Ch.Forty Seven

You make me feel (baekmi)
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Baekhyun snort after Kyung and Bomi enter the elevator.

Mwoya with that man? Is he thought that hiding Bomi like that will make him succeed to keep her away from me? Ha.. What a funny man.. Where’s he taking Bomi anyway?

Baekhyun decided to watch them and later he saw Kyung kiss Bomi and makes him feel angry. Just before he decided to run downstair to talk to Bomi about it he saw Bomi running to the dorm, catching up Eunji who’s been running before her. Baekhyun is waiting for Bomi at the stair, but because he thought that he’s gonna meet with Eunji first, he take couple steps to go upstair and watch closely from there. As expected, Eunji come first and after she disappear from the stair, Baekhyun come down and waiting for Bomi who come not long after that.

Now that I’m looking at her, it makes me keep repeating that kiss scene. She must be thinking about it too later on. Bomi tried to pass him by so Baekhyun quickly block her way. There’s no way I can let you do that. Take an action now, Baek!

Baekhyun move to kiss her out of an urgency to take an action, but he getting too close to her lips instead of just kissing her on her cheek, probably because he thinking about it in his mind. After that “accident” kiss Baekhyun forgot about what he wants to say after that. So he just smirks and left her after told her to thinking about his kiss instead of Kyung. He’s running back to his room afraid that Bomi will catch her sense and got angry with him for what he has done.

Baekhyun laugh as soon as he closes the door behind him. Suho looking at him with question look so Baekhyun stop laughing.

“You here, hyung.” Baekhyun said.

“Oh.. Why are you so happy?”


“Why are you here hyung?” Chen asked from living room.

“Oh, I..” Suho searching for good reason because he just run from Chorong’s room after being trap there because Kyung is suddenly comeback to the dorm, “I will talk after Sehun comeback.” Suho tried to buying time to think about his reason.

“So are you okay now, Baek?” Chen asked.

“Why? Are you sick?” Suho start to worried.

“No, hyung. I’m okay.”

“Where have you been anyway, Baek?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Somewhere I’m destined to go.”

“Ay..” Kyungsoo throw some chips but Baekhyun catch with his mouth and hands and then eat them.

“Mwoya, you develop some individual talent?” Baekhyun just laugh and excuse himself to take a bath.



The next morning, Baekhyun and all trainees come to cafeteria for breakfast. When they arrived, Bomi and Chorong just about to leave after had breakfast. Baekhyun then excuse himself to go after Bomi but Suho grab his shoulder to remind him about what he just said last night.

“I know hyung, I’m just gonna say hi and comeback here after that. Beside, there’s Chorong nuna too, people will not notice I’m having special relationship with Bomi.”

“Just comeback quickly.” Suho said and leave him.

“Good morning, Chorong nuna, Bom.”

“Why are you looking so happy?” Chorong asked.

“Because I’m happy.” Baekhyun smile and Bomi too couldn’t help but smiling after that.

“Do you have something to say?”

“Just want to say hi.”

“Well, hi then. Now, you can go.”

“Ay, nuna. Why so fast. We’re in good term, aren’t we?”

“Are you, Bom?” Chorong asked Bomi who’s not saying anything.

“We are, eonni.” Bomi answered and makes Chorong surprised.

“We’ve already made up, nuna.” Baekhyun link his arm around Bomi shoulder but Bomi hit his hand to make him take it back.


“I’ll tell you later, eonni. Your friend is waiting, Baek..” Bomi shove him from the back and lead him slowly to cafeteria. After few steps, Bomi let him go, “Go back with them now.”

“Why are you leaving to campus already? I thought you didn’t have class in the morning.”

“You know my schedule?”

“Hehe.. I had learned it for giving you all those photos.”

Bomi shake her head, “Go now, I need to go anyway.”

“Can we meet after you finish your class today?”

“I’ll be back at night, Baek.”

