24th Bite

More Than Just A Pie
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Pie is getting bigger, my stomach isn't


Sehun had some troubles to sleep last night. He flipped, tossed, and his bed. He shut his eyes off but not even the dark on his bed could turn him into a deep slumber. Not when his mind was actually playing the scene again and again. The moment Hani landed her lips perfectly on the top his, he saw the imaginary fireworks, like a triumphant for the final moment.

So how does she like me? What kind of like it is? He shouldn't talk to his own mind but he can't resist it. He spent hours of thinking the honesty in her action. It wasn't just a kiss, was it?

No wonder he woke up a little too late for catching up his morning class. His alarm sounds buried under his snores and fantasy. He just abruptly woke up when his sleep disturbed by the indistinct sound out of his room. The sound of clanking metals. He furrows his eyebrows as he get up, lazily rubbing his eyes. He reaches out for his phone and shocked when he realize he missed his morning class already. He groans at the thought of himself for being carelessly overslept.

Then he walks out the door, not even care enough to check his morning tousle. He sends the text to his friend in the same class to help him with the attendance list. He yawns as he walking to the kitchen, where the sound comes louder. He turns right to the kitchen but when he sees the figure, he immediately holds back and hides behind the wall. There he goes, witnessing Hani working in the kitchen. His head is stiffened up to the wall. He can't help his heart for not beating that fast in surprise. When he is composed to himself he takes a bite of courage to secretly peeks at her from where he stands, poking his head out from behind the wall. Hani doesn't notice him yet.

There are a lot of things about that scene because it involves Hani, the person who was involuntarily confessing to him about her personal thought. She said she like him, even though it was still blurred of what kind of like it is. Well the more of it, she kissed him. On the lips. Sehun would never have an idea, she could act that bold. Seeing her before his eyes isn't helping him to figure it out, it jutst makes it worse, he starts to feel her lips on his. The feeling is still lingering.

Hani is pouring something on the pan and soon the sweet scent is filling the air. The scent melts him, this must be something meets his liking so much that he doesn’t realize he was drooling himself. He only realizes when his stomach starts to growl out loud, enough for his ear to hear. Damn, he curses. He remembers he skipped the dinner last night and now his stomach starts to complain. He already knows one thing to do and it really needs all-in-one shameless heart, mind, and face. After re-thinking for several times and deep sighing to his final decision, he finally takes a step forward.

"Ahem," He clears his throath, attempting to get Hani’s attention. Well, he succeed. Hani flinches a bit. When his voice hits her eardrum, Hani directly turns her head around to see him. When she sees him for real, she can’t help but being frozen in her place. She regrets to turn her head around. She gulps.

"Y-you’re home?" she is surprised that Sehun was there around that time. He was an early birdy usually. Or that’s what she thought.

"Hm?" Sehun furrows, "What? Can’t I be home in my own home?"

He strides to open the fridge and bring one bottle out from it. Hani carefully watches him doing his stuff and begin to stiff again when he walks towards her to grab a glass to drink. He pours the water to the glass and drinks. Hani just looks at him with mixed feeling of the awkwardness and admiration to his figure. He definitely just woke up but he still looks so fine. Even he looks so cool when he was just drinking a glass of water. Hani gulps again at her sight but she rapidly moves her gaze when Sehun’s eyes lands to hers suddenly.

She turns to see her pancake almost burnt. "Ow, geez, my pancake!" she exclaims as her hand swings the pan to flip the pancake. Sehun guffaws at her clumsiness and Hani feels embarassed by herself. "Stupid you," she murmurs lowly.

"So..." Sehun pulls a chair and sits, "You know how to cook?" he asks.

"This isn’t cooking," Hani replies, "It’s following the instruction," with her spatula, she points out to the box of instant mix at the corner of the counter. Sehun follows her direction and he sneers. He plays with his glass as he lost the ability to find words to talk with her and so does Hani.

They’re in complete silence once again. Just how long will it lasts this time? Hani has a lot of worries when she sees Sehun. Of course, she won’t forget about what happened last night. Even if she could blame herself until the last day of hers, it won’t change anything, it’s already happened and now she is aware of Sehun’s after reaction. What would he do?

"You.." Unintentionally the two of them takes the initiative to breaks the silence in the same time.

They exchange glances but not for a long time until Sehun asks, "What? Do you want to say anything?"

"Uh..I’m asking if you want to join the breakfast or not.."

