
Second Life

A particular loud sigh ripped out of Ryuuichi's lip, making mostly everyone in the classroom look at him. Their English teacher raised an eyebrow at him. It wasn't always that the top student of the school would disturb a teaching teacher, this is probably the first time it happened. "Shiroki-kun. Please read out passage 51" 

Ryuuichi twitched, he silently cursed himself for being so careless. He stood up and read the said passage in front of the class. His perfectly accented English had thrown basically everyone in the class off course, including the teacher and excluding Yuuichi, of course. He did grew up in an English based country before. Even though English was his second language even in his past life, it can be considered his forte language. It's even better than his mother tongue.

Once he finished reading, he sat back down. The teacher, snapped out of her trance, too mesmerized by him, continued her teachings. Ryuuichi decided there's nothing much to focus on the lesson since he had known most of the stuff, and looked out the window.

It has been two, no, three months since they entered the school. Hibari, surprisingly had approached him from time to time, asking- ordering- for a spar or two.(He tried to decline it but failed. Somehow he felt relieved that Sakura and Kei had forced both him and Yuuichi to take self defense lessons) He was then called small animal by the said prefect. (And had practically fangirled internally and had to surppress the urge to squeal whenever Hibari talk to him. At least he's able to not show it out) 

And because of Hibari's involvement, practically most students, no people, were scared of him. The rumor of him being a demon(Called by the ones in his primary school who knew about the traumatized senior) didn't helped either.

He heard that Tsuna had gained a reputation, being useless- no. He isn't useless. Ryuuichi refused to call or refer that brunette by his nickname. He would practically narrow his eyes at anyone who mention the nickname in front of him, causing most to misunderstood that he hate the brunette.

He suppressed another sigh that was about to get out of his mouth. He wondered when will he able to actually approach them, and promptly get involve in the mafia stuff himself. Oh he will. After living in this life for 13 years, he decided to end his, her, out of ordinary life and do stupid, idiotic and dangerous stuff. 

The time and period of Reborn's arrival wasn't stated. Based on the manga, he arrived on the day Tsuna's class have a basketball match, which they'll lose.

'...Wait... We'll be having P.E with his class later... And I heard that it's basketball...' A full blown grin appeared on his face. He quickly covered it with his hand. 'Oh .. I can't wait...' 


As expected, Tsuna's team lost. He watched from the sideline. His brother along with the others who were playing with him were cheering, glowing actually. On the other side, Tsuna's teammate were sneering at him. Apparently the two class had a bet. Whoever losses will have to clean the who gymnasium. 

After a while, all of his classmates and most of 1-B's student had gone. Either to change or who knows what. Tsuna was called Dame-Tsuna, and was blamed. It was quite an illogical accuse. Basketball is the sport of teamwork. It's not an individual game. No one's at fault if they losses. They threw the mop to Tsuna and forced him to clean the gymnasium himself, saying that it's a punishment.

Ryuuichi narrowed his eyes at the laughing teens who continued to mock Tsuna even when they were out of sight, but made no move. He couldn't stop what will happen in before the end of the Curse of The Rainbow Arc. Who knows what will happen if he interferes. He continued watching the brunette, leaning against the wall.

He watched Tsuna's inner monologue, he must have not noticed Ryuuichi as he busied himself with swooning over Sasagawa Kyoko. Ryuuichi had talked to her before, the supposely school idol. He felt that Kyoko was practically ordinary, aside from her warm personality. Though surprisingly, he hadn't come to dislike the girl. Unlike his usual self, he would dislike popular girls that he met, in this life and the previous, because most of them were snobbish and their heads were held too high. Too be honest, he doesn't like those kind of people, be it a male or female.

He then noticed that Tsuna left, probably, most definitely, going home. All the while he didn't even noticed Ryuuichi. A smirk plastered on Ryuuichi's face, he pushed himself of the wall and walked out, going to class. 'Tomorrow...'

-------------------------Next Day------------------------------

It was 6 in the morning, Ryuuichi had woke up early than he usually would. Perhaps it's the excitement, but something told him that it has something to do with his dreams that he had last night. He couldn't seem to remember what was it but it sure was vivid. And clearer that the dreams he had before. 

