Lee Kikwang!

Your POV: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I woke up with Kikwang next to me. He looks so handsome when he sleeps. This is the first time ever he's taken care of me like this. I love Jim but all my trust for him. "Oppa I still love you but I just lost all my trust for you. Are you willing to get it back?" I whispered. "Baby are you really talking to me?" he asked sleepily. "Yeah you pabo!" I flicked his forehead. "What was hat for?" he rubbed his forehead. I was getting out of bed but he pulled me back in. "Yah!" I looked at him seriously. "Stay here with my baby." the was about to kiss me until Yoseob Oppa came in to the door calling my name. "Oh! Theres Kikwang. Did I interior something?" he giggled. "Yes!" he yelled. "No you didn't Oppa don't listen to him" I tried to get out of his out of his hold. "Okay well I'll leave you two alone." he locked the door from the inside. "Oppa! No!" I couldn't call him because Kikwang covered my mouth. "Baby are you trying to get away from me?" he smirked I didn't say anything. "I'll take that as a yes." he pinned me on the bed. "Look who's losing now?" he laughed. "I don't think so!" I flipped him over and pinned him. "Baby you know all those times I let you win? I was just going easy on you." he trying to get. "Really Oppa? This time don't so easy or I'll really win." he kept on moving and then we fell on the floor. With him on the floor and me on top of him. We looked into each others eyes and he kissed me. "I love you baby." he said like as if he hasn't said it. "I-I love you too Oppa" I was sorta of in a daze. "What do you want to do today baby?" he caressed my face. "I want to stay inside where it's warm so I won't get sick. I still feel a little sick." I laid my head on his chest I could hear his heart beat. It was like our hearts were beating at the same time. "Baby are you listening?" I was too busy in my own world to notice he was talking. "huh? Did you say something Oppa?" he pinched my cheek as hard as he could. "Appppaaaa!" I pouted. "Omo! It left a mark!"'he laughed "Yah! I'll leave something more worst then this mark on you!" I bit his shoulder. "Ahhh! You bit me!" he pushed me off. "That's what you get!" I my tongue out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kikwang's POV: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "That's what you get!" she stuck her tongue at me. I pinned her down again. "Yah! Oppa let go!" she tried to move. "Stop moving baby you'll only make it worse." I smirked. "Make what worse?" she asked madly. "You should know what I mean" I took off belt with one hand and held her hands with the other. "Yah Oppa what are you doing? Please let me go. Neh?" she looked scared. I tied my belt with her writs and put her on the bed. "Baby do you know how long I've been wanting to do this?" I took off her shorts. "Doojoon Oppa! Junhyung Oppa! Hyungseung Oppa! Help!!! Me!!!!" she yelled. "Shh baby it'll all be over soon." she was about to kick me but I held her legs. "Oppa stop it please your not like this. Let me go!" she cried. "Yah! Lee Kikwang open this door!" it was Doojoon Hyung. "If you don't open it we're gonna break it down." Yo seob Hyung said. "Yah I have the key you don't need to break down anything in this house." Doojoon Hyung unlocked the door. Then all of them saw what I was doing to ______~ah. "Yah! Lee Kikwang let her go!" Hyunseung Hyung yelled. Then they all tackled me down. "Come _______~ah." I heard DongWoon take her. "Oppa" she cried. I should have not done that I'm so stupid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DongWoon's POV: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We unlocked the door and you could see that ______~ah was being tied and in her underwear. While the guys got Kikwang Hyung I untied her and took her to Doojoon Hyung's room. "_______~ah gwhennchan?" she was crying it couldn't really do much. "How could he do this?" she cried on my shoulder. I hugged her "It's okay _______~ah it's over now." she cried more. Then all the Hyungs came into the room except Kikwang Hyung. "Yah _______~ah are you hurt?"Yo seob Hyung asked. We didn't care that she was still in her underwear we just wanted to make sure she was okay. "Oppas it's over right?" she asked. "Don't worry _______~ah we took care of him" Junhyung Hyung said. "He won't be able to touch you." Hyunseung Hyung said. "If he does in the future you know who to call okay?" Doojoon patted her back.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry I haven't updated in a long time I was trying to do my other story and I've been busy. Oh I sorta made Kikwang look like the bad guy but oh well we will see how that goes.  Comments! Please? 
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BatrisyiaKhaizuran #1
Chapter 37: Wait.. This is the end?!? But i dont want it to end...
Chapter 10: wah so good!
Chapter 37: OMO!
Is that the end?
I don't want it to be the end!
I was laughing so hard when Yoseb got eaten of \0/ Yoseob You are now officially now a mango >.< Kwangie is so sweet I this fanfiction I love him he is my bias for a reason >.<
awwwwwe I enjoyed reading this ! hehe
Sweet_Heart #6
Aww he is soo cute and stupid at the same time!
update soon~
PHeeSoo #7
Why would he try to her?!
update update update!!!!
Sammii #9
whos that girl ? dun let anything happen to ____~ah
odinaryperson #10
Luckily Doojoon and the other oppas helped her.. :)
What's with Kikwang? Why did he kiss another girl?! Jinja.
Pls update soon..