Chapter 23

My Private Tutor


Andy's mother

“Okay, class, so… next week you’ll spend each day working at a place of your choice… Well, of course not entirely, but you’ll get to choose yourself from the places that we have agreements with” our English teacher smiled at us, and started to walk around and give every student a piece of paper where they had to write down their first, second and third priority. When I received the piece of paper, I smiled a little. They had two designer stores and a fashion magazine on the list. I started marking those things as one, two and three, wrote my name in the left upper corner of the paper, and returned it to my teacher.
“Oh, and Wu Ying Jie? Are you free after school? I want to have a little talk with you about something” the teacher looked at me with cruel eyes. I wanted to reject the talk, but I knew that it would be taken as rudeness, and give me detention.
“Oh, I’m free Mrs. Burton… But I wonder what a busy person like you would have to discuss with me?” I asked her, with a fake smile on my face. I could still pull angel faces when I wanted to, and it wasn’t the least bit hard for me to do so… It didn’t feel right anymore, though.
“A busy person like me wants to talk to you about the way we treat people here, ‘cause you don’t seem to get the rules.” Mrs. Burton looked at me with a strict face.
“I so…”
“Safe it for our little talk.”

“Wu Ying Jie, I’ve received several of complains about how you treat other people at this school. The most recent are from Jennifer Wong, Katherine Qiao, Juliette Carlson and Rainie Yang. All of them claim that you’ve wronged them one or more times.” Mrs. Burton looked at me with serious eyes.
“Okay, this is just not happening… I’ve only talked to the first two of them once, because they’ve dated one of my very best friends… Yes, I’ve been a bit mean to Juliette Carson, but that’s because she tried to steal away my boyfriend from me, like, my ex, not Aaron… And as for Rainie Yang… I don’t think you understand quite what’s going on between me and Rainie. The first time we met was in Taiwan, at this random party, where I was going with my friends and my ex boyfriend, Alien. I was getting really drunk, as I had to go to England a week after, which meant starting completely over. Then I saw this girl trying to score my boyfriend, which made me walk over to them, as I didn’t trust Alien a lot. As soon as she discovered he was my boyfriend, she started calling me a random , and not giving up. When I thought I had won the fight, I walked away only to see the two of them kissing. I was devastated, so I told my friends, while crying. I didn’t even know that Rainie was the daughter of Julie’s maid before Julie called Mrs. Yang and convinced her to transfer Rainie to Japan, I swear…” I wiped some of my crocodile tears away, while looking at Mrs. Burton.
“I understand that, Ying Jie, but I think she’s really here to change…” Mrs. Burton’s eyes had gentled down a little bit, which made me calmer.
“Well, if she was, she probably wouldn’t tell me that she was here to rule the school, and insult me at our first meeting in a long time. Yes, I told her that I wouldn’t show her around, as I don’t associate with people who… Associates way too well with my boyfriend, so I warned her that I would start rumors if she didn’t leave me alone. She told me that judging from my looks; I wouldn’t have the power to do so, and said that she wanted to rule the school. And just yesterday she said that Aaron was pathetic and that she would ruin me…” I looked at Mrs. Burton with seriousness in my eyes.

