Suicidal Attempts

Second Life

"D-drake?" He stumbled towards Ryuuichi, and knelt to his eye level. His heart leaped in happiness when Ryuuichi nodded, the chat box that was on his phone was more than enough to be the proof. He immediately pounced teen, surprising the hell out of Ryuuichi, and secretly Reborn, not like the prideful hitman would admit.

"Where the hell have you been!!! I've been trying to contact you for 6 bloody months you know!!" He hugged him tightly, not letting go. He felt a hand patting his back. "Sorry... I'll try to make it up to you later, but first..." Gokudera slowly let go of him, and turned towards Reborn, who was watching their supposedly reunion with dead eyes, clearly not interested at it currently.

He felt his cheeks heated up in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Reborn-san" He sat down beside Ryuuichi.

"Now answer me, Ryuuichi" The said teen chuckled at the impatient tone. "Right right, well, this is actually the first time I met Gokudera in flesh." He lightly slapped the bomber at the back "We knew each other on a chatting website actually." It's true, he did knew Gokudera on a chatting website. The bomber himself had approached him one day when he was online, asking for advice. He was considered a counselor on the website so pretty much a lot of people asked advice from him everyday. When he saw the message from the bomber, he immediately knew it was him since his username basically gave it all away.

Though, he didn't mention that he actually know Gokudera even if he didn't approach him. He smiled at the hitman "Does that answer your questions?" 

Reborn was frustrated. The teen did answered him. But he could tell there's something more than that. He also knew that it's futile to force the answer out because he certainly won't say it. He doesn't want to admit it but torturing, physically or mentally, won't work on him. He could tell that the teen's mental strength is higher than most people expected. Not much choice, he nodded. "Ah"


Gokudera couldn't believed it. He pinched himself for the nth time, and it hurts. It actually hurts. He wasn't dreaming. He was really with Drake.

Gokudera had first approached him when he was almost giving up on his life. And then, he accidentally stumbled upon the chatting site, more specifically, Drake's profile on the chatting site. His profile didn't say much, except that he would lend a listening ear(Eyes) and give advice to anyone. He hesitated. He wondered should he really talk to this guy that he doesn't even know. He wondered if it's ok to open up to him.

After consideration, he made an account on that site. He then sent a message to Drake. And slowly, after time passed, they got closer, too close to be considered as a counselor and someone who need counseling. It became friendship. And to the point that even Drake knows his real name, and had called him Yato. He had became his light. Even though Drake never reveal anything about himself, nor his problem, he felt that he could trust him. 

And then, he disappeared. 6 months ago, Drake suddenly stopped going on the website. He had stopped answering him. Gokudera was devastated. He tried so hard to find him on the internet, because he remembered that Drake once told him that he basically have an account on every single English social media, but the internet world was too big. No matter what, he couldn't track him down. His light suddenly disappeared.

Now, he's right there, in flesh and blood, not digitally. He felt like crying for the second time that day.

The first was when Juudaime had saved him. For the first time in 6 months, he felt the light. The same type of light that Drake had given him. He wanted to cry, but didn't. He did not wanted to look like a wimp in front of Juudaime. 

Gokudera suddenly realized that he had two lights in his life now. Drake, the light that supports him mentally. And Juudaime, the light that supports him physically.

Ryuuichi could see the messed up thoughts of Gokudera. He knew what was on his mind. He could practically see the ghost tear around the rim of his eyes. He couldn't say anything though. Technically, it was his fault anyway. He knew he shouldn't let the bomber get attached to him on the site, but he realized it far too late. So he had cut off the connections. He couldn't become the only one that Gokudera will open up to. He had to make him open up to the other Guardians too, especially Tsuna and Yamamoto. The two will be a better support than him. They will be the brighter light. They will be the one to teach him to survive, to live and to trust. 

If he open up to just him, who knows what will happen.

"Sorry, Yato... I'm sorry for disappearing without any notice..." He patted the bomber on the head gently, a caring smile was presented to him.

"I-it's ok.. Drake" He let out a sigh. "Relax, I won't disappear without saying anything anymore." He stood up, his hand stretched out in front of Gokudera. "Let's go, we'll have dinner together" A large grin appeared on his face "At the same time, I'll introduce you to my brother. Oh and call me Ryuuichi from now on"

Gokudera smiled. "Yes!!"

