

Your POV:

For the past few weeks me and Kikwang Oppa have been hanging out. Also I have been seeing this guy, he nothing close to my dream guy. I like him a lot though he has the cutest smile I have ever seen. Well at least to me its so bright! His name is Jung II Woo, everytime I see him he makes me smile. I recently told Kikwang Oppa about him. He seem happy and shocked but he said he was happy for me. ^Yah! Oppa how come you don't have a girlfriend?^

"Well I'm waiting for the right one." ^Aww your so sweet Oppa^ I Then all of a sudden my phone started to ring. I looked at the screen it was him! I quickly answered. ^Hi! Oppa!^ I said cheerfully "Hey! _____~ah can you hangout today?" ^Well I'm hanging out with Kikwang Oppa I don't know.^ I looked at Kikwang Oppa he gave me a look and nodded. ^I can go Oppa where do you want to meet?^ "Well you should put something nice." ^Huh? Why where are we going to go?^ "Its a surprise! So get ready I'll pick you soon" ^Arraso.^

Then we hung up, I looked at Kikwang Oppa and gave him a sorry look. "Oh! Why are you sad? Shouldn't you be happy you going on a date with him?" ^But we were hanging out and I didn't want to leave you.^ I said sadly "_____~ah It's okay now go get changed into somethimg nice." I went upstairs into my room and scanned my closet for some thing nice and simple.

I decided to wear this:



With these shoes. I walked stairts and Kikwang was too busy watching tv. ^Yah Oppa! How do I look?^ He turned around and I spun around. ^how do I look?^ "G-great!" He smiled. ^Thanks!^ The door bell rang I knew it was him. I was so excited I quickly opened the door and there he was.


"Wow! _____~ah. You look beautiful" He said shyly. ^Thanks Oppa, come in for a bit. I want you to meet someone.^ "Your bestfriend?" he asked ^Yeah. Kikwang oppa come here.^ I was standinng next to to Kikwang Oppa and Jung II Woo was standing in front of him. "Hello, I'm Jung II Woo" he said "Hi I'm Lee Kikwang, her best friend." Kikwang Oppa said "I know she talk about you a lot." I chuckled "Well you guys should get going" Kikwang Oppa said "Yeah we should. It was nice to finally meet you." II Woo said "You too. Bye!" Kikwang Oppa said ^See you later Oppa^

(In the car)

^Where are we going?^ I asked for like the second time. "I told you on the phone, its a surprise" I started to pout "Aigu! _____~ah is so cute." He kissed my cheek and I blushed bright red. I was lost in my thoughts when II Woo my name. "_____~ah" ^Huh? Yeah?^ "Since where ever I'm bringing you is a surprise I'm gonna put a blind fold on you. Arraso? ^N-nneehhh^

He put the blindfold on. "_____~ah" ^Yes?^ "You should sleep its going to take awhile." ^Arraso^ I got more comfortable in my seat and adjusted it. Within a few mintues I fell asleep. An hour or so later the car finally stopped and the door opened. I heard a voice say "Give me your hand" It was II Woo. I let out me hand and he took it to help me out the car. "Where do you think we are?" ^I don't know I can't see.^ I really could see a thing under the blindfold. Then He finally took off the blindfold  I was so shocked at the sight that I saw.



I think they are so cute!

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BatrisyiaKhaizuran #1
Chapter 37: Wait.. This is the end?!? But i dont want it to end...
Chapter 10: wah so good!
Chapter 37: OMO!
Is that the end?
I don't want it to be the end!
I was laughing so hard when Yoseb got eaten of \0/ Yoseob You are now officially now a mango >.< Kwangie is so sweet I this fanfiction I love him he is my bias for a reason >.<
awwwwwe I enjoyed reading this ! hehe
Sweet_Heart #6
Aww he is soo cute and stupid at the same time!
update soon~
PHeeSoo #7
Why would he try to her?!
update update update!!!!
Sammii #9
whos that girl ? dun let anything happen to ____~ah
odinaryperson #10
Luckily Doojoon and the other oppas helped her.. :)
What's with Kikwang? Why did he kiss another girl?! Jinja.
Pls update soon..