~thank you~

Why I Hate Nice Boys

I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who read this.

To be honest, it's not the first thing I've written. But, I hadn't written in years. Years. And I missed it. So I decided on a whim one night to write again. 

I planned to, how do you say it-- stretch-- my writing muscles?

It had been so long, I wanted to try everything. Fluff, romance, angst, suspense. Crack my writing knuckles, so to speak.

I planned on torturing my characters, I didn't think real live people would read it too.

But your comments were so encouraging, I couldn't help but continue.

There was no real plot to this story. I just wanted to weave a story around their songs. The main drive being me finishing before the comeback (which I failed to do). 

So I have an idea for a real story, with actual plot and character development  and setting (and seventeen). 

Like I said I'm getting a summer job, so I won't be able to update as frequently. I'm hoping twice a week, but maybe only once. We'll see. 

Thanks for sticking with me, and I'm sorry if it caused you any pain. :)

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Chapter 39: I'm sorry for spamming your comments section but I loved this story so much it was so fun to read and I experienced every emotion along the way thank you for writing this
Chapter 37: Hoshi is the shawol I wish I could be
Chapter 21: Kimmy- WHAT?! I CANT WITH THIS FIC OMG
Chapter 20: They're cute how could you even think about breaking them up??????
Chapter 14: This was such an extremely cute chapter. I love the 'excuse and real reason' part. It suddenly felt like one of those romance movies you watch with ice cream and other sugary snacks. SHE CAN'T GO NOOOOOWWW
Gosh I feel like rereading this already
Finished this in one seating and it was totally worth it! Thank you for creating such a nice piece of story and Vernon!!!! Is it also wrong that after the whole adventure, I wanted her to end up with Sam instead of anyone else? :X
Chapter 39: Thank you so much for writing this! It was a very good story! I also liked how you incorporated the songs and some angst in there. I will definitely be here to read anything else you decide to write!