---------------------------------Two Day Later---------------------------------------

'Today, Yamamoto... Huh' Ryuuichi scanned the baseball field through his class window, watching students from some random class were having P.E there. It was currently a free period because their Math teacher suddenly couldn't make it. He stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom. "Yuu. I'll skip for a while" He went up to the roof top, which was empty. 

'Of course it's still empty. He won't come up here until a little later..... Or now...' His quickly climbed to where Hibari usually would sleep at, hiding from Yamamoto. He watched as the baseball star, with a hand injured, climbed to the other side of the fence. He could clearly see his hesitation. Ryuuichi gritted his teeth and clenched his hands. 'Tsuna.. Hurry up' Students from Yamamoto's class immediately filled the previously empty roof top. All trying to stop Yamamoto, who was too stubborn to listen to anyone. 

And then Tsuna came into picture. He let out a brief sigh of relief. Tsuna was trying his very best to persuade the baseball star from committing suicide. Finally, he managed to knock some sense into Yamamoto, but being the timid him, Tsuna ran away, only to be pulled back by Yamamoto, and only to be drag down along with him.

Everyone gasped. Ryuuichi didn't really worried much. He jumped down from his previous hiding spot, surprising a few students by his action, and ran down the stairs, towards the courtyard where Tsuna and Yamamoto would land. He smiled a little when he heard the familiar shout "MID AIR REBORN!!!"

When he finally reached them, he could see that Yamamoto and Tsuna making up, smiling at each other. He stopped, and calmed his breathing for a moment. Now, it's his time to give that idiot a lesson. 

He stomped hard towards Yamamoto, glaring at him. Tsuna squeaked in fear when he saw Ryuuichi's glare while Yamamoto sweated. Ryuuichi stopped in front of Yamamoto, and gave him a hard slap on the back. 

"You're seriously a bloody idiot, Yamamoto." "W-wha-" The baseball star gulped in fear. Ryuuichi's eyes were glaring at him so hard he felt that he would somehow, some way, burn. "Have you ever thought give a thought for your father? What do you think he would feel like if you die?" 

He couldn't answer. "T-that's..."

"Aside from your father, have you given a thought about what your friends would feel? How would I feel? Even though I never really talked to you much but I care about you. Not just me, Tsunayoshi cares about you too" He looked at Tsuna, who nodded. Ryuuichi crouched in front of Yamamoto. "Dude. Your life isn't something you can end so easily. Everyone went through the same thing. Everyone had dropped down a ditch at least onces in their life time. Even if you're too deep in it, dying isn't a solution. That's call running away. All you have to do, is to find the answer and climb back up again. You still have a long way to go, idiot."

What Ryuuichi said was a little too complicated, but Yamamoto somehow understood. It really was idiotic of him to think that dying could solve everything. A smile slowly graced his face. "Ahh.. Sorry about all that, Tsuna, Ryuu"

All's well, end's well, for now.


It has been almost a month since Ryuuichi got himself involved with Tsuna's gang. And since Yamamoto's incident, Tsuna, Yamamoto and of course, Gokudera, had gotten closer to him. Reborn, on the other hand could finally at least read the emotions the teen has, well sometimes. 

Through the month, he had met Lambo, the annoying kid, I-pin, who almost killed Tsuna and has a little crush on Hibari, Haru, who one day suddenly approached him and asked him about a few nonsensical stuff, main topic on Tsuna, Bianchi, who luckily never asked him to test her poison cooking, and Ryohei, who at one point tried to recruit him to the boxing club but was rejected. Hibari, on the other hand, had actually stopped greeting him with a tonfa in his face, which was quite surprising.

Currently, Ryuuichi was walking along with Tsuna, who said that Reborn had invited him over for dinner. Seeing the fact Yuuichi was in Tokyo for his basketball Interhigh competition and Sakura and Kei were outstation for their monthly work so he was the only one at home, and he can't cook, he decided to take up the offer. 

He was chatting with Tsuna about a few tips on Mathematics when they saw men in black outside Tsuna's house. Ryuuichi suddenly remembered Dino. 'So it's Dino today...'