He was walking around the neighbourhood, alone and in his uniform and bag. Yuuichi went to school earlier because of basketball training. His twin were basically like a zombie, muttering something about his devil coach and all. Decided that it's too early to use his laptop, he went out.

He had his headphone linked to his phone on, with English Songs playing, quite lowly just in case someone decided to jump on him or anything. He quietly hummed as he a junction, seeing a familiar and empty playground. He sat on the swings, placing his bag on the side and slowly swung himself up, higher each time. His mind was else where.

Memories of his past life played like a movie. He remembered his family, his friends, and some other things. He wasn't an idiot nor slow. On the contrary, he was sharp. Very sharp. When he first came into this world as a new born baby boy, he realized he must have either died, or in coma that had his soul and memories transferred here. It sounded so stupid at first but when he realized he was in Namimori, in this world, he knew it's true. He wanted to find out, why was he transferred here. If he had really died in his past life, why does the memories of it still exist.

If he really did reincarnated here, shouldn't he not be able to remember everything? 

So he decided to find answers. But because he's thrown here, of all places, he presumed that he could get what he wanted from the main characters of this story. Be it Tsuna, or Reborn, or that Checker Face a.k.a Kawahira, anyone as the matter of fact. He want answers.

And when he was 6 and mentally 22, he had asked his father to let him take Italian and French classes. He figured that learning them would help him understand things more. Well, taking French class was more on a hunch. He didn't know why he wanted to take it but he had his fun.(By sarcastically sassing at people who annoyed him in French. It was funny seeing their clueless expression when he did.)

'Now that I think about it..... Wasn't Vongola First Cloud a Frenchman....?'

He jumped down from the swing and looked at his watch. He suddenly smirked at the time. It's time to greet the strongest hitman.



'Ah it started'

"I'll confess to Sasagawa Kyoko with my dying will!!" Ryuuichi saw half teen, orange flame burning on his forehead. He didn't noticed him and ran towards the direction of their school. Beside the fallen bag, he saw a familiar looking arcobaleno. He couldn't surpass the urge to smirk and it stuck on his lips.

Reborn himself was smirking. Leon changed back from his gun form and went back to his usual spot on his fedora. He looked at the direction that his student had ran towards, only in his boxer. Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him. It wasn't hostile. It felt quite strange. He had never encounter such presence that made me interested.

He turned around and saw a dark brown hair boy, looking back at him. His uniform shown that he's a student of Namimori Middle, same school as Tsuna. Ryuuichi was smiling at him. He greeted the hitman and nodded at him. "Good Morning"

Reborn both see and hear the amusement in his tone and eyes. His dark brown orbs made him realized that the teen in front of him knows something. And that something has a lot to do with him, and Tsuna. Basically it has something to do with the mafia, he guessed. 


The teen met his eyes for a brief moment before he looked towards his student's bag. "Is that Tsunayoshi's? I think I saw him running away just now" It was a lie. He knew that the bag belonged to Tsuna. Why did he lie was something even Reborn didn't know. He couldn't even read what the teen was thinking, and that was a first. Despite being an expert at reading people's mind, that teen had some kind of barrier or some sort that made him unreadable. 


Reborn saw the slight tug on his lips. He kept his eyes on Ryuuichi when he bent down and picked up the bag. "Well, I'll deliver it to him. Need a ride?"

Reborn tugged his fedora down and hid his eyes, a smirk planted on his face. 'He's interesting. I'll keep an eye on him for now' He thanked the boy and jumped onto his head, surprised that it's quite comfortable. "Ah I'm Shiroki Ryuuichi by the way. Your name?"

Reborn felt that it's weird that Ryuuichi didn't seem to be surprised or creeped out that he's talking to a talking baby. "I'm Reborn" The two didn't say anything else as Ryuuichi walked to his school. Reborn didn't feel anything out of ordinary when he sat on top of Ryuuichi's head the whole time. But when they reached the school's gate, he felt a sudden dangerous aura from the teen.

He looked towards the direction the teen was staring and saw Tsuna on the ground and in his boxer. Apparently Mochida had had punched him in the face, shouting something about ert freak, before the senior stomped away, probably running after Kyoko. 

