*Meeting SULLI*

I love you, that's all I know.


After 2 months.. Min Young and Donghae became friends. Or should I say best friends..

                Min Young is already going home, when someone texted her..

                                “Min Young – sshhi! Are you still at school? Wait for me! At the gate! I’ll be there in 5 minutes! See you! :* ---- Donghae oppa <33”


                Min Young smiled after receiving the text.. and then she waited for Donghae to come.

                “I guess, Donghae oppa helped me to move on.. I moved on already, but I can’t say that I have no feelings for Taemin anymore. Well, we don’t talk to each other like we’re used to. And besides. I think he’s busy with his career. I guess what I did is just right” she thought, and smiled a bit.

                “Min Young!” she saw Donghae waving. She waved back..

                “Oppa!” she shouted and smiled. Donghae ran towards her.

                “So, do you want to go somewhere?” he asked.

                “Uhmm. Sure oppa, but. Some fans or stalkers might follow us.” She said worriedly.

                “Anniyo! I have my disguise.” Donghae laughed and he showed Min Young his cap and sunglasses. Min Young smiled at him.

                “Now, let’s go?” Donghae asked Min Young.

                “Aryt! Let’s go oppa!” Min Young replied at Donghae and she smiled.

                While going at the amusement park, Donghae was telling some jokes and Min Young was really laughing hard. It’s the first time Donghae saw Min Young laughed like that.

                They reached at the amusement park..

                “Woah, there are a lot of people today neh ~~” Donghae whined. But then he realized Min Young was not beside him.

                “Omoo, where’s Min Young?! Min Young?!!” Donghae panicked and he looked around, atlast he saw Min Young infront of the booth for the rollercoaster ride.

                “Min Young! Oh god. I thought you’re lost TT-TT”

                “Ani~ Oppa! Kajaa~ ! Let’s take the rollercoaster first for our warm-up, hahahaha!” Min Young laughed while she held Donghae’s hand and she excitedly sat at the front seat.

                “Oh god. Front seat. ROLLERCOASTER.” Donghae thought. And he sat beside Min Young.

                “Oppa ~~!! I’m so excited!! ~~” Min Young sang ~

                After the rollercoaster ride ~

                “Oppa ~ !! That was soooooo ~~ exciting ~ hahaha” Min Young laughed, he looked at Donghae looking a bit dizzy.

                “Ohh ~ Yes, I’m glad you enjoyed ~~” Donghae said. Min Young gave Donghae a cute smile.

                “So, do you want to eat first?” Donghae smiled and asked.

                “Uhm, sure oppa ~” Min Young answered.

                “I know a restaurant here. Wanna try it?” Donghae asked once again. Min Young nodded.

                So they went into the restaurant Donghae was talking about. When they came in, Min Young looked at the place and she was fascinated by the cute designs, pretty colors in the resto.

                “This place has a lot of customers ~” Min Young said to Donghae without noticing that she’s already holding Donghae’s hand.

                “Ani ~ There’s just a celebrity. I think?” Donghae said to Min Young while he tightly held Min Youngs hand. And then the both of them noticed that Sulli and Taemin are also in the resto, that’s why there are a lot of people. Because they showed in the public that they’re dating.

                “Ohh ~ So that’s why there are a lot of people.” Min Young said.

                “Yeah ~ Uhm, do you still want to eat here?” Donghae asked. Min Young nodded. The two of them got their seats and they ordered. While waiting for their order..

                “Uhm, are you sure you’re okay here?” Donghae asked Min Young.

                “Yes oppa ~ It’s just the two of them right? I don’t really care if they’re here.” Min Young gave Donghae a smile. But Donghae knows that Min Young is hurting right now. Though he knows that Min Young already moved on.

                “Oh ~ Is that Donghae hyung?” Taemin asked Sulli while they’re walking towards their table.

                “Hyung ! ~” Taemin shouted. Donghae faced Taemin.

                “So, I knew it’s you!” Taemin said.

                “Oh ~ Taemin – ah. So, you’re also here? Ah ~ that’s why there are many fans out here. Kekeke” Donghae asked and laughed.

                “Yes ~  hehe” And then Taemin noticed that Donghae is with someone..

                “Who’s with you?” Taemin asked. While Min Young is trying to hide herself from Taemin.

                “Aw, it’s Min Young. hehe” Donghae awkwardly laughed. And then Min Young gave Donghae an eye contact telling why did he said to Taemin.

                “Oh ~ ! Min Young! Long time no see.” Taemin faced to Min Young and he excitedly hugged Min Young.

                “Ah ~ I see, yes. “ Min Young awkwardly laughed and she breaks away from the hug. Because she can see that Sulli is glaring her behind Taemin.

                “So, you’re with Sulli?” Donghae asked.

                “Ah ~ yes, mind if we sit with you?” Taemin asked them. Donghae and Min Young were shocked and they don’t know what they will answer.

                “Ow, sure sure ~~” Donghae awkwardly answered. And he gave Min Young an eye contact telling sorry ~. Donghae moved into the other sit and he sat beside Min Young. So Taemin and Sulli ordered and they ate.

                Min Young is thought that she’s kinda out of place so she excused herself and went in the comfort room.

                While fixing herself, she saw Sulli behind her..

                “So, you’re Taemin’s ex, right?” Sulli asked Min Young.

                “Uhh, yes. Why?” Min Young answered.

                “Well, nothing much.. I’ve been hearing some news about you ~” Sulli smirked.

                “News?” Min Young asked.

                “Uh? Yes ~ Well, you see. Taemin oppa, he don’t really love you in the first place.” Sulli said.

                “Huh? What do you mean?” Min Young asked and she’s confused.

                “Don’t you get it? He doesn’t really love you in the first place! Can’t you see? You’re just a poor girl. You don’t even have you parents, I bet they abandoned you. And Taemin oppa is a superstar. I mean a superstar. His parents are well – known in Korea. You’re not for each other, I bet you don’t even know who’s your father. Because I think your mom is a ! And –“

                *slap!!* Before Sulli could finish, Min Young slapped her really hard..

                “Don’t ever talk about my mom that she’s a ! Don’t ever say that to her! You don’t have the right to say that! Don’t even judge people!” Min Young defended.

                **slap!!!** Sulli slapped Min Young twice as hard on what Min Young did to her..

                “You know Sulli, for a , you’re the worse. I don’t even get it why Taemin liked you in the first place. For a like you, I would have thought that Taemin got hypnotized. “ Min Young gave Sulli a glare.

                Sulli notice that someone was going inside so she pretended that she’s hurt and she cried.. Min Young was shocked about Sulli and she saw the lady and she called the guards and told them that Min Young hurted Sulli..

                “Omoo, our Sulli, are you okay? Did this girl hurt you? Omoo,” the lady said.

                “Guards, get that girl! Bring her into the police station!” the lady ordered.

                “What? Wait! I didn’t do anything! No! Let me go!” Min Young shouted and they went outside the comfort room and a lot of people were watching them.

                 Donghae and Taemin saw them and they went to Min Young.

                “Min Young – sshhi, what’s going on?” Donghae worriedly asked her.

                “Oppa ~ !! I don’t know! I didn’t do anything! – Ugh, let me go! I’m hurting!” Min Young defense herself.

                “Uhm, excuse me sir. But, what’s going on he – “ But before Taemin could finish what he’s asking. Sulli went out in the comfort room and she pretended to cry again.

                “Oppa ~ I’m hurt. She slapped me, she hurt me! See?” Sulli showed the red mark on her cheek to Taemin.

                “Yes, that’s right sir. I saw it. That girl slapped Sulli w/o any reason.” The lady from before demanded.

                “Huh? Is that true Min Young?” Donghae asked her.

                “No! Of course not! It’s her fault. She’s the first one who did it. She’s criticizing my mom!” Min Young said.

                “Bwoh? C’mon Min Young, I don’t even know you personally. How come..?” Sulli defended herself.

                “Sorry Min Young, but I think Sulli’s right..” Taemin said.

                “Fine! You don’t believe me? Well, then don’t!” Min Young defended and tears are forming into her eyes, but she doesn’t want to cry. She ran away from the resto and then she cried while running. Without noticing, it’s raining.

                “Min Young!” Donghae shouted and he ran so he could catch up Min Young.

                While Min Young is running, she slipped and her knee is bleeding, but she doesn’t care. And she saw tree nearby and hid there.

                While crying Min Young thought to herself..

                Why is Taemin like that? What happened to him? Why am still hurting? I don’t love him.. anymore..

                Withought realizing, she got bruises from the handcuff a while ago, and her cheek is side lip is also bleeding because of Sulli.

                And then she noticed that somebody offered an umbrella to her, and she saw that it’s Donghae.

                “Oppa ~ mianhae.” Min Young said while she’s crying.

                “Ani ~ Mianhe, I wasn’t there to defend on you.” He said. Min Young cried hard.

                “I miss my umma, I hope she’s still here.. with me..” she said.

                “I know she’s there. She’s watching you from above.” Donghae cheered her.

                “Min Young, come on now. Okay? Let’s go home..”


                “Min Young?”


                He tapped Min Young and Min Young fainted..

                “Min Young ~!!” Donghae shouted. He carried Min Young and he ran to his car. He touched Min Young’s forehead..

                “Oh ~~ You’re burning Min Young.” He’s trying to get the cloth from the side of the sit when he saw Min Young’s injured leg. And it’s badly bleeding.

                “Shi*t, you’re injured. It doesn’t want to stop on bleeding.” Donghae said while he hurriedly put the cloth on the knee. Donghae gvot his extra clothes in his bag and he awkwardly changed Min Young’s clothes. After changing her clothes, Donghae rested his head on the seat..

                “From now on, I won’t let anybody hurt you. I will protect and love you. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. I promise that, Lee Min Young.” He said while looking at Min young’s eyes.

                Donghae secretly kissed Min young’s forehead and drove back to Min young..

--- end of chapter 20! :D

              ** So here's an another update guys! I made it long, maybe it'll take time until I'll update. I'm still thinking some scenarios so that the plot will be amazing xDD HAHAHA. I hope you won't get mad. And pls, don't unsubscribe T.T I feel really bad if you do that :((((



Comment Replies:

 @Smilee: hihihi. Thank you for appreciating it tho! ^^ Take it easy. We all hope Taemin will reflect on what his did to Min Young T.T Enjoy reading! :*

 @shawolminah: yeah, we all want Taemin for Min Young.... but.. he chose Sulli.. you ask why? Let's finds out soon! :> COntinue on reading :*

Gratisan Musik

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And that's what you get Taemin for not holding on to her >:/
AJminnie-ryeo_13 #2
new subscriber here!! ^^ hope you'll upate soon.
jaycobisl #3
Ths is so cool! Update soon!
almiraaloove #4
BTW, readers. I may not update it this month T.T well. It's because my computer was reformatted. And the updated chapter until chapter 25 are deleted here on my computer ~ :|And I'm still finding them on my laptop T.T It's kinda hard to explain. If I can't find those chapters. I have to remake them again ;A; So.. I hope you understand.
almiraaloove #5
@yellowbananaaa, uhh. what chapter are you talking about? :0
Minyoung is a girl right? Why she call SHINee members hyung. That's weird?!?!
entertaemint #7
New reader here! :) Update soon. I really want Taemin and Min Young to get back together. ; A; Sulli is so two-faced! D:< Grr.