11th Bite

More Than Just A Pie
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Pie-crust promises, easily made, easily broken


"How could I?" Hani asks hesitantly, "What did you mean?"

Sehun shakes his head in disbelief, "We were just doing fine until now,"

"We're fine, Sehun. What makes you think we're not?" she retorts.

"You told me," Sehun frowns, "We're really messed up,"

Hani opens but she can't say things easily so she sighs heavily. "I'm not checking it yet," she gulps, "I just want you to know if there's a possibility,"

Sehun grits his teeth, "Does it really matter for you to even stopping by now, Hani?"

"It doesn't matter for you, Sehun?" Hani returns him by a question, "This is something that we did together,"

Sehun groans, leaning his head up to the air, "I don't think it's going to be happen,"

Hani chuckles, "What?" she scoffs, "You don't think it's going to be happen? So what do you think we're doing, Sehun? I thought you're saying you're not that dumb, huh,"

Sehun rolls his eyes and he glares in a flash, "And I thought you're smarter than that,"

It's like Sehun just shot her right through her head, Hani grins, "It's not like I purposely did it, Sehun. Do you think it's for my own benefit?"

Sehun shuts his eyes off and shrugs, " I don't know, Hani. I don't know what to think,"

Hani is taken aback, she turns aside, blankly stares to the view in front of her. She never thought it would be this complicated. She frowns, all thunder and gloomy in her mind.

"Do you even know what pregnancy is, Hani? Do you think you're ready?" Sehun utters, "Are you going to be a Mom and you think I'm going to be a Dad? We're only kids. A high schoolers to be exact,"

"What's the difference? We're going to marry anyway. Do you think marriage is all about husband and wife?" Hani shakes her head, "Ready or not, you're going to be a father. Ain't no other way,"

"But not now, Hani," Sehun holds her by her wrist, forcing her to see him directly, "We're only teenagers,"

He fixes his eyes to her, determinedly, "What do you think a teenager can do? Do we even can afford ourselves? How do you think we'll raise the baby? Do you know what your Mom and Dad did to raise you? Have you ever considering it?" He showers her with bunch of questions. Even making Hani stunned in a moment.

"Have you thought about that?" Sehun endlessly asks.

Hani pulls her wrist forcefully. She glares back at him. "So now you're thoughtful, what are you going to do, Sehun?" she asks him back. It couldn’t be unnotice by Sehun that Hani holds a spark of disappointment in her eyes.

"If this," she places a palm over her tummy, "If this's really happen, what will you do?" she asks again. She knits her eyebrow.

The talkative Sehun suddenly is speechless. He opens his mouth but only thick air exhaled from it. He has something in mind but he has no gut to say it now. He averts his eyes somewhere else, burying his head down to his hand.

"What, Sehun?" Hani says, "You don't have anything to say? Have you lost your ability to speak suddenly?" she chaffs.

Sehun grunts suddenly. He snaps Hani with his gritted teeth, making Hani flinches backward. But only for a second until he realizes and his eyes become soften again.

He sighs heavily. "I don't think I could be able to be a father now, Hani," he shut his eyes, feeling so honest and he scared to even stares at her eyes.

Hani gawks at him and she scoffs, "So are you going to run if it happens, Sehun?"

Sehun sighs again but he shakes his head, "I'm not going to run away," he silently answers. He caresses her cheek and deeply looks at her. But Hani is seeing something else in his eyes.

Hani feels the urge to drop her tears but she hold it by another chuckle. "No, you can't be," she shakes her head, "If I'm really pregnant. . do you want me to abort the baby?"

Sehun shifts down his hand to her shoulder. Feeling despair, he just digs his head down. "I-i. . I don’t think we could be a parent this soon, Hani,"

Hani's eyes bulges in surprise. She once again opens in disbelief. She pulls herself away, standing up from her position. Sehun lifts his head up in the same time.

"I. I am, Sehun, I'm volunteering myself to help the elders and orphans. I'm volunteering myself to help them who lack of affection, those who didn't have a family, those who didn't have parents," she emphasizes, "What makes you think, I could even abort my own children?"

She points her finger to herself, "How could I, Sehun? How could you even think of it?"

Sehun gulps. His Adam's apple bobs up and down nervously. "You don't get what I mean, Hani. I- I try to-" "Shh, shh, shh" Hani cuts him off, "Listen to me carefully and answer me honestly,"

Hani doesn't think she should be staring at his eyes affectionately like usual, she opens her eyes wide and shots him a glare, "What am I to you, Oh Sehun? What did I mean to you?"'

With her fiery eyes, she intimidates him, "All these following months, what do you think we're doing? Do you think it's only for your fun? Do you think I'm something for your need? Do you ever take me seriously?" she now endlessly asks.


Really down from their places, in the lowest bleachers next to the field, Sehun’s friends in the team unknowingly witness the tension between them. They could easily there’s something wrong with them when all they could see that Sehun and Hani is glaring at each other almost the rest of time, both wrinkled forehead and knitted eyebrow, it’s even too obvious when their face once agape in surprise or frown in disappointment. But it’s quite far for them to know furthermore what are they talking about. Even if they narrows their eyes to read Sehun or Hani’s mouth, it’s still impossible to clearly understand. Fortunately to both of them.


"Answer me, Oh Sehun," Hani leans down her head to his face, "Am I, Go Hani," she points to her own chest, "is only your fccking

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I'm going to read and re write the plot bcos it's kinda...off somehow. My original plot was actually very short but I guess I was too excited the story just went a bit ...... idk


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Chapter 28: I'm in love with this story <3
pls update soon
Hello are you there
I missed them
Chapter 28: I hope you can update soon
oOhsenshine #4
Chapter 28: Congrats on graduating! Omg sehun is s cute and hani as well!!
Chapter 28: They're soooooo cute
Please make sehun jealous
I happy that you finally updated
Chapter 28: Now now finally they are getting there... hani is being such a slow snail to know her own feelings...
Chapter 28: Sooooooo fluffffff!!! I love thissssss soooooo muchhhh!! They're getting there!! Wooohoooo!!
oOhsenshine #8
Chapter 27: Happy belated birthday, I finally caught up with this story, it was soo clever to make her say the same like sehun.
I looove it totally upvoting, way to go!!!
Chapter 27: I already and currently reading those author-nim. And happy be lated to u! How old r u now? ㅋㅋ
zangsia1 #10
Chapter 27: Belated happy. Birthday!