Ch.Twenty Eight

You make me feel (baekmi)
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Taehyung come to Bomi house in the morning to bring Baekhyun uniform and school bag. Bomi open the door for him and second later he couldn't help to asks about her face, "Bomi, what's with your face? You can't sleep last night?"

"That obvious? Aish that Baekhyun..."

"Why? You two were too lovey dovey last night?"

"Yah V, you should've meet me instead of bothering her with your question." Baekhyun come and ask him to come with him to Jungjin room.

"So Baek, you two are a couple now?"

"No, not yet."

"Wow, not yet instead of no. You two did something last night do you?" Baekhyun blushed at Taehyung question, "Spill it now Baek!"

Baekhyun whispering to him, "I kissed her last night." Taehyung eyes widened and his mouth wide open after heard that.

"No kidding. That's why she couldn't sleep last night." Taehyung nodded as he find out the answer of his question, "Wow Byun Baekhyun, you've grown up so much."

"You don't know i'm trembling so much after I kiss her chubby cheek. I can't..."

"Her cheek?" Taehyung cut off Bekhyun talked.

"Huh? What?"

"The kiss that you proudly talked about is on her cheek?" Baekhyun nodded, "You called that a kiss?!" Taehyung raised his voice so Baekhyun cover his mouth right away. "Don't raised your voice like that you alien." Taehyung push Baekhyun hand out of his mouth.

"I can't believe you fooled me like that." Taehyung shake his head.

"Yah! For me that was my first precious kiss." Taehyung just laughing at him, "I'll be waiting for your real kissing experiment." Taehyung tap his shoulder and start walking to the door, "Go get changed, I'll waiting outside."

"Don't talk to her about it V."

"Oh you know I will." Taehyung said and close the door in a hurry.


"V, you want some?" Bomi offering him breakfast food and he nodded.

Bomi give him a plate and cutlery and they start to pick their own food. "So you guys talked about the kiss right?"

"Oh, am I that loud?"

"Yes you are at the kiss part. He told you why he suddenly did that to me?"

"Of course. He probably didn't tell you anything right?"

"He just said that was a teaser. Seriously I can't really guess why."

"You can, but maybe you just afraid to admit your guess."

Baekhyun get out from Jungjin room before Bomi can talk back to Taehyung. He joins Bomi and Taehyung in dining room and Bomi start to taking care of his breakfast.

"You two just look like a married couple like that." Taehyung said.

"I'm doing the same thing for you earlier but you didn't say anything." Bomi tried to stay calmed about Taehyung teasing.

"You didn't get me the food like him."

"Hahaha, just give me your plate and I'll give you the same treatment."

"It was too late, but the important thing the expression you have when you take care of him."

Bomi chuckled, "You keep observing my face since you came didn't you."

"Don't get me wrong, Baek. It's just because I interested with both of you, not her." Baekhyun just nodded along with his act.



At School Cafetaria

"Your mother told me that Baekhyun sleepover in your place yesterday. How come you didn't tell us about it..." Hayoung said.

"Oh it's not the only thing she didn't tell you about." Taehyung said.

"I'm wondering why you didn't spend your time with your friend, I guess you just want to gossip here." Baekhyun said.

"What was she hiding V?" Eunji asked.

"I'm not hiding anything, I just want to tell you when we meet up. He was sleepover because he didn't bring his house key and that time V couldn't go back home."

"And then?" Hayoung asked.


"Come one tell us about the gossip that they talking about." Eunji pointing at Baekhyun and Taehyung.

Bomi sigh, "Do I really need to? It'll be so random to suddenly talk about that."

"Ay, mwoya..."

"We just had a chat last night about my university plan. Before we go back to sleep I give her a goodnight kiss on her cheek. The end of story." Baekhyun explained.

"Omo... What kind of sweet FRIEND are you." Eunji emphasis on friend word to teased them.

"I'm looking forward to hear good news from both of you." Hayoung added.

"And don't make us to wait too long." Taehyung join to teased them.

"Aren't you guys too excited about it?" Bomi shake her head.

"Ay, you two probably more excited about it." Taehyung then added, "Look at Baekhyun face, he's totally happy right now." Everyone now looking at Baekhyun.

"What? Of course I'm happy. Should I be sad then?" Baekhyun then pretend to be sad and Bomi just laugh a little because of him.


"Ah, Bom-ah, I heard that you'll against Eunjung for the next match. How come you meet her in semifinal instead of final match? This time will be harder to get in the final right?" Eunji asked.

"I know right... That's why I've got a special training for two days one night. I'll be absent from school tomorrow and the day after."

"You are?" Eunji and Hayoung asked. "Wait, you're so calm, Baek. You already knew about it?" Hayoung asked.

