DongHae both jumped backwards from shock. The tone resonated throughout the cave; the note was calm and soothing, as it bounced off the crystalline walls. As the tone echoed the pair felt a soothing aura wash over them, their headaches dulling to a small pain. The note continued to play; as it did the pair looked over at each other both wondering the same thing, had Henry done this? SungMin cleared his throat and stepped away from DongHae; he noticed the sheet music was decorating the walls, leading up to one of the tunnels; the tunnel was darker than the others, but the flames in front of it burned the brightest. He motioned for DongHae to follow him and the younger man approached carefully; he was stumbling, tripping over his own two feet. He lurched forward and SungMin caught him; the elder pulled him back up and returned his arm around DongHae’s waist to keep him upright.

“C’mon, the sheet music leads into this tunnel.” SungMin said, leading DongHae over to it.

“You sure this is a good idea? I mean…” DongHae mumbled.

“You know, at this point I’m not sure of anything anymore.” SungMin sighed.

                DongHae nodded in agreement, nothing in this game made sense; neither man had any idea what was in store for them, let alone whether or not they would be able to defend themselves. The pair wobbled over to the tunnel; they walked slowly, still fighting to regain their bearings. They stood in front of the entrance to the tunnel, staring into the darkness warily; the pair could barely make out the etchings of music notes on the walls. The two were nervous and slowly the two walked in; trusting the lingering hope that Henry had indeed been responsible for the music notes etched into the walls. The darkness engulfed them as they shuffled in; SungMin kept his hand on the wall, to keep them from running astray. Every once in a while his hand would brush against a music note, and the note would ring out through the eerie silence. DongHae tripped over a rock and SungMin stopped walking, catching the stumbling male; as they were stopped the sound of shuffling feet continued. DongHae looked up at SungMin, eyes widened in complete fear; SungMin’s grip on DongHae tightened as he pulled the younger back up to his feet. SungMin pulled him up and held DongHae tightly to his body as the sound of shuffling echoed loudly. SungMin’s adrenaline kicked in and he pulled DongHae closer, and stepped back so he was plastered up against the wall. 

“SungMin hyung…w—what is that?” DongHae stuttered anxiously.

“I…don’t know…maybe it’s Henry?” SungMin whispered.

“B-but, the sound’s coming from behind us.” DongHae whispered.

                Before SungMin could respond a low groan was heard from behind them, followed by the sounds of chains rattling. More shuffling, another moan, followed by the rattle of chains; DongHae shook with fear as the sounds got closer; whispers echoed throughout the tunnel, accompanying the terrifying sounds. SungMin tightened his grip on the younger man; his instinct to protect the terrified younger man was strong, but he was just as terrified. The flight or fight instinct was kicking in, making both Sungmin and DongHae want to run away although they both knew they couldn’t. The shuffling got closer and closer; the two men’s breathing increased with their heart rates as they started to sweat. Another groan, this time heavy breathing accompanied it. Closer and closer it moved towards the men, the sound of the breathing becoming louder and louder. DongHae let out a whimper as the shuffling was almost upon them; SungMin placed a hand over the younger’s mouth, attempting to stifle any sounds he might make. DongHae felt tears beginning to prick at his eyes as another groan echoed around them; the tears ran down his cheeks, cascading on to SungMin’s palm. SungMin held onto the crying younger man, as he too began to lose his grip on his emotions. As it drew nearer the two held their breaths, DongHae held on tightly to the martial artist in terrified anticipation of the source of the sounds. And then, it stopped.

                Silence, dead silence and the sound of their own breathing were the only things to be heard. SungMin slowly removed the hand covering DongHae’s mouth; dropping it down to the man’s side. DongHae shivered and SungMin bit his lip.

“H-hyung? Is…is it…gone?” DongHae whispered.

“I-I think so…” SungMin replied hesitantly.

                The silence was disturbing to both males; slowly SungMin let go of DongHae and stepped out, he glanced around even though he couldn’t see anything. The sounds were gone, but even so the feeling of unadulterated fear had not left them. SungMin held out a hand to DongHae.

“Come on, I think its safe…” SungMin said.

As SungMin stepped away from the wall a set of long, thin hands wrapped around his neck; the hands were freezing and taloned.



Short update once again I know....don't cha love me? Hehe, sorry bout the umm....suspense. *grins evilly* I kinda wrote this at two in the morning while playing Amnesia (which is a SCARY GAME TO BE PLAYING IN THE DARK!) and umm....yeah....don't hate me TOO much. I wonder if they really are safe? What do you think? Hope you guys liked the *short* chapterbut will look forward to the next one! <3 Love you all! 


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Soo.. sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I lost my notebook I had written the plan out in.. BUT I'M BACK AND WRITING THE NEW CHAPPIE. It'll be out by 20th


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Kimgaram123 #1
Chapter 51: Please update, 2023 is just to be end and i'm still waiting, i really wonder what happened to Siwon
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
Chapter 51: I am seriously loving this story so damn much ohmygod your waiting is flawless! Are you planning to continue this story? (Please say Yes!!) Cause it's got me hooked and gahhh the suspense!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 51: I love it please update I want to know what happened to sungmin
MeinAltire2 #4
Chapter 50: what happen next??? looking forward
Chapter 51: This story is so amazing. Like I kept putting off reading it but now that I have, I'm mindblown.

I seriously spent all night reading this. I you have any plans to update this story at all?
Kpopcrazy92 #6
Chapter 51: This makes me angry...
The fact that I have to wait for an new chapter of this freaking amazing story. Why? Just why??
But this story is amazing. Plain amazing.
257471 #7
Chapter 51: woahhh this is good, thanks please continue :)
Chapter 51: I just got an account for AFF very recently and this story makes me log on pretty much everyday in hope of seeing an update! You're an amazIng writer! :) I'm always on the edge of my seat while reading! (Even though I'm pretty much always laying down when I read...but that's beside the point! XD) Keep up the good work!! Hwaiting! ^ ^
cynicallynnlove #10
Chapter 51: soo, in a weird way, it's kinda funny that people are dropping like flies, but still... D: and asjkldgh! snap out of it kyu! go protect ming ;^; omg teukie where are youuu~? thanks for the update ^^ I know reality can get pretty hectic and I really appreciate your effort to update c: