
You make me feel (baekmi)
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"Okay, now we're in the rooftop, so what do you want to ask me earlier?" Chen asked Bomi after they arrive on the rooftop. They decided to go to the rooftop because Bomi feeling uncomfortable with all the stares she got when she talk to Chen in his classroom for a few minutes.

"I'll make it short. You heard about the rumor about me and you right?"

"Already? I just confessed a few hours ago and it already made a big commotion? So what about it, you want to make clarification about us?" Chen grinned.

"No, not about today event, but about our relationship that people thought we still have it."

"Wait, what?"

"You really don't know or are you lying to me again?"

"Bomi-ah, I told you from now on I'll answer your question without lying. Now I really didn't know what you are talking about. I never heard such a rumor about our relationship. Well, I hope there's one, but really, we don't."

Bomi look at his eyes to guessing if he was honest about it or not. "I guess it's not you then. Sorry for making you come here for nothing. Bye Chen."

Chen grab her wrist to make her stay, "Are you avoiding me again?"

"No, I'm not. It's just that I need to clear some misunderstanding about my relationship rumor."

Chen then remembered about Kyung and how he makes him believe that he's really Bomi boyfriend. He knows that Kyung is the one that everyone talking about in Bomi relationship rumor alongside with the rumor he was doing 'the job' to make Bomi male admirer not getting any closer.

Is he talking about her relationship rumor with Kyung? She thought the rumor is about us? Is she still not aware about what Kyung doing to her admirer?

"Can you let me go, Chen?"

"No, not before I can explain your misunderstanding about me. You probably thought that I'm the one that start the rumor by saying our relationship is not over. Right?"

"I'm sorry, now I know it's not you so we're clear. Now let me go, I need to ask someone about it."

"I can explain it. So please, just hear me out." Chen released his grab.

"So you know about the rumor about me?"

"You bet I do. Before that, what so urgent about it? I mean this whole time you never bother about that rumor at all."

"Because I just knew about it while ago."

"So what? Why do you care? It's just a rumor, why so eager to clear your misunderstanding relationship? It's not like you."

"You don't know me, Chen."

"At least I know you never bother about some rumor, Bomi. Look at how people talk about you and Kyung when we were in a relationship. Most people think that you two share a special relationship and you left him because of me, but you don't bother to deny or explained it, do you? So what's the difference now?"

Bomi surprised to realize what Chen has said was true. Why is it? Why I can't ignore it like I always do?

"Do you have someone that you don't want if he misunderstood about your relationship, Bomi?"


Bomi eyes widened, no, it's not it Bomi. It's not that you don't want Baekhyun misunderstood about it. There's no need to worry about Baekhyun, but you just... Bomi lost in her thought searching for reason why she couldn't let this one rumor just pass by when she feel something soft landed on her lips. She's back to reality and realized now Chen is kissing her. She pushed him and take a step back to broke the kiss, "CHEN!"

"I can't let you thinking abut him when I'm here with you, Bomi."

"You crazy!" Bomi turn around but Chen running to in front of her, "Who is he, Bomi?"

"It's none of your business. We are over Chen. All of my feelings for you are not there anymore."

"We were such a great couple Bomi, you can't just forget about me like that."

"That's the truth, Chen. My heart told me so."

"I can make your heart say the otherwise. Please Bomi don't say it's too late for me." Chen holds her hands.

"But Chen, it's..." Chen put his hand to cover Bomi mouth so she couldn't speak, "Don't say it." Chen shakes his head. "I know what you want to say, but don't say it. For the rumor, you can ask Kyung about it, I think I can't explain it for you now. I'm going, Bomi." Chen turn around and start walking fast to the door leaving the confused Bomi behind.

Kyung? Why Kyung? He's not even in this school anymore. Is he messing with me again? No, he promises me about it, so he must have a reason to make me ask Kyung about this rumor. Aaahh, why am I feel so uneasy about this rumor. Baekhyun face then appear on Bomi thought, No, no... It's not because of him. It's not. Bomi shake her head. Yoon Bomi, keep your head straight! Bomi force herself to stop thinking about her reason and back to her class because the bell is ringing.



Where is he exactly?! He's not with V either. Aish, why he didn't bring his phone with him.

Bomi now on 2nd floor looking for Baekhyun who didn't comeback to class until the second break come. Chen looking at her from the class and decided to ask her after he saw her going back and forth looking for someone.

"Bomi, who are you looking for?" Chen asked.

"Oh, Baekhyun. You know him? Ah, he's the one that walk with me after we were talked in radio school room. Remember??"

"Bom-ah, what's with your speed talking? Why are you looking for him?"

Bomi calmed herself, "Ah, it's nothing important actually." Bomi smiled, "So, did you saw him?"

"Is he the one that makes you wanted to clarify your rumor?"

Bomi sigh, "I'm going to look for him upstairs. Thanks, Chen."

That Chen seriously, he keeps making me thinking about the strange thing about Baekhyun and me. Don't thinking too much Bomi-ah, you just looking for your seatmate because he missed the class for four period. Where are you, Baekhyun... Bomi thinking about the place that possible for him to go and she remembered about the music room on the 4th floor.

Aigoo, so he was here the whole time. Bomi enter the music room and sit beside him. Is he really sleeping? Bomi waved her hand in front of his face but he didn't move. He is sleeping. Bomi chuckled and tried to wake him up, "Baek... Wake up..."

"Baek, you didn't hear me?"

"Byun Baekhyun... Yah..." This time Bomi tap his shoulder and he succeed to make him blinked for a moment. Oh, he wakes up. But she's wrong, Baekhyun still in the deep sleep so Bomi just take a look around. The tape is on, is he tired after practiced something? I guess I'll wake you up after the bell ring then. Bomi smile and now she's looking at Baekhyun face carefully.

How come he has this small face, Aigoo, I'm jealous... Bomi move closer to get a better view. His eyes are small too. Bomi smile looking at his eyes and continue to his nose and lips and review his whole face. This guy, he actually handsome but he's cute too especially when he smile then his cheeks will form round cheeks that I want to pinch so badly. Bomi then looking at his cheeks and later she knows she was moving closer and kissed his cheek.

Bomi gasped and sit up straight, You are crazy Yoon Bomi! Let's just get out of here. But bomi couldn't move after she saw Baekhyun open his eyes and finally looking at her side.

"Why are you here?"

"Oh? Ah... I, I'm searching for you because you didn't comeback to class after the first break." Bomi tried her best to calming her heart but it's not working because Baekhyun keep looking at her and suddenly he asked, "Why is your face turn red?"

"NE?" Bomi raised her voice, "Oh, it's kinda hot in here don't you think? Aigoo... how come you can fall asleep here. Come on let's go." Bomi stand up and rushed to go out from the music room. Damn, am I got caught? He was touched his cheeks earlier... No, no, he was sleeping. Aaahh, but why he need to ask about my redden face. Aish, I'm ruined. Bomi going faster and Baekhyun lost her in the middle.


"What is this, she disappears so fast. Woah..." Baekhyun surprised when someone pulls him from the corner of the wall. "What is it?" Baekhyun asked while brushed off Chen hands.

"Let's talk, Baekhyun."

"I don't think we need to talk."

"What are you to Bomi? How dare you make her worry about you. You're not worthy her time." Chen said and makes Baekhyun turn around to face him again.

Baekhyun scoff, "Looks who's talking. Just mind your own business."

"I am someone important to her life. Don't you dare to look down on me."

"I'm not. Maybe that's what you think because you know you deserved it. I can't believe you make her as a bet and yet you still dare to say you like her, even more kiss her!"

"What?! You were spying on us?"

"I'm not that ill-mannered. I was looking for her that time and accidentally saw the two of you kissing. And then..." Baekhyun talked got cut, "Then you were eavesdropped on us?!"

Baekhyun sigh, "I'm wondering why I still talking to you."

"Just tell me already, how much did you hear?"

"I'm not listening to any of your conversation!"

Chen smirk to know Baekhyun didn't know anything about his rejection, "Then let me tell you, Bomi and I decided to forget about the past and move forward in our relationship. Well, we're not officially going out yet, but I think it's enough to stopping you to get closer to her. You understand?!"

"Yes, I'm understood."

"Good." Chen put his hand on his shoulder.

"But, it doesn't mean I'll back off." Baekhyun move Chen hand, "I'm not gonna let her going out with someone like you. So let me tell you clearly, I'm not gonna take a step back this time."

Chen looking at him with furious eyes, "Just because she's being nice with you, you think you have a chance?! Just look at you, who are you dreaming to become Bomi boyfriend? Even Kyung, that famous and have outstanding achievement failed to get Bomi's love."

"I'm more convinced to make you stay away from her. You think she obsessed with that kind of trait? That's what you think about her? Do you even know her, Chen? And do you want her not because you obse

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luhan_chorong #1
Chapter 50: Daebak! Daebak! Daebak!
I really ship baekmi right now.. Hahahaha
soeunbang #2
Chapter 46: I'm so excited, good lord, i love it
Chapter 46: Bomi should just think about her heart too, follow your heart dear.
We all know u still love baek, u just need more time
The story is getting interesting, you need to update faster chingu :D.

I read it on wattpad
soeunbang #5
Chapter 41: Please author, I'm dying to see bomi and baekhyun together again. Please update. fighting!!
Chapter 41: Bomi 's just too lovely, too adorable, I can't stand
Fatinna #7
Chapter 40: This is good! I need the next chp! :)