Lee Saerin, the new maid


Kwangmin’s POV:


I noticed Youngmin and Saerin come back in and saw that Youngmin wasn’t as angry anymore. If it was Saerin, I think she could make anyone feel better. I walked over to her and put my head in between both their shoulders. “Hey guys.” I smiled at them very derp-like. They jumped at my presence but smiled right back. 


“Annyeong.” Saerin smiled at me. 


“Hey Youngmin, you feeling better?” I asked. Youngmin looked at Saerin and then nodded. I didn’t think much of it and just smiled. “That’s good. How about we play a game ourselves now?” They nodded at my suggestion and we headed over to the pool table. 


“I’ve never played pool.” Saerin said, holding the stick with both her hands. 


“Really? Well, it’s a really fun game. I’ll teach you.” I said. 


Saerin’s POV:


Kwangmin got me one of the stick things and taught me how to hold it. Afterwards, he went behind me and put his long arms around me. He positioned his arms on the stick and helped me hit the white ball so that all the colored ones would scatter. “Ooh! That was fun!” I smiled. 


“You kind of get it now?” Kwangmin asked. I nodded and thanked him. Kwangmin explained to me that I had to try and get the colored balls into the different holes using the white ball. I nodded in understanding and soon we actually started the game. 


Youngmin calmly and coolly hit two into two different holes. He smirked to himself from his accomplishment and I clapped quietly to myself. Kwangmin then easily did the same shot. I clapped again. Now it was my turn. I positioned my stick at an angle where I could possibly get one ball in. I hit the white ball and it hit the red one. It rolled and rolled and went into the corner hole. 


“YAY I DID IT!” I squealed from happiness. 


“Good job!” Youngmin and Kwangmin said at the same time. I giggled and we continued to play. When we finished, we were all smiling and laughing. 


It was beginning to get really late and slowly, one by one, the maids went back to their rooms to rest. I was the last one and helped clean up our cups and things. “You don’t have to clean it now you know.” Youngmin said. 


“I know. But I want to. It’ll be less work for my unnies tomorrow.” I said. Youngmin nodded and smiled. 


“You’re so sweet.” he chuckled. I blushed. “So I’ve been thinking about what happened on the roof, and I think we should just... Forget about it. It was.. A spur of the moment kind of thing. I’m sorry Saerin. I didn’t really mean to kiss you.” Youngmin explained. 


I felt my heart get heavy and tighten. It felt like I was suffocating. “So... You don’t like me?” I asked.


Youngmin didn’t say anything and just stared at the floor. “I... I don’t know. I’m sure I’ll figure out my feelings soon enough. I mean... You’re a nice girl Saerin. Let me think. I promise to give you an answer.” he gave me a small smile. 


By now my whole body was tensing up and I felt very heavy and immobile. I cleaned the rest of the things in silence and felt tears sting my eyes. I actually thought I had a chance. Especially after he kissed me. I guess my thoughts were wrong... I sighed and walked out of the room. Youngmin called out for me but I ignored it. Kwangmin was outside and shuffled around from shock from seeing me, but I ignored that too. I went down the stairs and cleaned the dishes before washing up and going to bed. That night, I had tears in my eyes that soaked into my pillow one by one. I have no chance, I thought. I sighed and turned to the other side. But I think I still like Youngmin. I don’t know why it’s him, but that’s the way it is. 


Kwangmin’s POV:


I stepped out for a bit to get some fresh air and the next time I went in, all the maids were gone except for Saerin and Youngmin. They seemed to be talking and I couldn’t hold in my curiousity. I went back out and put my ear to the door. 


“You’re so sweet.” I heard Youngmin chuckle, “So I’ve been thinking about what happened on the roof, and I think we should just... Forget about it. It was.. A spur of the moment kind of thing. I’m sorry Saerin. I didn’t really mean to kiss you.” Youngmin said. 


WHAT? Youngmin kissed her?!


“So... You don’t like me?” Saerin asked.


Saerin likes Youngmin afterall... My shoulders deflated. 


“I... I don’t know. I’m sure I’ll figure out my feelings soon enough. I mean... You’re a nice girl Saerin. Let me think. I promise to give you an answer.” Youngmin said. 


Stupid boy. If you didn’t like her, you wouldn’t have kissed her... Now I lost, but I still have a chance. Saerin didn’t speak after that and I guessed that she was hurt. My hear was still against the door when she came out. I was surprised and stumbled a bit, but she ignored me. Did I see tears? I asked myself. 


After she was gone, I walked into the room to see Youngmin sitting on the couch sighing. “Yah. Babo-yah?” I knocked my brother on the head. 


“Ah waeee!” Youngmin gripped his head. 


“You stupid stupid boy. If you didn’t like her why’d you kiss her?!” I yelled. 


“Shh! Not so loud.” Youngmin said. I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment. 


“Look. You KNOW she likes you. If you don’t do anything, I’m really going to steal her heart away. Okay? I’ll show my cool self and make you look like nothing. I’m serious. I really do like Saerin.” I said firmly. Youngmin gave me a blank stare. I waited for him to say something but he didn’t. “Okay then Youngmin. Watch out. You have competition. Goodnight.” I left with a smile and Youngmin still giving me a blank and confused stare. I chuckled. 



Game on. Get ready to be wooed, Saerin. Cool Kwangmin is coming back. 

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CeeJay #1
Chapter 30: almost got teary eyes because of kwangmin's broke up with the girl...
Yendi_Heart #2
Chapter 30: Youngmin and her ended up together! Nice ending! I hope she can find her siblings.
Yendi_Heart #3
Chapter 29: Poor Kwangmin, but is good that Saerin finally realized about her real feelings for Youngmin
UWAHH~ Kekekeke...I LOVE it please update soon! Kekekeke
Yendi_Heart #5
Youngmin don't be stupid and confess to Saerin. You know you love her and she loves you back! C'mon guys! Stop the drama thingy and accept your feelings for each other! he he I love your story. Please update soon ;)
Omg please end up with Youngminniee :< :)
aquadragon309 #7
wahhhhh this is so good! keep it up!
Ww.. I wish you won't delete this.. I like it ^u^
I'll wait for your update ~ xD
Please don't delete it! I love this story a lot,I won't mind waiting for you to update,just don't delete it please T T