21st Bite

More Than Just A Pie
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Should I have a new taste of pie?


Hani feels like she’s getting back to a reality when she wakes up this morning and sees nothing but empty room before her eyes. She blinks as the hospital light once again, too damn bright for someone who just wakes up. So she is aware that she still in the hospital and it means she’s right about her memories of what happened yesterday. But something is missing. Where is the guy who accompanying her last night? Are having a light kiss on her forehead and getting her hands held tight by him actually just a precious dream of hers?

She gets up abruptly and sits, supporting her back with the pillow behind her. Just in the time, the nurse comes to check her.

"Good morning," the nurse greets.

Hani slightly nods at her politely and greets back, "Good morning,"

The nurse goes to her side to monitoring her,"Well, how have you been after having some sleep? Did you sleep well? Feeling any better?" she asks and Hani nods, "Yes, I’m feeling better," she replies.

"I see," The nurse says, "We’ve checked your blood alcohol content and it’s normal now so that you may go home after some last monitoring, okay?"

Hani purses her lips into a smile and gives her a curt nod.

"I talked to your caretaker last night. I told him everything about alcohol poisoning and how to treat you later," the nurse informs, "He seems like a good guy. He paid attention carefully and watched over you carefully too. We came to monitoring you every two hours and I bet he didn’t even blink an eye at you, just to make sure you’re not getiing worse,"

Hani furrows. So that Sehun seems like he really was staying there, "Is he?" she asks back. The nurse nods at her with an assuring smile.

"Where is he anyway?" the nurse asks her, "Oh, maybe he talk to doctor or something," she replies herself. "Alright then, we’re done. I’ll tell the doctor that you’re ready to go home," the nurse says, "I hope I won’t see you later, okay? He should be taking care of you in the future," the nurse winks at Hani and Hani just chuckles at her.

"Thank you, thank you so much for helping me," Hani bows at her and the nurses leaves with a smile.

When the nurse leaves to the hallway, she could see from the glass on the door that someone is there coming to her room. She unclearly hears thing outside but it definitely is a guy’s voice. Instinctively, she fixes her hair. Her face might look worst after the bedrest but she still can manage her bed hair. The knob of the door twists suddenly and Hani prepares a wide smile to welcome him.

"Hey-" she tries to greet him first but she halt when she sees someone else is standing there at the door.

"Hey, good morning. I see that you’re fine now," he greets with his cheekily smile, walking towards Hani.

Hani frowns, "JONGIN??" she almost yells but manages to just raise her pitch a bit.

"Yes, it’s me. Are you still unconscious?" Jongin asks back and Hani promplty shakes her head. Of course, she’s not. She’s very conscious to know that he’s really Jongin but it’s really unexpected.

"Am I imagining things?" Hani murmurs quietly, talking to herself. "Huh?" Jongin furrows but Hani seems lost in her thought.

"Whatever," he shrugs, "Go to change your clothes, Hani. Here I have some spare for you," Jongin gives her a paper bag, "And there’s also your phone,"

Hani takes the paper bag. She takes a peek inside and see her clothing is there. She looks at it and even her undergarments are there. "How did you even-" she is about to ask Jongin but he cuts, "Sehun!" he sneers.

"Sehun?" Hani asks in the same time she unlocks her phone and a notification pops up on her screen. There’s a new text. Jongin is telling her something but she is more focus on the text.

From : Sehun

I have soccer practice this morning.

Jongin will bring your stuff and pick you up.

Tell me when you’re home.


Hani blinks her eyes. It’s really Sehun who sent the message to her. And even though it is so brief, Hani feels an excitement to see his text. For a couple of months ago, they didn’t even send text to each other literally. They have no idea of each other’s doing until someone talk about it and pretended to know it in the first place. And finally, unexpectedly expected, Sehun is texting her. AGAIN. And it just proves her right that Sehun was really there for her.

Hani almost burst screaming in her happiness but she acknowledge the other person in the room. She lifts her head up to see him, "Mm.. do you say something?" she asks.