"What happened to me!??!" Tsuna was pulling his hair as he brainstormed about nonsensical stuff. Reborn and Ryuuichi were amused at his little show as he didn't noticed the both of them. Reborn jumped down from Ryuuichi's head, saying that what he did is all because of the Dying Will Bullet he had shot him and somehow explained about the usage of it.

"Reborn!!" Only then did Tsuna noticed Ryuuichi. He then pointed a finger at him "Ahh!! You!!" He remembered the teen helped him a few months back, but he never engaged or seen him much after that. The fact that he hadn't say his thanks dawn him. "Ummm.. Thanks for helping me that time.."

Ryuuichi was surprised. He didn't expected the teen to thank him, nor know which situation was he refering to. Though, he figured that it's the recent one. He smiled at him, not fazed by the slightly rude teen. Perhaps Tsuna didn't realized his action is quite rude afterall. "Anytime. Oh and here" He gave him his bag and a spare uniform that Reborn handed him earlier. A small blush appeared on his cheeks when Tsuna realized he's still half and thanked Ryuuichi again.

Reborn on the other hand, stood by their side and watched them interact, puzzled. 'Tsuna met Ryuuichi before?' According to his research, his student had never interact with the other before. The question was never answered because the darker hair teen suddenly jumped back, avoiding a tonfa. He looked towards the assailant and saw a dangerous looking raven head. 'Hibari Kyouya'

"Good morning to you too, Hibari" Ryuuichi had a unreadable smile on his face, one that he usually give to the prefect. Hibari smirked, and kept away his tonfa. "Small animal" He greeted back and when on his fighting stance again. Ryuuichi who noticed that quickly raised both of his hand. He doesn't want to fight the prefect, not this early in the morning. 

"Whoah whoah stop. I don't want to fight" Hibari huffed, not even listening, and ran to attack him. Ryuuichi quickly jump over Tsuna and ran into the school compound, shouting. "See you later!!" 

Reborn observed the two as he absentmindly answered Tsuna's question about the bullet. His attention fully taken by the Ryuuichi who ran away. 

Hibari was annoyed that he wasn't able to bite the small animal to death, but he didn't chase him as the first bell rang. He then turned towards the teen still sitting on the ground and ordered him to go back to class. He raised an eyebrow when the teen stumbled and ran into the school ground with his bag and uniform on hand. He locked eyes with the infant, who was still at his stop, smirking. He nodded a little and returned a smirk himself before going back into the school. 'One day, I'll bite that infant to death'


Tsuna sighed for the nth time that day. After the confession incident that morning, everyone in his class had teased, mocked and laughed at him, practically non-stop. To make that worse, Mochida-senpai had challenged him to a Kendo match later during the afternoon break. He silently cussed the hitman under his breath.

And then, Ryuuichi suddenly came into the picture. He furrowed his eyebrows when he remembered that Reborn was on top of his head that morning. He silently wondered that if Ryuuichi was part of that infant's scheme. Though, he generally felt that Ryuuichi wasn't even in Reborn's plan. He had no idea why but he felt Ryuuichi was more than that. He still couldn't get the familiar feeling off though.

Soon, the dread afternoon break arrived. He tried to run away through the toilet's window, only to have the infant stop him, saying something about running away for the rest of his life. His patience on him was slowly running out. "I don't want some infant to talk to be about my life!" Seriously, who did the baby think he is, lecturing him about stuff like this.

But in the end, he had appeared at the gymnasium, where Mochida had decided to spar with him at. He wondered why the hell did he agreed on coming. Perhaps he should've increase his mental strength and not let the infant manipulate him. He also questioned his sanity because he had just been manipulated by a infant.

There was quite a large crowd of people, even Hibari was there.

Ryuuichi, stood next to Hibari, leaning against the wall like he was. A few students wondered how the hell was he able to be near the dangerous prefect without being bitten to death. Then again, the top student wasn't really a normal person anyway.