One week had passed, and it was time for the career week. I was working as an assistant for a boss on a fashion magazine, which I was very happy about. I was already standing in front of the building, wearing black, white and navy, and amazing Jimmy Choos. My hair was in a tight bun, and I looked very serious. I walked through the doors, with a huge sign that said ‘Elle’.
“Hello? I’m Wu Ying Jie; I’m an intern for Mrs. Parker this week… Could you please tell me where to go?” I asked a young and stylish girl who was obviously working there, as she was wearing a name sign. Her name was apparently ‘Sarah’.
“Sure… just go up those stairs” – the girl pointed at one of the three staircases – “and walk straight ahead until you see the sign saying Camilla Parker.”’
“Thanks” I smiled, and followed her directions, until I reached the door. I knocked on it three times, until I opened it.
“Just a minute Lauren, my new intern is here…” a woman said in an undeniable Irish accent, and pushed a bottom. “Name, age, favorite fragrance, favorite designer, favorite makeup brand, and favorite shoe brand?” she sighed.
“Hello, my name is Wu Ying Jie, and I’m seventeen years old” I smiled at rather scary lady, who was sitting behind a disk, staring coldly at me. “Thierry Mugler Angel Sunessence, Stella McCartney, MAC and Jimmy Choo”
“Sounds reasonable. What’s your English name, and… Who gave you that amazing diamond ring?” Mrs. Parker asked me. I smiled awkwardly for a while.
“My English name is Even, though I rarely use it as its extremely ugly, and my fiancé gave me that ring, the day he proposed to me… It’s not so long ago, actually” I smiled at Camil… Mrs. Parker. She seemed very nice.
“Your fiancé must be loaded, if he can afford to give you a ring like that… On the other hand, you come from quite an exclusive school, so getting a loaded guy on the hook shouldn’t be that hard…” Camilla looked thoughtfully at a picture on her desk.
“Who’s that picture off?” I asked her, with a smile on my face.
“My son and daughter… Everything used to go so well, until my ex husband left me for a famous designer… A male designer, named Rico Baker. He took the kids with them, and I got to keep the house. Of course I was agienst him getting our children, but what could I possibly have done? I had to work all the time back then, to owe enough money to make a living…” Camilla looked devastated, which made me hurt a little bit. That was when I realized what she had just said. Rico Baker? Rico was only the stepfather of Andy and Kate, which meant that I was friends with Camilla’s children.
“Well, I happen to know Andy quite well… I used to live at his place, while working for Rico, as we’re childhood friends, and I didn’t have anywhere else to go… He’s doing extremely well. He’s very stylish, but though everyone thought that he was gay, he never was. He’s currently dating my best friend” I smiled at Camilla, who smiled back at me.
“You know Andy? I don’t know if I should smile or cry…”
“Then smile, ‘cause I will make sure that the two of you starts to see each other again. I know how important mother’s are; my own is a crazy mind , so yeah…” I smiled at Camilla.
“Thanks, Wu Ying Jie… Thank you so, so, so much!”

“Gui Gui, Gui Gui! Something amazing happened! You won’t believe it!” Aaron had just entered my room, and given me a shock. Of course I was getting used to his impulse actions, so I wasn’t as shocked as I would’ve been a year ago, but I was still very, very shocked.
“What is it, honey?” I asked him, and quickly kissed him. Having a boyfriend seemed much easier that chasing after one, and having a boyfriend that you loved, was almost too much to ask for.
“I’ve just been contacted by someone who claims to be my brother, who lives with my biological mother! Isn’t that great?!” Aaron asked, smiling happily at me. It took me some time to understand. Aaron had a brother? And Aaron’s brother had just randomly contacted him? Oh god…
“Really?! That’s like, incredible!” I smiled happily, and hugged my jolly boyfriend. If Aaron had found his real family, it meant that I had a little bit more of family too; Aaron was my fiancé, and we were getting married soon.
“I know, right?! I mean, my brother said on the phone that my mother had left me back then because my father didn’t want us. Apparently, he was married, and a bit of a playboy in Taiwan. My mother still had my brother, Jerry, though, so therefore she kept on living… She’s now married to some middle class man, and leading a happy life… Her husband has a daughter too, though… Her name is Julie Cai or something like that…”
“This is getting weirder and weirder. Julie Cai is the name of my old best friend in Taiwan… My god, firstly I meet Andy and Kate’s mother, and now I find out that my friend is your stepsister? Life is weird sometimes…”

“Here you go, Mrs. Parker” I said, handing Camilla her breakfast. I had listened very well to her tips from the day before, which meant that I had got her a cheese omelet, a piece of toasted bread, a banana, a pear, a small amount of grapes, a glass of newly pressed orange juice and a latte.
“Thank you, Ying Jie; you’re such a sweet girl. I met up with Andy and Kate yesterday. You were right; both of them are very happy… And Andy already promised me to introduce me to his fiancée Angela. He said that they were very happy, and…”
“Wait, did you just say Angela?” who the hell was Angela?
“Yeah, I did, why? What’s wrong?” Camilla looked at me with worried eyes. Now was probably the time for me to lie, and say nothing, but I was too overwhelmed by what she had just said. Was Andy cheating on Selina? How could my best friend just randomly cheat on my other best friend?
“Yeah, actually something is… I mean, not to ruin the image that you have just gained on your son, but he’s as I said dating one of my friends… A friend named Selina” Everything just started spinning. I had just gained knowledge that no friend wanted to have.
“My god, he’s a cheater? Oh my god, it’s my entire fault for not being there to bring him up…” Camilla looked devastated.
“Camil… Mrs. Parker, don’t be sad; Angela is probably one of the girls that Rico forces him to date to prove that he’s not gay… I mean, when Rico pulls such tricks, he forces Andy to lie to like, everyone… I was once one of those girls, but it didn’t work out very well, though” I gently padded Mrs. Parker’s back. “Two seconds, I’ll go out to call him.”

