Falling Further into the Darkness

A Game of Chaos


“DongHae!” Yesung yelled as he dropped to his knees next to the injured male.

                The laughter increased in volume as it echoed out around them, it sounded closer; SungMin stood up prepared to defend Henry, his left hand clutching at his gash. The sound of clapping was heard, and the laughter settled down to an amused chuckle; Loki appeared in the middle of the battle field, a large smile plastered on his face. The man clapped slowly, laughing to himself as he did; the three men stared at him, their gazes focused on his every move.

“Well done. Well done! I didn’t think you had it in you, but now you’re getting it!” Loki laughed happily.

                The man snapped his fingers and EunHyuk and KiBum’s bodies dissolved, leaving no trace of their existence; Yesung, SungMin and DongHae gaped. Loki simply chuckled at their stupor.

“What? You thought they were real?” Loki laughed.

The copies appeared by his side; the pair still sported their injuries, the mortal wounds still dripping with blood. Yesung looked up at them; seeing them up close and not in the heat of battle made Yesung notice something, their eyes were dead, almost soulless. Loki turned towards Yesung and DongHae.

“Surprise! Haha, and here I thought you were supposed to be smart, oh well looks like I was wrong. At least you managed to fight….congratulations idiots, you aren’t complete .” Loki mocked.

                Yesung stood up and glared at the man.

“Ohh, turtle man is angry. Daww poor baby, oh get over it. You have power, people would KILL to be in your position.” Loki taunted.

“You bastard! Shut the up! We aren’t your damn toys!” SungMin yelled.

                Hearing the outburst Loki froze; he shook his head lightly and slowly turned towards the martial artist.

“Bunny, bunny, bunny; when ARE you going to learn?” Loki tsked.

                The black clad man glared at the injured SungMin and the martial artist fell to his knees; blood dripped out of his fear stricken eyes, he coughed and blood splattered on the ground. SungMin screamed his voice chilling; the man fell to the ground, his body spasmed uncontrollably. His mouth foamed pink, blood and spit bubbles pouring out of his mouth; Loki laughed as he watched the martial artist’s misery, enjoying the sight of his own handiwork. SungMin spluttered and coughed, it felt like his lungs were being ripped to shreds from the inside; this feeling was followed immediately by a series of electric shocks running through his body. His nerve endings fried and the pain became unbearable.

“SUNGMIN-HYUNG! What are you doing to him?!” DongHae yelled.

“Teaching him a lesson.” Loki replied nonchalantly, his voice stone cold.

                SungMin stopped thrashing suddenly, all of a sudden going still; DongHae felt tears pricking at his eyes. Loki rolled his eyes at the sentimental sight, seeing the emotional DongHae made him want to puke.

“He’s not dead you damn cry baby; I wouldn’t kill him like that, too boring.” Loki sighed.

                DongHae snapped his head up to look at the powerful man.

“Anyway, I expect a lot from you two from now on, if I ing see ANYTHING that looks like you are going to quit I WILL hunt you down and make your deaths as painful as possible.” Loki growled.

                The end of the threat was punctuated with harsh glares, chilling DongHae and Yesung to the bone; an ominous wind rolled through the battlefield.

“Hmm…I will leave you to attend to your pathetic little rabbit now, that Kyuhyun kid is burning the hell out of a back of hell hounds.” Loki said with a cruel smile.

                As he spoke he began to fade away, similarly to as he had done earlier; the clones followed suit, dissolving into thin air as their master left. DongHae groaned in pain, his breathing became stressed due to the pain blossoming in his back; Yesung knelt back down next to DongHae, and touched a gentle hand to the younger’s shoulder. DongHae inhaled sharply, gritting his teeth as Yesung wrapped his hands around the shaft of the scythe in preparation of pulling it out.

“I need to pull this thing out.” Yesung said softly.

“Just do it.” DongHae replied through his teeth.