Sehun blinks. That was his real intention there actually. "Well, yes, if you let me. Would you?" he questions. Hani compresses her face in confusion, "S-sure, if you want to," she avert her eyes to the pancake again. Hani stops to talk and she doesn’t even ask him back about what is he trying to say before. She is already busy for being nervous. She is willing to have the breakfast with Sehun but it’s surely going to be risky. She isn’t ready for another explanation of her action so she sets her mind to not let Sehun talks about it. She should distracts him no matter what.

Five minutes to prepare the meal for two and now it’s all served on the table. Hani slices some bananas they have in fridge and put it on the side of pancake in each plate. Hani decides to sit in the opposite of Sehun but in the other side of his chair. Sehun looks at her in bewilderment of the arrangement of her seat.

"Hani," he calls his name. Hani hesitantly looks at his direction, "What?"

"Why are you sitting there?" he asks, "You could sit here," he taps on the chair beside him, "Or there," he puts his index finger to points at the chair in front of him.

Hani follows his gesture, "N-no, I’ll be fine here. It’s okay," she timidly responses. She blocks her view to Sehun’s eyes by taking the small jar of honey and pouring some to her pancake. She makes a slice of her pancake and eats right away. It’s enough to make Sehun stop his attempt whatever it is. Sehun takes his fork and starts to eat too.

"Hmm," it’s the only sound he made when he takes his first bite. Hani refuses to see him. How she wish she could finish the meal real quick. She doesn’t even need his review of her pancake. She’s not going to talk because whatever it is, she is afraid Sehun will bring about the last night’s accident.

"Hani," Sehun suddenly says and somehow for Hani, it becomes her horror to hear him calling her name out. "What?"she quickly answers him, not even looking at him.

Sehun have answer her yet. He examines her behaviour first. Why did it feel like Hani avoid him? He thinks. Could it be?

Out of sudden, Hani gets irritated by Sehun. What does he want? Why did he call me? Should I even ask him for the second time? She mentally argues with herself. No, just let it go. If it’s important, he will just say. Hani shakes her head. She could see the glimpse of Sehun in the corner of her eyes but she pretends not to see it. Somehow she has the feeling that Sehun was scrutinizing him. The thought of Sehun was scrutinizing him scared her. What if he-

"What are you doing?" She suddenly exclaims when she realizes Sehun stands up from his seat and sets up to lean towards her direction.

His forehead contorts in wrinkle. "What?" he casually talk back. His hand moves to take the honey jar from Hani. "I am going to ask you about the honey but it seems like you don’t want to be distracted from something you have in your only mind," he explains. He draws back to his place and continue to eat.

What are you doing, Hani? Can’t you be less obvious than this? She grits her teeth in embarassment of her own fear. This won’t do, I need to get out from here. She eats as quick as she can.

A smirk appears on the corner of Sehun’s lips. There is the possibility that he was right about whatsoever is distracting Hani and makes her this awkward with him.

"Hey, Hani," Sehun calls her once again but he pretends not to see her directly with his eyes. Hani looks up to him and hums. "I need to ask you something," Sehun slices his pancake, "About last night," he lifts his head up and takes a glance at her.

Hani shots her eyes widely open. "L-last night?" her eyes avert aside, "What’s about last night?" She knows she dig her own grave but at least she should hold it up a little longer. Sehun scoffs, he gives her a ridicule look and Hani just pretends to be innocent.

"Well, you know..you said that y-" Sehun has to halt because his phone buzzes unanticipatedly.

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I'm going to read and re write the plot bcos it's kinda...off somehow. My original plot was actually very short but I guess I was too excited the story just went a bit ...... idk


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Chapter 28: I'm in love with this story <3
pls update soon
Hello are you there
I missed them
Chapter 28: I hope you can update soon
oOhsenshine #4
Chapter 28: Congrats on graduating! Omg sehun is s cute and hani as well!!
Chapter 28: They're soooooo cute
Please make sehun jealous
I happy that you finally updated
Chapter 28: Now now finally they are getting there... hani is being such a slow snail to know her own feelings...
Chapter 28: Sooooooo fluffffff!!! I love thissssss soooooo muchhhh!! They're getting there!! Wooohoooo!!
oOhsenshine #8
Chapter 27: Happy belated birthday, I finally caught up with this story, it was soo clever to make her say the same like sehun.
I looove it totally upvoting, way to go!!!
Chapter 27: I already and currently reading those author-nim. And happy be lated to u! How old r u now? ㅋㅋ
zangsia1 #10
Chapter 27: Belated happy. Birthday!