Yuuichi, who was standing by his side looked at Mochida in disgust. The damn Kendo captain was a shrewd human being. He felt like punching the senior in the gut a thousand times when he declared to Tsuna and basically everyone in the gymnasium that whoever wins gets Kyoko. Mind you, Yuuichi's punch can be quite deadly. Ryuuichi who could feel the want emitting from his younger twin sweated a little but said nothing. He had taste the punch before and he certainly didn't want to get it again, thank you very much.

Back to the situation in hand, Ryuuichi watched as Mochida ran after Tsuna who was running away from him, shrieking at the same time. His eyes then wandered towards where Reborn was, on the upper floor by the window. He was holding a shot gun shaped Leon and shot Tsuna. He hadn't realized that he was being watched until he had shot his student.

He quickly looked towards the direction but no one was looking at him. Everyone was too focused on the match. His eyes zeroed at Ryuuichi, who was standing in between Hibari and his lookalike. 'Twins?' None of them were looking at him. He let his gaze on them for a few moments longer before looking back at his student.

Ryuuichi had turned towards Tsuna who had 'Reborn', watching him in glee as he literally ripped Mochida's hair. One thing that he shared with Yuuichi at the moment was the pleasure in seeing Mochida suffering. He and Yuuichi was challenged by the senior before in the past, a day after Kyoko approached them. Let's just say that after the match, no one dares to even think about it and Mochida was thoroughly traumatized. And since then, the twins had this sort of hatred against him. Even more on Ryuuichi because he knew about Mochida's mocking on Tsuna.

Surprisingly, Mochida had quite a thick skull because he had recovered from his traumatized state in a month.

The match was over with Tsuna as the winner. Everyone cheered loudly. Ryuuichi then gazed out through the gymnasium's door, and saw a familiar silver hair teen. The oh so familiar smile appeared on his face. "Yuuichi, let's go" The twins left without looking back and Hibari did nothing to stop them, only that he and Ryuuichi's eyes met for a brief moment.



Ryuuichi snapped out of his trance when he heard his coach's voice. He slowly fell out of his archery stance and bowed lightly at the older man. "Coach" The coach had a gentle, father smile on, and he's one of those wise old man he had always heard about, but never met one. Til he met his coach of course. Whenever he stayed longer for practice, the old man would surely accompany him and it's no different currently. "Is something wrong? You seem out of it today"

Ryuuichi looked puzzled at him. What did he do to make the coach said that? He was, as usual, coming to archery practice on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, leaving the rest to the Chess club, and he did what he would usually do when he comes to practice. His coach chuckled. "You've been standing like that for at least 2 minutes and you haven't been getting much points today"

He looked towards the target board and saw that he indeed didn't meet his usual quota. He scratched the back of his head sheepishly and sighed. "Is something bothering you?" He turned towards his coach and sighed again. Apparently he couldn't hide things from him. "Well...."

The coach didn't said anything, and waited for him to continue. It's a sign of him wanting to squeeze some juice out, really. "It's just that... I'm getting closer to getting my answers.... I'm kind of nervous.."

Once, he had a chat with the old man. He was asked, questioned by him because basically each time he comes to practice, the coach could saw anticipation and doubt in him. So that day his coach decided to talk about it over a tea. Ryuuichi simply answered that he was waiting for answers but did not elaborate further. The old man who saw the signs of hesitation did not force him to answer much.

"Ohh? That's good, isn't it?" 

A smile appeared. "It is" The coach smiled back at him, and gently wished "I pray the best for you"


A/N= Third chapter!!! Lol I couldn't post it up yesterday because I kindda got in a trance and wrote more than I thought I would. Not to mention I've kindda rewritten a part up there. So yeah.

Basically all I've said was an excuse so please ignore it.

[I apologize for any grammar,spelling, etc.etc. mistakes]

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Chapter 16: Ah~The feels ♡
Chapter 4: Wow. I didn't expect this story would be interesting. Definitely no regrets choosing to read this story.
hoseokislove #4
got my eyes on this fic:D
seventeenwoozi #5
cant wait for the next chapter!!
sugalovere #6
cant wait^^
xiuhanisreall #7
please update soon^^
niceguy12 #8
looks interesting can't wait
romancefanfics #9
waiting for update^^
joowonlov #10
hehe update soon author-nim ^*^