“Ah, so your schedule is changing now?”

“No.” – “Bom-ah, let’s go.” Chorong calling for her.

“I gotta go now, bye, Baek.” Bomi turn and running to Chorong.

“What are you doing there for so long?”

“Ay, is not that long. He just asks something.”

“So you two..?” Bomi understand without Chorong finish her question, “Ah, to be honest when I left Kyung yesterday it was because I had to talk with Baekhyun, eonni.”

“Really? So you lie to him?”

“No, I told him that I met my friend on my way back and decided to have a talk first.”

“He’s your ex, Bom.”

“That doesn’t mean I was lying.” Chorong sigh to hear it, “Beside, there’s no good if I’m saying I met him to Kyung. And I just want to talk, nothing more, so I don’t think I had to share all the detail, eonni.”

“So you two made up after the talk?”

“Yes, there’s misunderstanding about what happened, eonni. He told me his situation that time and now I know why he’s doing that at that time.”

“Understandable reason?”

“Very much, yes.” Bomi sigh.

“Are you regretting it now, Bom?”

“It’s become complicated situation. But now I’m not gonna take back what I had decided with Kyung. I don’t want to stress him more, especially now. He had more important thing to thinking about right now.”

“Right.. His father. There’s nothing new about his father?”

“Not yet. I hope at least my visit will make him calm down for a bit, even if just one day.”

Chorong nodded and then paused a while before ask her again, “Are you talk to Baekhyun where are you planning to go today?”

“No, eonni. We just friend now. No need to tell him everything about me and Kyung.”

“It’s not the opposite?”


“No. We’re here, you will go find your sunbae right?”

“Ne, eonni. See you tonight, eonni.”

“Okay, be careful on your way, Bom-ah. Call me when you arrived.”

“I will, eonni.” Bomi then part with Chorong to find Taemi and ask for permission to absent for today lesson. She decided to go to Gyeonggi-do after Kyung told her the reason his mother called him yesterday because his father collapsed so he need to hospitalized. After she got permission, Bomi take the train to go to Gyeonggi-do and her phone ringing as she got a message.

From: Kyung ♥

Message: My father has woken up, Bomi.

From: Bomi

Message: That’s a relief. How is he?

From: Kyung ♥

Message: Still very weak. But at least now I can breathe again.

From: Bomi

Message: It’s really good news. :) I’ll arrive soon, let’s talk more after I arrived. You probably need to take care of your father now.

From: Kyung ♥

Message: Okay. Be careful, Bomi.

From: Bomi

Message: I will :)


Bomi felt relieved when she heard the news, at least now she knew that Kyung will be fine. Now she can at least get some rest in the train until she arrives. Bomi coming to meet her parent first at supermarket. She is running to her father to hug him as soon as she enters the supermarket.


“Aigoo, my daughter lost some weight.”

“Right Appa? The training is no joke..”

“Poor my daughter..” Her father her hair.

“Bomi-ah..” Her mother comes from the back.

“Ommaa..” Bomi run and hug her tight, “I really miss you, Omma.”

“Omma too. You’re doing fine there right?”

“Of course, Omma. Whose daughter am I?” Bomi said it proudly.

“My daughter.” Bomi mother smiled and Bomi father added, “My daughter too.”

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luhan_chorong #1
Chapter 50: Daebak! Daebak! Daebak!
I really ship baekmi right now.. Hahahaha
soeunbang #2
Chapter 46: I'm so excited, good lord, i love it
Chapter 46: Bomi should just think about her heart too, follow your heart dear.
We all know u still love baek, u just need more time
The story is getting interesting, you need to update faster chingu :D.

I read it on wattpad
soeunbang #5
Chapter 41: Please author, I'm dying to see bomi and baekhyun together again. Please update. fighting!!
Chapter 41: Bomi 's just too lovely, too adorable, I can't stand
Fatinna #7
Chapter 40: This is good! I need the next chp! :)