It was only a dream


Your POV:

I was off to dreamland in a few minutes after everyone has fallen asleep.

In my dream I was walking through a path of rose petals and I was dress so nice. I could never picture myself in a dress and some fancy shoes. The path of rose petals lead to this nicely set up dinner under a tent. Everthing look like it took hours to organize. I get to the tent and the guy that I like pulls out a chair for me. The only thing is that I can't see his face, its just a dream. But a wonderful dream!

He must be the man of my dreams. I picture theman of my dream to just be simple. If i were to say who maybe Yang Yoseob or Yoon Dujun. They are almost close to my dream guy. Not Kikwang he's nothing close to what I like in a guy.

We talk and have a wonderful time. Then he takes my hand and brings me over to the shoreline. "_____~ah Will you be officially mine?" Of course I'm going to say yes its just a dream. He hugged me tightly then my dream was about to get better when I felt someone trying to wake me up.

"_____~ah! Wake up!" I knew that voice it was Kikwang's ^Just 5 more minutes. Please?^ "Fine, but you better wake up after 5 minutes." He said then he left.

(5 minutes later)

Kikwang's POV:

"Yah! _____~ah! I thought you said you were going to wake up!"  She didn't move she just slept there peacefully. I looked at her sleeping she looked so cute I have never seen her sleeping. I brushed the hair out of her face. I knew exactly what would wake her up."Yah, _____~ah if you dont wake up your going to regret it." I said firmly. She still didnt budge.

I leaned my face in to hers and kiss her lips.They were so soft I kept kissing her until she woke up. Then she opened her eyes and we were looking at each other straight in the eye. ^Y-yah!!!! Why do you kiss me?!^ She yelled I he chuckled a little "You wouldn't wake up." Then I started to tickle her and she was laughing like crazy. She kept squirming around, I found it funny

I never knew how cute her laugh was, I kept tickling her. "Y-yyahhh! K-kkikwanggg s-ssttoooppp p-pplleeaassee! It t-ttiickklles.^ She said while laughing I coulnd't help myself but keep tickling her. "Okay I'll stop tickling you if you only call me Oppa" ^W-wwhaatt? N-nnoo way!^ "Okay then your just gonna have to stuffer."

I kept tickling her hoping she would give in, she did. ^O-okkaayy! O-oopppaa! P-ppleasse s-stop t-ttickling m-me^ She tired so hard to say because me me stilll tickling her. "Okay! I winn!" I got up and walked away to the kitchen. I could hear _____~ah coming after me so I turned aroung and our faces weren't that far apart. ^I'mm gonna get you back for that!^ She looked really mad. "Whatever you still have to call me Oppa and if you dont. You already know that answer.




Sorry! Guys I havent updated I didnt know what to put in this chapter. B U T ! Here it is! Kinda of short I know!

I'll probably update later today.

Always enjoy, comment, and subscribe!


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BatrisyiaKhaizuran #1
Chapter 37: Wait.. This is the end?!? But i dont want it to end...
Chapter 10: wah so good!
Chapter 37: OMO!
Is that the end?
I don't want it to be the end!
I was laughing so hard when Yoseb got eaten of \0/ Yoseob You are now officially now a mango >.< Kwangie is so sweet I this fanfiction I love him he is my bias for a reason >.<
awwwwwe I enjoyed reading this ! hehe
Sweet_Heart #6
Aww he is soo cute and stupid at the same time!
update soon~
PHeeSoo #7
Why would he try to her?!
update update update!!!!
Sammii #9
whos that girl ? dun let anything happen to ____~ah
odinaryperson #10
Luckily Doojoon and the other oppas helped her.. :)
What's with Kikwang? Why did he kiss another girl?! Jinja.
Pls update soon..