Ice Rink Part 2


Your POV:


I was so happy Oppa brought me to the skating rink I have never been skating before. I also never learned how to skate. "Oppa" I said grabbing his hand. "What is it?" I looked down "I don't know how to skate." He chuckled "That's okay I'm here I'll teach you. I'll be you guide" He said coming close to my face I moved back. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. "Don't be scared baby I won't let you fall." He wink at me


"Alright I trust you." He looks at me "You say that like you never did trust me." He pouted "Aigoo I didnt at first!" I stuck my togue out at him. "Yah! That was the past.Don't bring that up it makes me feel really bad" I chuckled "Alright Oppa." I kissed his cheek. "Let's go get so skates!" He cheered "Okay!" He intertwined his fingers with mine and we went to the skates.


We put on the skates and went to the ice rink. As we were walking there I could hear girls whispering about Kikwang Oppa. Kikwang Opa was already on the ice I was waiting on the sideline. "Oppa!" I called him He skated turns me "Wae? Why aren't you going on the ice?" I smiled held on to his collar and pull him into a kiss.


"Why did you kiss me?" He asked "Because I want the girls here to see you are mine" I smiled "Okay baby come on forget about them. Nehh? We're here to have a good time." I slowly walked to the opening of the ice Kikwang Oppa was holding my hand the whole time. I finally got on the ice I was a about to fall but he totally caught me before I was.


"Thanks Oppa." I blushed "Be more careful baby." He looked at me full with concern. After 30 minutes or so I got the hang of skating of course with Kikwang Oppa's help. I was holding on to him the whole time. "Oppa I want to try skating myself." I let go of him "Alright be careful." I started skating around the rink without Kikwang Oppa.


Then out of some guy bumps into to me almost causing me to fall. I was waiting if I was going to land on my I didn't though. I opened my eyes and the guy was looking straight at me. He gave me a killer smile the ones that players give you. "Wow! Have we met before? I don't think so. I'm Kim Bum." He said holding me "Yah! Let go of my girlfriend!" Kikwang Oppa said madly "Oppa!" I looked at Kikwang "She's your girlfriend? I wish I would of met her first." He let me go


"Stay away from her! She's mine!" He said hiding me behind him. "Well if you get tired of him I'm here." He winked at me "Yah! She doesn't like you." Kikwang Oppa said about to punch him "Remember my name Kim Bum!" Then he finally left "Who does that guy think he is?' Kikwang Oppa said "Oppa you should just be glad I'm okay."


I grabbed his face with both of my hand and looked in to his mad eyes. "Aigoo my boyfriend is so jealous!" I rubbed my thumb against his cheek. "Pshh" Was all he said. I smiled and pecked his lips. "What kind of a kiss was that?" he asked "You'll get more later. Come on Oppa let's skate more." I interwined my fingers with his


We skated a little longer I never realized how tired and hungry I was after we finish. "Baby are you hungry?" He asked me "Yeah. Can we go get some food over there." I pointed to the hot dog stand not too far from us. "Yeah sure. You want a hot dog?" We walked to the hot dog stand and sat in a seat where that was no one there. "I'm good with whatever you want." I said "Okay stay here I'll get the food,"


"I'll be waiting." I was waiting for Kikwang Oppa then everything went black. Somebody's hands were covering my eyes. "Oppa stop playing around." I said

"Guess who it is first." the person said "Kikwang Oppa." I said The person let go and it wasn't Kikwang Oppa "Yah! How can you forget about me already?" Kim Bum said a little mad "Sorry but we just met." I said. He moved his faces closer to mine I looked away. "I'm going to steal you from your boyfriend." He said giving me a smrik


"Yah! I don't like you! Didn't you hear what my boyfriend told you? Get away from me!" I almost screamed "_____~ah I'm here with the food." Kikwang Oppa said placing the food on the table "Yah! What are you doing here? Get away from my girlfriend!" Kikwang Oppa said clenchimg his fist "Alright! _____~ah remember what I said." He said then he left.


"What did he say to you?" Kikwang said to me like he was about to burst. "H-he said that he's going to s-steal m-me from you." I said sort of scared of his reaction. "Baby don't worry I won't let that happen." He said hugging me "Oppa can we eat now I'm really hungry." I said listening my stomach talk to me "Yeah go ahead." 


I grabbed a french fry and put it in front of his mouth and he ate it. We sat together feeding each other.

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BatrisyiaKhaizuran #1
Chapter 37: Wait.. This is the end?!? But i dont want it to end...
Chapter 10: wah so good!
Chapter 37: OMO!
Is that the end?
I don't want it to be the end!
I was laughing so hard when Yoseb got eaten of \0/ Yoseob You are now officially now a mango >.< Kwangie is so sweet I this fanfiction I love him he is my bias for a reason >.<
awwwwwe I enjoyed reading this ! hehe
Sweet_Heart #6
Aww he is soo cute and stupid at the same time!
update soon~
PHeeSoo #7
Why would he try to her?!
update update update!!!!
Sammii #9
whos that girl ? dun let anything happen to ____~ah
odinaryperson #10
Luckily Doojoon and the other oppas helped her.. :)
What's with Kikwang? Why did he kiss another girl?! Jinja.
Pls update soon..