Day Two

Second Life

"Oww! Damn this school has slippery hallways.." The twins exchanged a look. Ryuuichi had already knew who it was as he sighed exasperatedly while the younger wondered why did the voice sounded so familiar. "Ah, ouch! Off to a bad start from my very first day.." A Dino with a pair of spectacles came in, holding the English text book that Ryuuichi never really brought. "Ciao! Actually, in English that would be 'Hello'." 

He grinned cheerily as he walked up to the teachers desk. "I'm your new English teacher, Dino. Pleased to meet you!" The classroom boomed to life as the girls squealed at the handsome, foreign teacher while the guys sweated, remembering that he drove a red Ferrari to school.

"Ehh, before we start our lesson of the day, any questions?" Dino blinked in surprise and chuckled when almost everyone raised their hands. "Sensei! How old are you?" "Where are you from?!" "Are you taken?" Et cetera et cetera. Those questions literally had him doing a double take. He hadn't exactly expect half of those questions, but the students had proved him oh so wrong.

"Well, I'm twenty-two, I'm from Italy, and no, I'm still single" That, had the girls squealing. Loudly. To the point that the teachers next door took a peek. Ryuuichi winced at the volume, foreseeing a fanclub of Dino's forming. He shook his head at that as Dino tried to calm them down, to which the man failed badly.

Deciding that he had enough, he raised his hands and called out loudly through the screams. "Sensei!" His voice managed to surprise everyone, a grave silence fell in matters of seconds contrary to what it was a few moments ago. They all stared at Ryuuichi with wide eyes. They had never heard the teen scream before, let alone raise his voice. They did seen him angry before, no doubt, but even then, Ryuuichi didn't even shouted. In fact, his voice would just get lower and lower.

Yuuichi, who sat in front of the Ryuuichi by the window, was bewildered as well. Not that he had never heard of his brother raising his voice, he definitely had. But what shocked him was that Ryuuichi actually took things in hand and managed to silence the rowdy classmates of theirs. Usually his brother would simply ignore it and do his own things, but it wasn't the case this time. He looked to Dino who was eyes wide as well, and stared. 'That man... Wasn't he the one from the hospital..?' 

Dino finally snapped out of it when Ryuuichi raised an eyebrow at him, unimpressed. "Ah-! Y-yes? What is it?"

"Can we start the lesson now? We've hit the fifteen minutes mark." True to what the teen said and what the clock by the door had shown, they had lost fifteen minutes. "R-right. We should start now" He ruffled his hair and opened the text book. "Please open page 120" 

Ryuuichi flopped his hand onto the table, his left hand supported his head, elbow propped up onto the table as he watched Dino going into teacher-mode, eyes half lidded. His right hand made a shooing move to Yuuichi, signalling him to turn to the black board and concentrate on the class. 

He smirked when Yuuichi stuck his tongue out at him, but complied. He stifled an inaudible yawn, blinking away the sleep in his eyes. He never really function well in the morning until it was nine-thirty, and it wasn't even a quarter after nine. He huffed and flipped his exercise book to the last page, doodling a Hibird. 

"Ryuuichi. Please stand up and read the twentieth sentence." He twitched at the slightly accented English, looking up with a frown towards Dino as he ignored the stares from the others. Dino, in his teacher-mode, looked pointedly at him. Ryuuichi sighed and stood up, leaning on one leg.

"Um. I've forgotten to bring my text book" Actually, that was a lie. He never brought his English text book before as he found that it wasn't used that much besides the occasional exercise from the previous English teacher. She always gives exercises from other books and all, so he didn't bring them.

"And may I ask why did you forget to bring your text book? Please speak in English" He twitched again at that. Okay, that irked him slightly. He crossed his arms and looked at Dino with a critical, judging gaze, though he wasn't judging. Just sizing the man up. He would give him his credit for not being offended or angered at his behavior. 

