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A Game of Chaos


“Damn, never piss of psycho-boy.” KangIn exclaimed as he roared with laughter.

“The vaccine gave him a lot of power.” HanGeng remarked.

“Apparently…” SiWon added.

                The regal man’s eyes were glued to the screen; dark eyes watching attentively the scene in front of him. HanGeng took a sip of his Martini, and KangIn chugged the remainder of his beer.

“It looks like everyone’s abilities showed up.” HanGeng said.

“Yeah, looks like it…” SiWon quipped.

                HeeChul opened the door and stepped in, looking exhausted and worried; the cat-like diva stalked into the room and sat next to HanGeng.

“Is Leeteuk okay?” SiWon asked.

                HeeChul merely nodded in response; HeeChul’s uncharacteristic silence prompted the rest to drop the subject.

“What did I miss?” HeeChul asked quietly.

“In summary DongHae’s a spark plug, Yesung’s bipolar as , never anger KiBum, EunHyuk’s a monkey AND Kyuhyun is officially a douchewaffle.”  KangIn listed.

                HanGeng chuckled at the mention of Kyuhyun and his “nickname”.

“That cannot possibly have come as a surprise.” He stated.

                SiWon laughed at the statement and KangIn joined in; HeeChul merely rolled his eyes. The feline eyes focused back onto the screen; the camera cut to SungMin and his group. They had begun walking once more, SungMin on DongHae’s back and Henry on Yesung’s; the martial artist shot glances back at the passed out younger man. Yesung’s storm cloud continued to rain down on the grumpy man and yet Henry stayed dry; Yesung looked up through his sopping wet black bangs, gray eyes meeting SungMIn’s. The quirky man offered a beaming smile to the younger and SungMin raised an eyebrow at the sudden change in moods. The sound of DongHae’s yelp and sudden jerk drew their attention; SungMin clung to the man below him tightly as he became unstable on his perch.  The electricity user was hopping on one foot, swearing as he did so; Yesung glanced down, seeing what looked like a puddle of molten rock on the ground. DongHae squeaked and flailed his arms about, attempting to regain his lost balance; SungMin screwed his eyes shut, prepared for impact as DongHae tipped backwards violently. It never came; a wind held him up, keeping him from hitting the ground below him. SungMin looked up at Yesung, who smiled at him in return; the air moved pushing him and DongHae forward gently. DongHae regained his balance and beamed at his hyung.

“I wonder why that’s there….it looks like lava….” Yesung mused.

“I know why, that douchewaffle.” SungMin scoffed.

“I wouldn’t say he’s a douchewaffle Minnie-hyung, he did help us.” DongHae added.

“He dropped me on my ! He’s a TOTAL douchewaffle.”

“Who are we talking about?” Yesung asked.

“Kyuhyun.” SungMin and DongHae said simultaneously.

“Ahh…let’s pretend I don’t know who that is.”

“He’s a douchewaffle, that’s about all you need to know.” SungMin answered.

                Yesung nodded and gestured ahead, a smile on his face; the storm cloud dissipated and the sun above them intensified.

“Shall we walk?” Yesung asked.

                DongHae walked forward, and SungMin eyed the man weirdly as they passed; he leaned down to DongHae’s ear.

“This guy’s a bit creepy.” SungMin whispered.

“He’s odd, but helpful.” DongHae replied.

                DongHae walked two more steps before stopping dead in the middle of the path.

“What is it Hae?” SungMin asked.

“Is that…WATER!” And with that DongHae took off in a full sprint, SungMin clinging to him desperately as he ran.

                The man tore through the foliage; SungMin had a vice grip on DongHae as he tried not to fall. The sound of hushed voices and running water grew louder, and DongHae flew out of the brush; he wound up in a clearing, three very familiar faces staring back at him oddly. Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow and KiBum and EunHyuk exchanged confused glances.

“Whadadya know? Its bunny and the idiot.”  Kyuhyun said.

 “Yah! I’m not an idiot!” DongHae rebuked.

“What did I tell you? Asshat, complete and total asshat.” SungMin whispered in DongHae’s ear.

“You look like an idiot, talk like an idiot and act like an idiot. Hate to burst your bubble but you ARE an idiot.” Kyuhyun snarked.

                DongHae’s eye twitched.

“DOUCHEWAFFLE!” SungMin and DongHae deadpanned in unison.

                EunHyuk and KiBum laughed and Kyuhyun made a sour face; Yesung came bursting through the brush, an unconscious Henry snoring on his back.

“See! I told you! You’re a douchewaffle!” EunHyuk cackled.

                Kyuhyun turned towards EunHyuk and the pair began arguing once more; KiBum sighed heavily, muttered under his breath before flopping down on the ground in defeat. SungMin began to fret over Henry; the martial artist began squirming in DongHae’s arms, trying to convince the younger to put him down and go tend to Henry. DongHae argued with his hyung, explaining to him that was not the best course of action. Yesung merely sighed and watched the pair argue; he adjusted Henry on his back and just watched with amused eyes. The group argued, completely oblivious to the approaching darkness; shadows crept towards them, followed by slithering black vines.


And so the groups have met, and Kyuhyun is a douchewaffle. A y as douchewaffle, but a douchewaffle nonetheless. Short chappie I know, I apologize....but....yeah....I got nothing....sorry. It's now time for SHAMELESS ADVERTISING! Haha...yeah....like I said last chapter I'd love it if you checked out Aegi-unnie and I's story. <3 That concludes Shameless advertising....I sorry......Ummmm. Love your faces, drop me a comment and lemme know what you think's gonna happen. Hehehehe, lets see if you guess correctly. Love you guys, thank you so much for the support! <3


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Soo.. sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I lost my notebook I had written the plan out in.. BUT I'M BACK AND WRITING THE NEW CHAPPIE. It'll be out by 20th


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Kimgaram123 #1
Chapter 51: Please update, 2023 is just to be end and i'm still waiting, i really wonder what happened to Siwon
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
Chapter 51: I am seriously loving this story so damn much ohmygod your waiting is flawless! Are you planning to continue this story? (Please say Yes!!) Cause it's got me hooked and gahhh the suspense!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 51: I love it please update I want to know what happened to sungmin
MeinAltire2 #4
Chapter 50: what happen next??? looking forward
Chapter 51: This story is so amazing. Like I kept putting off reading it but now that I have, I'm mindblown.

I seriously spent all night reading this. I wonder....do you have any plans to update this story at all?
Kpopcrazy92 #6
Chapter 51: This makes me angry...
The fact that I have to wait for an new chapter of this freaking amazing story. Why? Just why??
But this story is amazing. Plain amazing.
257471 #7
Chapter 51: woahhh this is good, thanks please continue :)
Chapter 51: I just got an account for AFF very recently and this story makes me log on pretty much everyday in hope of seeing an update! You're an amazIng writer! :) I'm always on the edge of my seat while reading! (Even though I'm pretty much always laying down when I read...but that's beside the point! XD) Keep up the good work!! Hwaiting! ^ ^
cynicallynnlove #10
Chapter 51: soo, in a weird way, it's kinda funny that people are dropping like flies, but still... D: and asjkldgh! snap out of it kyu! go protect ming ;^; omg teukie where are youuu~? thanks for the update ^^ I know reality can get pretty hectic and I really appreciate your effort to update c: