Lee Saerin, the new maid


Saerin’s POV:


Lunch soon ended and Youngmin never joined us. I wondered what he was so upset about. Kwangmin and I walked back to class to find him in his seat, looking at the window with his chin in his palm. “Youngmin-ah..” I called softly. He turned to me with an unreadable expression. 


“Hmmm?” he said and blinked slowly. 


“Are you alright?” I leaned a little closer to his face. He backed up and blushed. 


Clearing his throat, he mumbled, “Fine.” 


“Alright class! Let’s begin!” Mr. Kim said and clapped his hands. Everyone got their notes out again and our next lecture started. It went like that for the rest of the day. More notes and small breaks. The bell finally rang, signaling it was the end of school. I sighed out and slumped in my chair. For the first day of school, it was really hard. 


“Tired?” Kwangmin asked me. 


“Yes!” I said exasperatedly. Kwangmin chuckled at my response and pat my head. 


“Do you want to do something after school? To relieve some of this stress?” he offered. I nodded and smiled. “Youngmin-ah, want to join?” Youngmin stared at the each of us, then shook his head. 


“You guys go enjoy yourselves. I don’t want to be a third wheel.” he said the last part quietly. 


“You sure?” I asked. 


He paused, “I’m sure.” 


“Okay. Suit yourself. We’re going to go. Come on, Saerin.” Kwangmin stood up. I quickly packed my stuff and stood up with him. 


“See you at home.” I smiled at Youngmin. Hopefully he’d feel better soon. 


“See ya.” he said. 


Youngmin’s POV:


I watched them walk hand in hand out of the classroom, laughing. Again, I wished so bad I was in Kwangmin’s position. I wished I was the one holding Saerin’s hand, the one to smile and laugh with her, the one to comfort her. My heart ached so much just seeing it. When she asked if I wanted to go, the look in her eyes... If I didn’t look away, I was sure to have gotten lost in them. I needed a distraction. 


Lazily, I left the classroom and entered the halls. Many students were still hanging out in the halls as they waited for their parents to come. “Youngmin!” my friend, Minwoo came out of nowhere and slung his arm over my shoulder. “Why the long face, buddy?” he smiled. I didn’t say anything and just stared ahead. “Do you need a hug?” Minwoo joked and held his arms out wide. I poked his forehead backwards and continued to walk. “Grumpy... Come on. Let’s go do something fun! Something to get your mind off of whatever you’re thinking about.” I turned to him, interested in how he would get me to feel better. “How about... a bar?” 


“Who goes to the bar right after school? No one’s there.” I grumbled and continued to walk, giving up on Minwoo. 


“No come on! There will be people. Not a lot, but there will be people. Girls?” Minwoo elbowed me. I thought about it, and seeing as how the only girl I wanted wasn’t going to be there, the thought made me not want to go at all. What’s the point of dancing around with other y girl if the best one is with someone else. Of course I should save the best for myself, right? 


“No. I don’t want to go.” I stated. 


“Oh come on! You’re coming with me whether you like it or not!” Minwoo grabbed my arm and lead me away. He pushed me into a taxi and told the driver to go to the nearest club. 


“Aren’t you guys too young for clubs?” the driver asked. 


“Nope! Our birthdays are soon, so whatever.” Minwoo said and smiled innocently. The driver shook his head and mumbled something about stupid kids and kept on driving. I stared out the window and watched the buildings pass by me. Suddenly, I saw Kwangmin and Saerin. It was as if time slowed and I watched them. They were walking down the street, laughing about who-knows-what. The way she looked up at my brother, with so much kindness and joy, it broke my heart. I didn’t even know both my hands were glued to the glass window, until the scene went behind me. “Yah. Jo Youngmin. Waegeulae?” Minwoo asked and turned me to face him. 


“Huh. Oh nothing.” I said. 


“What were you looking at so intently? Your face was almost glued to the window with your hands.” Minwoo questioned. 


“Nothing.” I mumbled and looked at my lap. The taxi came to a stop and Minwoo paid for the ride. 


“Gamsahabnida, ahjussi!” Minwoo bowed slightly and pushed me out of the taxi. In front of a us was an almost empty club. The music could be heard on the street, but there was no line. Yet. Minwoo pushed me inside and I’m guessing he knew someone because they let him right in. 


“How..?” I asked. 


“I know the boss. We’re like this!” he crossed his index and middle finger together. I could help but laugh a little through my nose as a small smile appeared on my face. Minwoo’s cute child-like actions could make anybody laugh. 


We entered the main part of the club and there was minimal people actually on the dance floor. The other customers were spread out across the bar, each drinking something that was illegal to me. “Come on, Youngmin! Let’s dance! Some girl will come to you. Trust me.” Minwoo smirked and pushed me onto the dance floor. I stood their awkwardly and looked around. Minwoo had disappeared. When I found him, he was already dancing with some other girls. I shook my head and went to go sit at the bar. Before I could step off the wooden dance floor, a girl tugged at my jacket. Turning around, I looked at her. 


