Why Can't You Just Be With Me?

Kikwang's POV: I was banging on _____~ah door until she finally opened it. ^What do you want?^ she asked madly "I need to yes the bathroom." then I walked drunkly into the bathroom. I opened the door of the bathroom took a few step then I just fel n the ground for some reason.. _____~ah comes running to my side. ^Oppa! Can you hear me? Are you okay? Oppa!^ even though I know she hates me she's really concerned. "_____~ah Where are you?" couldnt really see. ^I'm right here Oppa^ she tires try help me up but I'm too heavy for her. But we reached the couch I laid there with my head on her lap. "_____~ah!" I yelled ^Oppa why are you yelling Im right here.^ she chuckled I guess she's not mad anymore. "Why can't we be together? Why can't you love me?" I asked ^Oppa.^ "Do you know how much I love you? Do know how long I've been waiting? _____~ah I love you so much that I've held it in too long and I only tell you now. I've loved you since I pranked you freshmen year I just never said anything. Wanted us to be friends? I wanted to be more but it just happened like this. Now that I confessed to you will you be mine?" she didnt say anything I stood up and sat next to her just looking at how she's talking it all in. ^O-Oppa I-I^ I cut off her sentence and kissed her soft lips. I let go and look her in the eyes. I took her hands and kissed them then I her forehead and started for the door. ^Yah! Oppa! Where are you going it's like and your not sober enough. Just spend the night Neh?^ she grabbed my hand before I could leave. I laid on the couch and I was waiting for ______~ah to go in her room but she didn't. " Go sleep in you room I'll sleep here." ^Nope I'm gonna wait till you fall asleep Oppa.^ I feel asleep after but I woke up again _____~ah wasn't in her room she was rightnext to me. I was kind of shocked she was hugging me so tightly her head was on my chest it was like a dream. I hope she can finally love me _____~ah. Then I pulled her closer and went back to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There I updated! Thanks for the comments I wish there was more. I want to know what you guys are thinking! +10 or I won't update. Well maybe but I want those 10 or more comment! Ahhaso?! Please and Thank You it's called the magic words.
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BatrisyiaKhaizuran #1
Chapter 37: Wait.. This is the end?!? But i dont want it to end...
Chapter 10: wah so good!
Chapter 37: OMO!
Is that the end?
I don't want it to be the end!
I was laughing so hard when Yoseb got eaten of \0/ Yoseob You are now officially now a mango >.< Kwangie is so sweet I this fanfiction I love him he is my bias for a reason >.<
awwwwwe I enjoyed reading this ! hehe
Sweet_Heart #6
Aww he is soo cute and stupid at the same time!
update soon~
PHeeSoo #7
Why would he try to her?!
update update update!!!!
Sammii #9
whos that girl ? dun let anything happen to ____~ah
odinaryperson #10
Luckily Doojoon and the other oppas helped her.. :)
What's with Kikwang? Why did he kiss another girl?! Jinja.
Pls update soon..