The men in black all made way and greeted Tsuna. They didn't seem to notice Ryuuichi for some reason, resulting Ryuuichi being either glared at or watched with conscious. 'Seriously, could you give me a break..' He followed behind Tsuna, who quickly scrambled into his house. Ryuuichi muttered a small "Sorry for intrusion" as he took off his shoes. He had visited Tsuna's house before, and have met Nana, who was as ditzy as he had expected. 

They both went upstair, to Tsuna's room when Nana said that they have a guest. He almost laughed out loud when he saw Tsuna shrinking a little as two men in black, looked at him. No, not glared, looked. 'Romario... And who the hell was that..'

And then, Dino revealed himself, in all his glory, on an expensive looking chair. All the time, he had been invisible to their eyes. It was quite expected, seeing that Tsuna is the main character, right now and later.

He watched as Dino, who walked up towards Tsuna and pointed out his bad points. Ryuuichi was trembling so badly, trying to stop his laughters. When Reborn added what he has was the last straw. He bursted out laughing so hard that his stomach hurt. He hysterical laughters had brought Dino and the other's attention. 

"Oh Ryuuichi, you're here" Reborn popped out by his side. Ryuuichi took a minute more before he finally be able to stop himself. "I've been here since the beginning though" 

"Reborn?" Dino called out. Ryuuichi looked up at him the Cavallone boss, and smiled. "Hello" He stood up from his previous crouching form and bowed lightly. "I'm Tsuna's friend. Name's Shiroki Ryuuichi" Dino's expression, along with Romario and the other one, changed 180 degrees. He hadn't expected it. "Did you say your name's Shiroki..?" 

He nodded. "Yeah. It's my family name. Why?" He frowned. What's with Dino and his family name? Could it be that his parents were involved with him in some way? Dino quickly shook his head, denying everything. "A-ah no. Nothing" Something told him that it wasn't 'nothing'.

Suddenly, came along one Lambo. The child apparently was too bored and decided to bother Tsuna and Reborn, well, basically wanted to assassin him, but failed, as expected. He tried to keep calm ended up crying loudly. A dynamite was thrown, out of the window by accident. Dino's subordinates were outside, so he had done a little show, by jumping out of the window and whipped the dynamite away. 

Lambo, who couldn't stop crying took out his 10 years bazooka, wanting to shoot himself but Reborn had kicked him. The 10 year bazooka slipped out of his grasp and hit Ryuuichi, who was slightly curious how does it feel to get shoot by it.

Pink smoke appeared and disappeared as quickly as it came, and a taller male appeared. "R-ryuuichi?!" Tsuna was stunned. The teen now turned adult looked really matured. He had grown taller, probably an inches or two shorter than Dino. His face had grew sharper and his built was filled up a little more, but not to the muscle type like Ryohei. His dark brown eyes were sharper, and he still had that familiar smile on his face.

"Hmm?" His voice had tuned a little lower than his current one. "Oh, the bazooka huh." Right at the same time, Dino appeared. He gasped when he saw the adult, slightly flabbergasted. The older Ryuuichi saw Dino and raised an eyebrow. Suddenly a smirk was presented. "A younger Dino. How nostalgic"

"R-r-ryuuichi!?!??!" The man chuckled. "Hi~" He turned towards Tsuna, and gave him a smile. He walked up towards Tsuna, and cupped his cheeks. "Oh? You haven't remember?" Tsuna was puzzled, clueless at what the man was talking about. "Well, never mind. Anyway..." His cheeks were suddenly pinched "Younger Tsuna is seriously cute~!!!" He struggled to get out of Ryuuichi's grip, before he was released. He rubbed his sore cheeks.

Ryuuichi turned towards Reborn and gave him a smirk, though said nothing. He simply gave him a nodded before turning towards Dino again. "Dino" The said man stuttered a yes. He briefly wondered why was he so tensed around the older Ryuuichi, who chuckled. "I'll have you know, you can't hide things from my younger self for too long. I'm really sharp after all" Before he could reply anything, Ryuuichi bade them see you, and disappeared with the pink puff, and the original Ryuuichi came back.