"Her instructor called her yesterday to tell her about it and I was right beside her so she told me right away."

"Woah, I became upset now Bom. Now we didn't know anything new about you, you only told him about it." Hayoung said.

"No..." Bomi panicked to hear that. "You know I prefer to tell the news by phone or in person but yesterday it was already late when I got the news from Mr. Park so I thought that'll be better to tell you at school. If Baekhyun wasn't there yesterday, he'll know about it today too."

"Really? We're not losing you to your boy friend again this time?"

"Seriously I told you last time with Chen was a misunderstanding. It's not that he didn't want me to be with you girls but..."

"Because of his personality. Yeah, you told us about it." Eunji cut off Bomi talked, "But how can we understand when we didn't know him, Bomi. And that's the point, he never interacted with us so how can we understand his action. And you Bom, please learn to say no."

"And you Baek, don't make the same mistake like him. Or you'll never win our support." Hayoung added.

"Wait, are you talking about Chen from vocal club?" Taehyung asked.

"Is there anyone else in this school with that name?" Eunji ask back.

"He's kind guy, why you two didn't like him?"

"Are you probably one of his fans, V?" Hayoung asked.

"No, he's helping me with my vocal so I know him quite well."

"You said the one who's helping you is Jongdae." Baekhyun asked.

"Seriously Baek?" Eunji asked in disbelief.

"That's his real name, Baek. Sorry, he's really didn't know anything at school except for study." Taehyung explained, "And back to that, is he done something bad to you?"

"Back then when they were dating, he only wants her to be with him all the time without caring about us – her friends, and he never tried to get along with us. It's just like we were unimportant outsider in Bomi life."

"Ah... He's shy with girl, that's why."

Bomi looking down while scratching her head awkwardly.

"Is that possible when he's got lot of female fans? Yoon Bomi, why are you held down your head?" Hayoung asked.

"Aigoo, I guess I couldn't keep his secret anymore."

"Tell me that you were kidding, Bomi." Eunji said.

"No, really. That's why he prefers to take me with him instead of join us and because I knew about it I couldn't say no when he ask me to. Sorry for not saying anything all these time, he wants me not to tell anyone about it. V, I think you need to apologize to him."

"But he didn't tell me to keep it as a secret. So I thought its okay to tell them, beside it's not like they will gossiping about him. Am I right?" Taehyung asked Eunji and Hayoung.

"Good grief, that's the reason for all of our dislike?" Eunji shake her head.

"That Mr. Popular is shy with girl? Hahaha, why there's so many unexpected side of him." Hayoung said.

"That's why I told you he's not that bad. His mistake is just that one time he fooled me, but he told his reason and apologizes already, so let's not being too hard on him." Bomi said.

"I take back what I said last night, Bom." Baekhyun said and makes Bomi confused, "Huh? About what?" Bomi asked.

"You're really an angel." Baekhyun said and makes Eunji and Hayoung exclaimed together.

"Aaww, yah! Do you really need to say it in front of us?!" Taehyung complained but Baekhyun just put on poker face and continue his eating.



School is finally end, Bomi need to go back home quickly to prepare her stuff for her special training. Baekhyun is walking her home because he wants to accompany her to station. They are going inside the house after meet Bomi parent at the supermarket and not long after that Kyung is coming to Bomi house.

"Bomi, I'm here." Kyung said while open Bomi room. Oh, she's not here.

"Bomi, where are you?" Kyung shouted when he couldn't find her in her room.

"I'm in Jungjin room, Kyung."

"Oh, Baekhyun is here too." Kyung said from the outside because the door was open wide.

"Oh, he wants to accompany me even though I told him that you'll drive me to the station."

"What to do, I brought my motorcycle instead of car. You can't join us, Baek."

"Really? Sorry Baek, I guess you can't join us after all. But since he brought his motorcycle I can stay a little bit longer here."

"What are you doing in Jungjin room?"

"I was searching for his travel bag, but I couldn't find it in his cupboard."

"Ah, the red one? He sent it to bag repair service last week. Just use your own bag."

"I need the bigger one to put on my eonni stuff in there."

"Then just use your sui

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luhan_chorong #1
Chapter 50: Daebak! Daebak! Daebak!
I really ship baekmi right now.. Hahahaha
soeunbang #2
Chapter 46: I'm so excited, good lord, i love it
Chapter 46: Bomi should just think about her heart too, follow your heart dear.
We all know u still love baek, u just need more time
The story is getting interesting, you need to update faster chingu :D.

I read it on wattpad
soeunbang #5
Chapter 41: Please author, I'm dying to see bomi and baekhyun together again. Please update. fighting!!
Chapter 41: Bomi 's just too lovely, too adorable, I can't stand
Fatinna #7
Chapter 40: This is good! I need the next chp! :)