                Yesung nodded and waited for DongHae to relax a bit more; the younger took a deep breath and Yesung ripped the scythe out of his back. DongHae screamed in pain as the blade sliced through more tissue as it was ripped from his body, rivulets of blood oozed from the jagged cut; the man lurched forward, panting heavily as he fought to not pass out. Yesung touched his shoulder gently, offering some comfort; DongHae swallowed roughly and sat up, regaining his senses and Yesung threw the bloody scythe away from them. The eldest stood up and offered DongHae a hand; shakily DongHae grit his teeth and took the hand. The wound on his back had already begun to stitch back up, but it was deep enough that the man knew it would take a while to heal; Yesung helped him to his feet. Once he was on his feet DongHae staggered over to SungMin and Henry, he took shaky steps but his determination to keep going was overriding the pain. He dropped to his knees once he reached them, and checked the martial artist’s pulse; to his surprise Loki had told the truth, SungMin was indeed alive. Yesung bent down and checked Henry’s pulse; the youngest male was alive as well, but his pulse was rather faint.

“We should get moving, in an open area like this we’re vulnerable.” DongHae said as he stood up.

“How are we gonna move them?” Yesung asked.

“We carry them.” DongHae replied simply.         

                Despite the pain in his back DongHae lifted SungMin and hoisted him up onto his back; the younger hissed in pain as SungMin’s full weight came in contact with the gash. Yesung sighed and lifted Henry, the youngest was heavier than the eldest had expected and was prepared for; his knees buckled slightly as he adjusted Henry onto his back; once Yesung was positive that Henry was secure he began to follow DongHae. The pair walked in silence, trudging onward in the rocky terrain.

                In the viewing room HeeChul had a death grip on HanGeng’s arm; the effeminate man’s knuckles were white as he watched the screen intensely. When Loki disappeared the room let out a collective sigh of relief; HeeChul let go of HanGeng and ran a hand through his hair nervously. KangIn took a gulp of his beer and SiWon pinched the bridge of his nose; HanGeng muttered in Chinese. Slowly the four sets of eyes trained on the sandy-haired man in the back of the room; Leeteuk’s face had gone deathly pale. HeeChul stood to walk over to his friend, but the man shot up and fled the room before HeeChul could get near. Leeteuk ran blindly through the halls; winding up in the hallway of despair, as HeeChul had called it. Tears pricked at his eyes and that damn laugh reverberated through his ears, replaying over and over again in his brain.

                Leeteuk clamped his hands over his ears in a vain attempt to block out he screams and the laugh, Loki’s laugh. He leaned against the wall, suddenly feeling lightheaded; images flashed in front of his eyes, blood and darkness. Scenes of death played out in front of him and the man squeezed his eyes closed in a vain effort to shut it out; Leeteuk slid down the wall behind him as the visions persisted, winding up in a fetal position on the floor, head in his knees. Tears slid out of his closed eyes as he watched death, after death, after death; that laugh echoing through his head with every kill, with every drop of innocent blood being shed. Leeteuk shook his head softly, tears sliding down his cheeks; the visions stopped suddenly, giving way to an endless darkness and silence. Leeteuk opened his eyes, expecting to be met with the vandalized walls he had grown used to but instead was met with more darkness. He stood up, and looked around; he could see clearly, and yet was surrounded completely by darkness. The emptiness of the void made him nervous, almost paranoid; Leeteuk glanced around nervously, and then, the laugh returned.

“Hello…Teukkie.” Loki’s voice said, echoing around in the darkness, taunting him.

                Leeteuk blinked and took a step back.

“No…” He whispered.

                Loki appeared in front of him in all his glory, a large smile plastered on his face.

“What? Do I not get a hug Teukkie?” Loki asked mockingly.

                Loki’s smile grew at the sight of the fear on Leeteuk’s face; blood dripped down onto the sandy-haired man’s forehead from up above. Leeteuk brought a hand to his forehead and touched the stick substances and looked up, he screamed at the sight before him and fell on his . HeeChul’s body was strung up above him, mouth open in a silent scream; blood dripped down from the gaping hole in his chest.  The man’s rib cage had been torn open, bone broken and splintered extending outwards at unnatural angles.

“Teuk…ie….” HeeChul whispered.