"Well," He started off low and slow, a mischievous smirk formed. "It's stuck on lowest level my shelf for almost half the year and is currently growing mold. Besides, we rarely use the text book and if I know that there was a new teacher, I would've brought it." (Yeah right. He definitely knew that there was a new teacher.) Those who could understand what he was saying gawked at him, frozen stiff for Ryuuichi had the gall to be this, sassy in front of a teacher. Their new teacher as the matter of fact. What happened to the saying 'First impressions are always important'?

Oh, right. Ryuuichi never believe in that saying. 

Much to their already weak heart, Dino returned a smirk of his own, but there was an edge. "Is that so? I will let this time slide, but as a punishment," Ryuuichi's smirk dropped. "I would like you to come in front and charm someone in this room, in English, please" He raised an very amused eyebrow, eyes narrowed and flashed dangerously. Those few classmates of his choked on their saliva, growing red, especially the girls.

He slowly sauntered towards Dino, hands in his pocket. The smirk plastered back on his face while ignoring the stares from his classmates and brother. Dino merely watched as he walked towards him, getting more and more aware of the fact that the teen was heading towards him. He barely able to stop himself from taking a step back at that look. 

Ryuuichi, once directly in front of Dino and out of the sudden, he grabbed Dino's tie and pulled him nearer, face too close for comfort. Ryuuichi wanted to push him back instead, but he held the urge in and didn't drop the facade. 

"You know, I would certainly like to play with you," He started, having his voice as low as he could get, looking into Dino's eyes all the while. (Dino visibly gulped) "But as you can see, I've no interest in it at the moment. Fret not, however, because you're certainly a target of mine." He leaned in a pecked on the man's cheek, laughing very, very hard internally. 

He let go and walked back to his seat, but not before turning around and spoke in French instead, quite aware that Dino could understand. "That's what you get for challenging me, dear" And he winked.

Once he was seated, he immediately buried his head under his arms and his whole body trembled as he laughed so hard that there was no sound. Yuuichi, eyes still wide, watched him with concern. "R-ryuu?"

While he was having his laughing feat, the girls squealed again. Dino had turned into stone on his spot, his soul flying out of his agape mouth, figuratively of course. A few guys were sporting red faces, namely Yamamoto and Gokudera. Tsuna was in a similar state as Dino was, but he too, was sporting a red face.

Let's just say Ryuuichi did not stop laughing for most of the lesson, almost fainting of oxygen deficiency.

(The lesson did not start until one annoyed Hibari Kyouya raided the classroom, hitting the frozen blonde on in the guts and face painfully, and bonked Ryuuichi's head harder than usual when he put two and two together. With just one look on Ryuuichi, and Dino)


Ryuuichi stared at Yuuichi who was doing his homework on Math, already done with his a moment ago and was bored. (It was self study period and Yuuichi had turned around to do it on his table) Yuuichi had his right hand which was holding the pencil, was against his chin, his left sliding slowly against the paper as he read the question. Ryuuichi mused silently that his brother has quite a slim wrist, from basketball, probably. He looked out to the window and at the blue sky, watching the clouds drift by with his head supported by his hand, propped up on the table.

"Oh yeah." 

He looked back to Yuuichi who suddenly spoke and raised an eyebrow. His brother wasn't looking at him as he continued doing his homework, a hand on the calculator.

"I'll be staying over at Kouma-senpai's house with the others today." He had to recall who his brother was talking about for a moment before realizing who he was. It was Yuuichi's senpai from the Basketball Club, the captain, actually. He blinked. "Ah. It's almost time for Winter Cup, huh. Has the team for preliminaries decided?"

A brief nod was his answer. "Yeah. We'll be up against Minami Middle first" He hummed. He didn't hear much of the said school as it was a minor school. Though, he did heard of the newest member, a first year, which was said to be a prodigy as much as how Yuuichi is one. No doubt, Yuuichi and his teammates would discuss of this first year. "Did you pack your stuff?"


He hummed again. Saying nothing of it. He was somehow slightly glad that he wouldn't have to explain to his brother of his whereabouts later tonight. His parents, on the other hand, were out to Tokyo for a job and won't be back until two days later. Such a coincidence. Well, he has no complain to this convenience anyway.

"Yuu, this is 90, not 70" "Eh?"


"Eh?! Two teams will be eliminated?! You're saying that two teams are going to lose in this next battle?!" Tsuna's voice was full with disbelief as he listened to Yuni's explanation and stuff. 

"That's right. Though that's just what my clairvoyance tells me" "But in the future, I saw every single one of your predictions come true!"

Reborn then explained that the Sky Arcobaleno has a superior gift for clairvoyance. "So you don't know which teams are going to lose?" Yuni nodded briefly. "Correct. I can't see it that clearly" It was fortunate that she couldn't, or she might not be able to relax from all the things she would see. The good and the bad.

A muffled shout from a familiar voice was heard as they all turned to the door, wondering what was the commotion. "Let me down dammit!" Cue sweat drop and jaw drop from them except Reborn.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, our allied Team Reborn" Gamma and Byakuran appeared from the door, except Byakuran was carrying a struggling Ryuuichi on his shoulder like the teen was a bloody sack of potatoes. There was a slight red hue on the latter's cheek, either from exhaustion or embarrassment, Tsuna didn't know. "Byakuran! And Gamma! W-wait Ryuuichi?!" The said teen grunted at the brunette, still trying to get out of the white haired teen's vice grip. Damn, was the Marshmallow Freak strong.

"Dude! I'm getting sick here!"

Byakuran ignored him and talked to Yamamoto, who thanked him for healing him. Although, the latter could do without the last sentence of which Byakuran thought that it wouldn't work, saying that it's luck and all. Gokudera smiled almost, almost, a bit too relief at Gamma. "Yo, Gamma. I haven't seen you in a little while. You look younger these days"

"Don't get smart at me, boy. I'm still older than you, that hasn't change" 

A vein popped. 

"We've come here today to ask you about Team Verde. We've heard about who was defeated. Team Colonello's Oregano and Turmeric, and three people from your team" Reborn started.

Another popped.

"In truth, your team is quite possibly one of the most powerful teams here. I want to know how Team Verde managed to defeat three of your team members in ten minutes." And, the volcano erupted. Okay not really.

"Let. Me. Down!!" Ryuuichi kneed into Byakuran's gut as he jumps away from the slacken grip, landing on a crouched position as he glared at them with his hands on his abdomen. It was sore and all, and he was definitely feeling sick just then. Byakuran was fortunate that he didn't want to puke, or he would definitely do it. The rest watched with great amusement while a certain brunette sweated.

Byakuran was hunched over, nursing his definitely bruising abdomen. He whined almost comically. "That hurts, Ryuuichi-kun!" The said teen snarled. "Don't lie! You have, like, a bloody hard stomach you Marshmallow Freak!" 

Gamma sighed at that. He had no idea why, but when he and Byakuran were out, they somehow stumbled across one bored looking Ryuuichi. (Actually, Ryuuichi was heading over to where they were temporarily staying, but was dwelling it as he only wanted to see the battle, not the conversation) Byakuran then decided that it was a good idea and went his merry way to grab the younger and throw him over his shoulder like he weighted nothing despite the loud protest. (He had to endure the stares from those they passed by and tried to not get them arrested for 'kidnapping')

"Continuing," He looked at Yuni. "Princess.. Is it alright if I tell them?" "Of course" He nodded, and took a gun out from his inner pocket of his vest. He walked over to Tsuna and Reborn's side from Yuni's and placed it on the table. "Take a look at this" 

"A gun?" Tsuna tilted his head.

"That's a glock, isn't it? An Australian-made pistol"

Who knows how, but Byakuran managed to recover from Ryuuichi's attack and grin. "It looks like a real thing, doesn't it? But.. This gun.. Was created using illusory powers"

Reborn picked it up. "An illusion? But this feel.. It's got to be a real thing" Honestly, after all these years in the mafia and using guns of all kinds- Blunderbuss, submachine guns, Musket , sniper guns, rifles, shotguns, you name it, he used it before-, he could easily tell of a gun's quality and if its real or not. And this glock is real, that's for sure. 

The fact that it was an illusion, however, did not make him doubt his deductions. 

"To put it simply, Verde has created a machine that can turn illusions into reality" Ryuuichi glanced at the glock and narrowed his eyes slightly. He wasn't as experience as Reborn, nor was he much of an expert to differentiate between illusions and reality, but he could tell that it was indeed slightly different than a normal glock. There was something about it after all.

"Though by today, it's just started to come apart little by little. but for at least one full day, it's the real thing" 

Mukuro was enough for all this illusions and stuff, but there's his apprentist, Fran. (Ryuuichi wouldn't be so surprise if those two create chaos and get away with it laughing their arse off)

"Well, that's it for the bad news. How about eating some of these marshmallow Bluebell brought? They're soft!" Ryuuichi, with a terrifyingly deadpanned look, stared at Byakuran. 'I wonder if I can shoot him with that glock..'


Ryuuichi walked out of the building, hands in his pocket as he stared up into the night sky. "I'll keep watch from above. I can lure out the enemy easily from above. I'll give it everything I've got~" He watched as Byakuran flew away, followed closely by Tsuna. 

He rubbed the back of his neck and heaved a sigh. A thirty minutes battle. With Team Verde on lead and that Shouichi and Spanner haven't found the way to counter their real-illusions stuffs, it was a disadvantage on their side. Not to mention Mist users and the darkness. Well, not like Ryuuichi have anything to comment on it. He wasn't going to battle anyway. 

But just in case, he let out Sora. He smiled and knelt down to pet him. The wolf pup growled softly into the hand when his deep grey eyes narrowed and a fiercer growl was let out, stiff and protective as he stood in front of Ryuuichi. Ryuuichi raised an eyebrow at the wolf pup's behavior, and was answered with loud explosions and stuff. 

He looked up to see the battle that has started, only to see one of the missiles heading towards him. He glanced back at the building behind him and scowled, putting up a translucent shield coated with Cloud Flame. The impact when the missile hit the shield almost threw him off, almost. Illusion as it may be the damage it would cause are seriously bad. Just imagine if he were to dodge it instead, no doubt that it would cause a huge hole on the wall. If there wasn't any Lightning Flame coating on it, that is.

He smirked, a bit too amused. This was getting fun. He stood back up, cradling Shiro in his arms, his shield still up, wrapping around him like a bubble. He has no interest in getting into the hullabaloo despite finding it fun. Definitely not.

Checkerface's subordinate appeared just by Zakuro's side, where his watch was destroyed by Mukuro himself. He and Mukuro jumped off the roof in opposite direction, the former running off to see an illusion of himself. And by Mukuro's side, Tsuna appeared and fought him. Apparently, Mukuro decided to taunt him.

And then Byakuran, Ken, Chikusa, Gamma and Kikyo bubbled over there. Ryuuichi stared with dead-eyes. Chaotic person attracts another, huh. Or was it idiots attract idiots? He shrugged at that thought and jumped away just in time for one of Kikyo's dinosaur popping out of the ground quite fiercely. And then came the missiles, again. 

He looked up at the cliff right opposite of where they are, and tilted his head. He wondered if he should head there before that side started. Suddenly, a what seemed to be a blue stream of light shot across from the cliff towards their direction. Once neared, it shot out smaller streams and headed to all of them minus those in Reborn's team.

The bright light surprised Ryuuichi a little as he jumped. He glanced towards Tsuna who was talking to Iemitsu, and glanced back to the cliff. He sweated. He never went up against an Arcobaleno before, not fully. Now that the alliance with them was terminated, there's no doubt he would be targeted as well. He wasn't really sure that his shield could hold up against Colonello's shots.

(Honestly, he already knew that the shots wouldn't hit anyone else since their main priority was Tsuna, but his memories were damn hazy and, he really, really want to witness Reborn's transformation first hand. God forbid if he didn't manage to see it.)

He looked at Sora and whispered 'Cambio Forma', and what surprised him once again was that when he let go of the wolf pup, Sora howled and glowed in bright orange light. (He had half expected Sora not being able to change since it wasn't made by Vongola, or so he had thought.) Once the light dispersed, a full grown wolf appeared, eyes glinting in the darkness. Oh he wasn't taken aback from seeing an adult wolf, oh no. What made him jaw drop was that Sora, was literally double his size, like, larger than a normal full grown wolf.

He gaped like a fish. Sora was amused when he nudged his head at Ryuuichi. He growled softly at the teen, urgency hinted. Ryuuichi snapped out of his stupor and glanced up at the sky, frowning when a visibly stronger stream of blue light was shot, heading towards Tsuna. He climbed up onto Sora's back, petting him as he tried very hard not to tug at his fur too hard.

Sora, once deemed that Ryuuichi was steady and in place on his back, took off. Ryuuichi yelped as he hugged Sora's neck tighter, pouting at Shiro and Kuro that somehow emmited a laughter-like sound from his bracelet. Sora ran pass the trees, heading up to the cliff where Tsuna had already headed towards and a sound of explosion was heard.

"Woah!" He clung tighter when Sora leaped onto the cliff, just in time to see Iemitsu throwing a boulder at Tsuna. He, still dazed from the ride, didn't noticed Colonello and Lal Mirch gawking at Sora's appearance, as his eyes widen. The boulder was larger than he had expected! It's huge!

Tsuna couldn't believe that Iemitsu was actually going to hospitalize him, his damn father who was never home. His heart tug painfully as the memories of loneliness and the lack of father's warmth hit him. If feelings could kill, he would've already died there, but no. Even if he didn't, he knew he wouldn't have enough time to run, much less survive this, like, there's no way someone could survive a bloody huge boulder crushing him, right?! He clenched his hands and raised it up to his head, last attempt on shielding himself.

His heart jumped, thumping loudly.


He yelped when a gunshot was heard, hitting the boulder. More gunshots were heard until the boulder was nothing but C, H, A, O and S. The debris fell around Tsuna, all missing the brunette by inches. He curled up into a ball nonetheless.

Ryuuichi grinned stretched to the point he looked a lot like Cheshire Cat. He got off of Sora, thanking the wolf pup as he transformed back onto the bracelet. He hurriedly took out his phone which was already in silent mode, took a picture after he turned off the flash. Although it turned out quite black, he was extremely giddy of it. (He did put his phone back into his pocket to focus on the fight)

"There's only one person that could possibly.." "Pull off a feat like that.." 

A tall man with a familiar fedora and curly sideburn stood a few feet in front of Tsuna, a hand on a black gun while another in his pocket. 

"Chaos. Right?"

(Ryuuichi squealed.)


A/N= Ehhhh. This is considered the part one of Second Day..? Half of 364-369.

I had a whole lot of fun writing Dino's part. 

Fun Fact= Sora, Kuro and Shiro were made from the same person who created the possibility for them to change into combat form. Only, Sora was a request from TYL Ryuuichi that he had handed to Dino so that the blonde could pass the box weapon to Ryuuichi and, Kuro and Shiro were a gift. TYL Ryuuichi wasn't amused, least to say. 

Kuro and Shiro's Cambio Forma will appear... Probably much later. The next arc? Any suggestions on what they would be? (I was a bit perplexed by why I had Sora turning so large.)

Four word. Damn Iemitsu. Goddammit Reborn

[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc.etc. mistake]

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Chapter 16: Ah~The feels ♡
Chapter 4: Wow. I didn't expect this story would be interesting. Definitely no regrets choosing to read this story.
hoseokislove #4
got my eyes on this fic:D
seventeenwoozi #5
cant wait for the next chapter!!
sugalovere #6
cant wait^^
xiuhanisreall #7
please update soon^^
niceguy12 #8
looks interesting can't wait
romancefanfics #9
waiting for update^^
joowonlov #10
hehe update soon author-nim ^*^