Ryuuichi couldn't believe what he had been through. When he was transferred to the future, he was alone in a office. From what he had saw, he could tell that he really must have gotten involved in the mafia really deep now. "Ryuuichi?" He looked towards the couch that the office had, and saw two guys emerging from it, finally realizing that he wasn't alone. "Ryuu" He could make up the familiar voices. Voices that he knew quite well "Eh? Hibari? Dino?" Why is the Cavallone boss and Hibari here?

The two looked towards him when they heard the higher toned voice he had, and eyes widen. They stood up and walked up towards him. Dino cupped his cheeks and had stretched it, much to his dismay. "Whoah. It's real!" Hibari simply raised an eyebrow in question. Ryuuichi sighed. "10 year bazooka"

Realization dawned them both. The younger Lambo must have accidentally hit him with it. "What was I doing in this era?" Ryuuichi asked, as he looked around the office. It was quite large, with book shelves lined up by the side of the room, couches that laid near it, a picture frame on the office table in front of him, and a few couple of files, probably documents.

The two hesitated. At some point through the years, the older Ryuuichi had told them not to tell his younger self much about what he do in this era. Hints were alright but not the full story. Though, they doubt that is possible seeing the fact that Ryuuichi was a really sharp one ever since he was young, not to mention quite smart at putting pieces in place. Basically, hiding things from him is hard.

"W-well... You're-" "You're a member of both Vongola and Cavallone Famiglia" Dino protested loudly when Hibari had answered him. ("Kyouya!!" "What? I'm not saying everything") Ryuuichi's eyes widen. He hadn't expected that. Maybe the Vongola part but Cavallone too? He wasn't able to ask anymore before he was blasted back to the past.

When he was back in Tsuna's room, he saw Dino's troubled face, Reborn's unfazed, usual facade, and Tsuna's red cheeks that he was rubbing. 'My older self must have said something...' He tch-ed a little. He didn't managed to ask the older Dino and Hibari about it. 'Maybe I had something or had done something during the time period to be a member of Cavallone.... But...'

He couldn't help but think that it was the former.


Dino and Reborn were alone together in Tsuna's room. The brunette had sent Ryuuichi back since it has gotten quite late, forced to actually. They were having a little chat about Tsuna, but Reborn suddenly brought up Ryuuichi.

"Why did you look surprised when Ryuuichi introduced himself. And what were you hiding from him?"

His ex-student, then looked reluctant to say anything. "W-well.... A few stuff..." Dino couldn't really say it. He had promised that he won't say anything if he meet Ryuuichi. Even if it's a one in a billion chance. He quickly raised up his hands when Reborn cocked his gun at him. "Whoah time out time out!!"

"Tell me, Baka-Dino. Or else" The gun glinted. "Alright alright!!" Dino sighed. "Ryuuichi... Well... Was one way or another involved with my family..." He sighed again. "I meant mafia stuff." 

Reborn raised an eyebrow. "He already knew about the mafia. Vongola and I presume, about Cavallone too"

"..........What?!" Reborn nodded. "He himself told me about it. Though he didn't say how he knew..." 'Not to mention that he was keeping loads and loads of secret...'

Dino couldn't believe it. How the hell did that one person whom he had promised to not be told at about anything regarding the mafia knows. Maybe he found it out by himself? But that is quite impossible. 'Just how....'


A/N = Having Ryuuichi blasted to the future wasn't really a part of the plan.. But... Oh well. 

The first arc will end in about one or two chapters. As I said, this arc will be fast paced. If anyone couldn't catch up, I suggest you watch both the Anime and Manga and try to link it. I won't elaborate much about the first three arc so.. Yeah. 

But I'll probably slip a few hilarity here and there in the story during the happening of the rest of the arcs.. I think...

[I apologize for any grammars,spelling,etc.etc. mistakes]


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Chapter 16: Ah~The feels ♡
Chapter 4: Wow. I didn't expect this story would be interesting. Definitely no regrets choosing to read this story.
hoseokislove #4
got my eyes on this fic:D
seventeenwoozi #5
cant wait for the next chapter!!
sugalovere #6
cant wait^^
xiuhanisreall #7
please update soon^^
niceguy12 #8
looks interesting can't wait
romancefanfics #9
waiting for update^^
joowonlov #10
hehe update soon author-nim ^*^