Jongin makes a face at her and grunts, "Ughh.right. Forget it. Just change your clothes so that we can leave this place," he says. Hani promptly grins widely and nods at him, before she jumps down to the floor and disappear to the bathroom inside.

"What’s happening to that girl?" Jongin creases his brow, bewildered by the girl.



"The king has told me that I shouldn’t forget your breakfast. So what do you want, princess?" Jongin asks in the middle of getting her home.

"Aw, stop with that nickname," Hani weakly groans at him and Jongin just chuckles. "I see that you’re finally recouncil everything with him, aren’t you?" he asks, "Well, he finally pays his attention back to you,"

Hani shrugs, "I don’t know. May be it’s because I’m sick," she replies. She doesn’t want to catch the feeling so soon, since it was just last night Sehun acted differently out of sudden. Jongin rolls his eyes, he feels so frustrated by the pair. After all this time, they still didn’t figure out things yet. "God," he sighs, "Only God can help these fools," he mutters lowly.

Hani looks at him in confusion but she just let things go. "Can we just go drive-thru something? I don’t feel like eating outside," she says. Jongin nods, "Alright. We’ll drive-thru something since the doctor says, you can eat as usual. Just don’t have the alcohol for your breakfast," he smirks at her and Hani hits him lightly on his arm.

"Ouch," he yelps and glares at her. "Speaking of the alcohol and things happened yesterday and the day after, I need to tell you something," Jongin says.

Hani turns to him and scrunches, "What?"

"Well... I don’t know if it’s really the right time but since you’re fine, very fine actually if we include at how you hit me before," he makes a face, "I think you’re ready enough,"

"Ready for what?" Hani asks again.

"Wait a minute," Jongin takes his phone out from his pocket. He turns his view from the road to the screen carefully. He seems like digging on something on his phone and Hani is curious about it. "Here’s the thing, don’t be panic. Things happen, okay?" he warns before he hands his phone out to her.

Hani impatiently takes it and there she sees a wall post on Facebook app. "Someone has upload the video of you thrown up to a guy," Jongin informs.

"WHAT?" for the third time she aks, Hani bulges her eyes and gape. Jongin nods at her and signals her to go to play the video on the post and she does. She plays the video and she cringes at the content. It is less than a minute but pretty much describe of what happened to her that night. It’s not just including her throw up moment but also there’s a cut of how she drank that night, absolutely improperly.

"Who the hell is uploading it here, huh?" Hani folds her arms after she hand back the phone to Jongin. Jongin shakes his head,"No idea, but that’s not important, Hani. What’s important than that is... who is the one you’ve been throwing up to?" Jongin replies.

"Who?" Hani asks back, the rage still envelopes her mind, together with her self-consciousness. "That’s.. uh.. he actually..is the president of the student council," Jongin replies, with much apologetically looks on his face.

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I'm going to read and re write the plot bcos it's kinda...off somehow. My original plot was actually very short but I guess I was too excited the story just went a bit ...... idk


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Chapter 28: I'm in love with this story <3
pls update soon
Hello are you there
I missed them
Chapter 28: I hope you can update soon
oOhsenshine #4
Chapter 28: Congrats on graduating! Omg sehun is s cute and hani as well!!
Chapter 28: They're soooooo cute
Please make sehun jealous
I happy that you finally updated
Chapter 28: Now now finally they are getting there... hani is being such a slow snail to know her own feelings...
Chapter 28: Sooooooo fluffffff!!! I love thissssss soooooo muchhhh!! They're getting there!! Wooohoooo!!
oOhsenshine #8
Chapter 27: Happy belated birthday, I finally caught up with this story, it was soo clever to make her say the same like sehun.
I looove it totally upvoting, way to go!!!
Chapter 27: I already and currently reading those author-nim. And happy be lated to u! How old r u now? ㅋㅋ
zangsia1 #10
Chapter 27: Belated happy. Birthday!