                Leeteuk watched in terror as the light left HeeChul’s feline eyes, and Loki laughed, drawing the attention of the terrified man away from his dying friend. Loki held his right hand out; HeeChul’s bloody, still beating heart lay in his hand.

“Listen to his heartbeat Teukkie, it’s beating for you.” The demented man cackled.

                Leeteuk screamed, panic and emotions overtaking him; his vision went black and he felt himself hit the floor. The feeling of a gentle hand brushing his bangs away from his face woke him; he blinked and looked up, HeeChul was gazing down at him in concern. Tears streamed from the slightly older male’s eyes at the sight of his friend, HeeChul smiled back at the man weakly; Leeteuk blinked and retreated in shock, in his eyes that smile was not HeeChul’s but that of a demon, a demon that haunted him. The image of his friend strung up, heart beating in Loki’s palm flashed in front of his eyes; the urge to vomit arose quickly. Leeteuk turned away from HeeChul and puked violently, the younger man rubbed soothing circles into his friend’s back as he vomited.

“Shh Teukkie, its okay.” HeeChul cooed in an attempt to comfort the man.

                Leeteuk stopped vomiting, but the dry heaving persisted combining with his sobs to wrack his frame; HeeChul pulled the troubled elder man into his arms. The feminine male whispered soothing words into the hysterical man’s ear, attempting to calm his friend; HeeChul began rocking the man back and forth in his arms. Leeteuk sobbed uncontrollably, whispering things to himself as HeeChul attempted to calm him.

“It’s all my fault Chullie….all my fault.” Leeteuk whispered just loud enough for HeeChul to hear.


Another short chapter....sorry this is product of my insomnia hence why it's up so early....I haven't slept in 3 ing days and I think my brain may shut down so you might not get another update till the weekend or something. Yeah, so we got to see some of what's going on in the vieiwng room. And congrats to  Kahlem and chuwichuwichibi for guessing correctly! Hehehee.... Ummm.....sooo....yeah....oh! So whaddaya think bout the Teukkie/Loki situation? Any theories so far or am I just minding you like crazy? Hehehehe drop me a comment if you've got an idea or feel like raging at me for "killing" Bummie and Hyukkie....umm yeah. Love your faces, (even yours my trecherous dongsaeng, aish...conspiring against me with Dobu....kids these days) and thank you for subscribing!

~Key <3

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Soo.. sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I lost my notebook I had written the plan out in.. BUT I'M BACK AND WRITING THE NEW CHAPPIE. It'll be out by 20th


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Kimgaram123 #1
Chapter 51: Please update, 2023 is just to be end and i'm still waiting, i really wonder what happened to Siwon
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
Chapter 51: I am seriously loving this story so damn much ohmygod your waiting is flawless! Are you planning to continue this story? (Please say Yes!!) Cause it's got me hooked and gahhh the suspense!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 51: I love it please update I want to know what happened to sungmin
MeinAltire2 #4
Chapter 50: what happen next??? looking forward
Chapter 51: This story is so amazing. Like I kept putting off reading it but now that I have, I'm mindblown.

I seriously spent all night reading this. I wonder....do you have any plans to update this story at all?
Kpopcrazy92 #6
Chapter 51: This makes me angry...
The fact that I have to wait for an new chapter of this freaking amazing story. Why? Just why??
But this story is amazing. Plain amazing.
257471 #7
Chapter 51: woahhh this is good, thanks please continue :)
Chapter 51: I just got an account for AFF very recently and this story makes me log on pretty much everyday in hope of seeing an update! You're an amazIng writer! :) I'm always on the edge of my seat while reading! (Even though I'm pretty much always laying down when I read...but that's beside the point! XD) Keep up the good work!! Hwaiting! ^ ^
cynicallynnlove #10
Chapter 51: soo, in a weird way, it's kinda funny that people are dropping like flies, but still... D: and asjkldgh! snap out of it kyu! go protect ming ;^; omg teukie where are youuu~? thanks for the update ^^ I know reality can get pretty hectic and I really appreciate your effort to update c: