Ch.Twenty One

You make me feel (baekmi)
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Morning at Bomi House

"You're not going to school earlier today, Bomi?" Bomi mother asked.

"No Omma, only on Wednesday and Thursday."

"Are you starting to practice dancing again like before Nuna?" Bomi brother asked.

"No, I'm helping my friend."

"Then what should I do with the food?" Bomi mother said.

"What's wrong with the food Yeobo?"

"I thought Bomi will go to help Baekhyun again this morning so I made more food for both of them."

"Baekhyun? Why did you helping him, Nuna?!"


"Ah, sorry, Omma forgot about it."

"Nuna, I told you..." Bomi brother talk got cut, "Jungjin-ah, just why exactly you didn't like him? It's not like you know him anyway." Bomi asked.

"Just..." Bomi brother keep quiet after that.

"See, you didn't even have a reason." Bomi said.

Bomi brother just sigh because he couldn't say the reason he didn't like if Bomi be friend with male friend is because he know Kyung like his sister and he want to help him since he know Kyung for as long as he could remember.

"Bomi, just bring the food with you since Omma already made it."

"Alright Omma."

Bomi mother smiling so much after Bomi agreed to bring the food.

"Why are you smiling so much, Yeobo?"

"Our daughter now becomes more open about her relationship with Baekhyun. I like it."


"Why? Embarrassed?" Bomi mother even more.

"I'm going to school." Bomi brother grab his bag then stormed out and slammed the door.

"I don't understand him at all." Bomi sigh.

"Let him be, he probably change if he get to know Baekhyun better. That's why you need to invite Baekhyun here and let your brother be friend with him."

"Your request becomes more and more unreasonable Omma." Bomi shake her head.

"Your mother likes him very much." Bomi father said.

"Appa, are you jealous?" Bomi laugh and her father can't help but laughing too.

"Now you two stop laughing and finished your breakfast."


At Bomi Class

Now is the time for first break so Bomi bring out the food from her mother.

"Baek, my mother packs some sandwiches for us. Please have some."

"Oh really? What's the occasion?"

"Uh... Just... She just randomly made it." Bomi smile to cover her lie.

"Please convey my thanks for your mother, Bomi."

Bomi then chuckled so Baekhyun asked, "Why? I shouldn't say that?"

"Ah, no. It's just that I almost said you should've said that by yourself since my mother ask me to invite you to my house again. She's so random right?"


"Yeah, she wants to hire you since you always helped her when you were there."

"She really said that?" Baekhyun surprised to hear that.

"I was kidding, Baek."

"But I don't mind to come to your house to help. I like to help your parent. Should I come this weekend?"

"Ne?? Yaahh, it was a joke."

"Ah, I guess you didn't like it if I'm coming to your house."

"No. It's not like that."

"So you like it?" Baekhyun grinned.

"Ne?? Yaahh, let's stop the joke. It makes me confused."

Baekhyun pout and then pick up the sandwich and give it to Bomi, "Here."

"Thanks. You eat too." Bomi pick up the sandwich too and give it to Baekhyun.


At Cafetaria

As usual Bomi, Baekhyun, Hayoung and Eunji eat together on second break.

"Your friend, V right?" Hayoung asked and Baekhyun nodded, "He never join us again after that one time. Is he not having lunch at school?"

"Oh, it's not that. He's got an audition on a couple weeks so he usually practices with his team at times like this and having lunch with them later."

"Audition for what?" Bomi asked

"To become a trainee."

"Ooww, really? Is it runs in the family?" Bomi asked referring to their music ability.

"What runs in his family?" Eunji asked.

"Secret." Bomi answered.

"Now they keep a secret only to each other Hayoung-ah."

"I know right. Here, to cheer you up." Hayoung give a piece of meat to Eunji.

"Thanks, you eat this too, Hayoung-ah." Eunji give some of her shrimp ball to Hayoung and both of them looking at Bomi with knowing smile.

Bomi racked her brains to think about the meaning behind their smile but she was force to stop when she heard another familiar voice asked, "Hello again, can I join you guys for this time?" Chen smiling with food in his hands.

"You made a ruckus yesterday with Bomi and Kyung and yet you shamelessly ask to join us?" Eunji said and makes Bomi eyes widen in shock.

Hayoung nudge her after read Bomi expression, "Ah, sorry Bomi. I know what was happened yesterday but it's not from Kyung." Eunji explained.

"I'm not doing anything wrong. I was just doing her a favor that she asked me." Chen said.

"Chen, I'm sorry. But can we stop meeting each other for some time?" Bomi said.

"I just giving you the answer that you're searching for. I'll go for now, but you can't keep avoiding me like this Bomi. Have a good day to all of you." Chen said and leaving them.

"Okay, now I'm confused." Hayoung said.

"Me too." Baekhyun said.

Bomi didn't say anything and just keep eating her food instead of answering their question about what happened yesterday and it makes Eunji frustrated.

"Really? You just ignore this whole stupid situation, Bom. Enjoy your food then!" Eunji said and left.

"Yaaahh, Eunji-ya." Hayoung calling her but she's not even turn around, "Bom-ah..." Hayoung tried to makes Bomi to talk.

"Hayoung-ah, can you accompany her please. I bet she's really upset right now. I'll tell you later about the reason why this is happening."

Bomi let out a heavy sigh when Baekhyun suddenly said, "It's only V and I."

"Huh? What are you saying?"

"The answer of your question, it's not runs in the family. So far it's only V and I." Baekhyun smile and Bomi confused with his sudden explanation. "Finish your food and we'll go back to the class after that." Baekhyun added.

Bomi nodded and tried to finish her food and after have some bites Bomi asked, "You're not gonna ask me anything?"

"Waah, do you want me to go? Just say so..." Baekhyun pout.

"Hmm? I don't understand."

"Eunji and Hayoung walk out after asking you, and then you want me to do the same so you trap me by telling me to ask you. Waah, I don't think you are that cruel to me." Baekhyun pout again.

Bomi chuckled and hit his arms playfully, "You are weird, Baek."

Baekhyun smile, "There, you are better being playful and bright rather than held your head down with sad expression."

"That sounds familiar." Bomi smile again.

"Oh yeah, someone said that to me. Oh wait do I need to pay copyright to that someone for borrowing her words?"

"Yeah, that's good idea." Bomi nodded play along with him.

"That someone is like my piano performance. So I'll play some awesome song next week to pay the copyright."

Bomi just shake her head and laugh a little because of Baekhyun act. Both of them continue to eat their lunch and go back to class after that.


At Eunji and Hayoung Class

"Do you really need to act like this, Eunji-ya?" Hayoung asked with soft voice.

"I just don't get it why she didn't tell us anything about her and Kyung problem. We are best friend Hayoung-ah, You, Bomi, Kyung and I."

"Then you probably know she must have had her reason for not telling us."

"What? Another 'I don't want to make you worried' thing? Like when she got all the threatened letters? I thought we already pass that stage."

"I don't know, but I know this is not the best reaction from best friend right? Come one, let's make up right now and wait for her explanation."

Hayoung nudge Eunji when she's not answering and Eunji just 'sshh' her when she doing that.

"Yaahh..." Eunji couldn't take Hayoung nudge anymore, "Stop it will you..."

"If I stop to persuade you then I'll stuck in the middle of my two best friend fight. You think that's a good thing? I'll never get to hang out with one of you without feeling guilty with the other one. Because I'm feeling guilty then I'll get double pressure from both of you so I'll searching for another person to vent my frustration and that person will hate me because of it and then..." Hayoung talked got cut, "Hayoung-ah, stop talking, my head hurts because of it."

"That's why... Let's not fighting Eunji-ya, uh??"

"Okay, I'll apologize to her."

"REALLY??" Hayoung put a bright smile on her face.

"After she apologize to me first." Eunji added and makes Hayoung back to her troubling face, "Aayy, seriously... Whatever, I'll just stay away from both of you until both of you solve your problem." Hayoung crossed her arms and look away from Eunji but she's surprised to see Bomi on the other side.

"Oh, Bomi..." Hayoung called her and Eunji turn her head right away, "Look at that, I know you just pretending to be mad at her. Look how fast you turn your head when you heard Bomi name." Eunji clear because Hayoung caught her act.

"Bom-ah, why are you here? Want to talk to Eunji?" Eunji nudge Hayoung right after she said that.

"Yes." Bomi smile when she saw Eunji acted.

"Then sit here." Hayoung stand up to switch position with Bomi.

Bomi sit and tried to meet Eunji eyes but Eunji keep avoiding it and Bomi laugh because of that.

"She's playing hard to get as always right Bom?" Hayoung .

"That's her charm Hayoung-ah, but she couldn't use it when she's with her crush, why was that?"

"Yaahh..." Eunji finally speak after Bomi mention about her crush.

Bomi offer her hands to Eunji, "I'm sorry Eunji-ya. Please not get into fight."

"Jung Eunji you promise me to apologize to Bomi. You can't say the otherwise right now." Hayoung said.

Eunji sigh and grab Bomi hands and shake it, "I'm sorry too. I just hate it when you keep your problem by yourself and now it's including Kyung too."

"I know you hate it. But this time I didn't mean to keep it by myself. It's just that I'm trying to not remember about that matter so that's

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luhan_chorong #1
Chapter 50: Daebak! Daebak! Daebak!
I really ship baekmi right now.. Hahahaha
soeunbang #2
Chapter 46: I'm so excited, good lord, i love it
Chapter 46: Bomi should just think about her heart too, follow your heart dear.
We all know u still love baek, u just need more time
The story is getting interesting, you need to update faster chingu :D.

I read it on wattpad
soeunbang #5
Chapter 41: Please author, I'm dying to see bomi and baekhyun together again. Please update. fighting!!
Chapter 41: Bomi 's just too lovely, too adorable, I can't stand
Fatinna #7
Chapter 40: This is good! I need the next chp! :)