“Dance with me.” she said. I didn’t have much of a choice because she kept pulling me towards her. I didn’t even get to say no. She turned around and started to press her back against my chest. Slowly and teasingly, she was slide up and down and try to stay as close to me as possible. I began to get annoyed. The only girl on my mind right now was, Saerin. If she was doing this to me, I’d be having a great time, but no. Some random stranger is trying to grind me. Scoffing, I walked away from her, leaving her alone on the dance floor. I could imagine a pout and some anger forming on her face, but I didn’t care. Walking to the bar, I told them to give me something light. Most people would ask for something strong, but I didn’t want to get found out by mom or dad. 


The bartender gave me some colorful drink and slid it to me. I put out a bill which I thought would cover it and began to drink. It was bitter like lemon, maybe worse. My face scrunched up with distaste, but I kept drinking. It made me somewhat forget my frustrations. “Hey. You.” I heard someone say. I looked to my right. Nobody. I looked to my left and there was a girl. She had the same uniform as me. “Aren’t you a little young to be here?” she said and looked me up and down. 


“Hey. You’re wearing the same uniform as me, so you shouldn’t be talking.” I glared. 


“Yeah. But I don’t think you flunked the senior grade twice.” she smirked and crossed her arms. Is that something to be proud of? 


“I see... Well.. Whatever. I know a guy, so I’m allowed in here.” I lamely argued. 


“Huh.” she said and sat closer to me. “So what’s up? You don’t look like you’re ready to go clubbing.” 


“Because I’m not.” I admitted, “My friend dragged me here. It was his attempt of making me feel better.” 


“Awww, is the little senior having issues.” she mocked. I glared at her and she laughed. “Okay no seriously. I won’t tease anymore. Why are you sad?” 


“Why should I tell you? I don’t even know you!” my voice raised a little. 


“Whoa, calm down. I’m Seowoon. Senior who flunked twice, and you?” she held her hand out. 


“I’m Youngmin. Senior who has not flunked... Yet.” I laughed at my light joke and shook her hand. 


“Nice to meet you, Youngmin. See? Now we’re not strangers, so go ahead and tell me.” Seowoon nodded her head. I smiled slightly at her carefree spirit. She seemed cool about everything. 


“To put it simply... My brother and I like the same girl, except I blew it with her and before I could change anything, she went to my brother. Or more like he won her heart and helped her. I really wish I could redo what happened, so that she would be mine.” I told Seowoon. She nodded her head. 


“Well what’s keeping you back? Besides the fact that she’s with your brother.” she asked. 


“I had past... Girl issues, you could say. It didn’t go well with my first love, so I was afraid of getting close to girls ever since.” I admitted. Seowoon chuckled. “Are you laughing at me?” my eyebrows furrowed. 


“No no! I’m not! It’s just funny because the same thing happened to me. I don’t trust guys anymore. After chasing after one and getting my heart broken, I’m scared.” Seowoon’s voice got quiet. 


“I totally understand you.” I said and pat her back. 


“Thanks.” We were having a good friend moment until Minwoo came and ruined it. 


“See?! I told you you’d meet a girl!” Minwoo happily said, “Hey! I’m Minwoo! Youngmin’s best friend!!!” 


“Nice to meet you... Minwoo.” Seowoon gave me a weirded out look. I shrugged and she laughed. 


“Okay... I’m going to go dance some more. Want to come, Youngmin?” he asked. I shook my head. 


“I’m good. I think I’m going to go home now.” I said. 


“Fine. See you tomorrow.” Minwoo made a cute face, then left to go dance. 


“Are you really leaving?” Seowoon asked me. 


“Ummm.. Yeah. Why?” I turned to her. 


“Nothing. I’ll see you at school then?” she said. 


“Yeah. See ya.” I said and walked out of the club. I called for another taxi and stepped in. After telling the driver my address, I sunk in my seat and sighed. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the more pain I’d have to deal with when I got home. 

Hello~ Update again :] Do you guys like these daily updates. They're difficult to do, but it's fun. It's how I've been ending my day these past few days. Like seriously. It's 12:03 right now and I'm about to go to bed xD Please comment and tell me that you're there >~< Silent readers scare me xDD Hope you have a good nights sleep if you're up lol. 
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CeeJay #1
Chapter 30: almost got teary eyes because of kwangmin's broke up with the girl...
Yendi_Heart #2
Chapter 30: Youngmin and her ended up together! Nice ending! I hope she can find her siblings.
Yendi_Heart #3
Chapter 29: Poor Kwangmin, but is good that Saerin finally realized about her real feelings for Youngmin
UWAHH~ Kekekeke...I LOVE it please update soon! Kekekeke
Yendi_Heart #5
Youngmin don't be stupid and confess to Saerin. You know you love her and she loves you back! C'mon guys! Stop the drama thingy and accept your feelings for each other! he he I love your story. Please update soon ;)
Omg please end up with Youngminniee :< :)
aquadragon309 #7
wahhhhh this is so good! keep it up!
Ww.. I wish you won't delete this.. I like it ^u^
I'll wait for your update ~ xD
Please don't delete it! I love this story a lot,I won't mind waiting for you to update,just don't delete it please T T