“Andy, who the hell is Angela?!” I asked him one the phone, being furious. I probably sounded like he was my cheating boyfriend and not Selina, but hell who cared.
“Uhm… What?! You thought that you could go behind Selina’s back and get an affair without me finding out?! What a friend you are! Firstly, you try to keep my only one away from me, and then you date one of my best friends without telling me, and now you just… Go behind our back with this Angela girl? Where is my homoual friend Andy behind all this, huh?!” I was now crying.
“Gui Gui, thank you for finding my mother for me… It means a lot to me, and I hope that you can help me with one more thing… Please don’t tell either her or Selina about this, okay? Angela is my old best friend, who has this weird heart disease… She’s always been in love with me, and they’ve predicted her to die in a year, so I’m only doing this to make her happy… Please promise me, Gui Gui, I really love Selina, and I hope that my mother won’t see me as a mean bastard…” Andy pleaded.
“Okay, I promise, but you’ll have to introduce me to Angela, then… I want to know who you’re trying to make happy, and I want to know exactly what I’m helping you with” I sighed. I felt really stupid. Of course Andy wouldn’t cheat for real… And yet he did, but only to make someone else happy. It was very confusing, actually.
“Sure, deal… I’ll call you later, Xiao Jie… Bye” Andy said, and hung up. I quickly walked back into Camilla’s room.
“Well apparently, Selina and he broke up a long time ago… I guess I’m really not up to date” I smiled though I was very dizzy.
“Thank god for that…”

“Wait… Andy is engaged to a girl who’s as good as dead behind Selina’s back, to make her last day happy, but you found out, and know you can’t tell anyone because…?” Aaron asked, looking at me like I was an idiot.
“Well, because Selina obviously wouldn’t like the idea, and I don’t think that it would make her a happier person to know, so I figured that it was best for everyone that I just kept my mouth shut.” I knew that Aaron wouldn’t understand it. I didn’t even know why I told him, but I guess that I felt so loyal towards Aaron, that it would’ve been wrong not telling him.
“And you don’t think Selina deserves knowing this? What a ‘good’ friend you are…” Aaron rolled his eyes.
“Well, at least I consider people’s feelings instead of just ruthlessly telling them the truth. Andy will tell Selina this when time comes, and I don’t want to interfere with their relationship.” I looked at Aaron with mature eyes. “I know how many times I’ve been betrayed, and I know that I’d rather not have been told.”
“Come on, Gui Gui… You can’t just deny reality like that, and you know it.”
“Aaron Yan, if you think that you can…” I suddenly stopped. I could smell something… Something that I shouldn’t smell in a classroom. “Is that smoke?”
Aaron sniffled, obviously smelling it too. He made a movement with his fingers, telling me not to move. “I think it is… Gui Gui, let’s get out of here quickly”
Aaron dragged me away from the room, and hit the fire alert on the way out. Then he dragged me into his room, locked the door, and told me to stay quiet. I wondered what was going on.

“Hey, Gui Gui!” someone yelled. I turned around.
“Angela? Hello… This is my friend, Selina” I said, trying to hide my worry.
“Aaron, please don’t, I won’t ever get over you… No Aaron, no don’t! I wanna be with you! Don’t Aaron, don’t!”

Heey guys (:
I’m updating two day in a row, aren’t I nice? xD
Anyways, not much GuiLun in this chappie, but it’ll come… Trust me (:
Okay, next chapter will be scary…
Anyways, I was out power shopping today!
I got four new shirts, a new dress, a new pair of pants, a new pair of shorts, a pair of shoes (I already love them! <33), two bikinis and a pair of sunglasses <33
How I LOVE shopping <33
That’s probably my favorite activity, apart from doing makeup…
Anyways, please please please comment! <33
Your comments encourage me to write


I’ve made this fan video for Autumn’s concerto, and I wonder what you guys think…
Please watch, rate, favorite and comment (:

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