Superbi Squalo, Vongola Rings and Varia

Second Life

"Ryuu, grab those" The twins were shopping for groceries and were skipping school. There weren't much to do at school because it was Review day after all. Not to mention that their parents are coming home from work after three months. Deciding that they should give a surprise for their parents, they went out and bought ingredients for their feast and gifts for them.

Ryuuichi and Yuuichi was in their casuals and the older twin was carrying his usual backpack. They had been shopping for quite a while now. "You sure you could finish cooking by the time they come back, Yuu? That's a lot..." Ryuuichi peered into their trolley, full with vegetables, fruits, meat and such. 

"Barely, I suppose. Well, if you help me it would be much faster" Yuuichi nonchalantly stated.

"I can't cook" Ryuuichi deadpanned. He remembered the last time he tried to cook, he almost killed himself because of not knowing what to do. "Chopping this and that should be fine, don't you think?" He scoffed. Well, maybe he could help with that part. They bought a few more this and that before they paid for everything. 

Once finished, they went to a few gift shops to buy presents. Upon purchasing what the needed, they decided to linger around the shopping district before going home. (And Ryuuichi had to carry a bag full of stuff behind him. At least he don't have to hold onto it for who knows how long) "Let's go to the arcade" Yuuichi said, pointing towards the arcade with his eyes shining. 

In the arcade they go. Yuuichi went to buy the tokens while Ryuuichi looked around. It has been a while since he last being into an arcade. "Die!!" 'That voice....' Ryuuichi had his bored eyes on and turned towards the direction of the shout. He sighed when he saw Gokudera, Yamamoto and Fuuta.

He walked up towards them, before hugging Gokudera from the back, shocking the hell out of him. "Yato. You're being too loud" He blew onto the bomber's ear before jumping back. "R-r-ryuuichi!!!!" He laughed when Gokudera was so red that even the back of his neck was red. 


"Oh Ryuu!" "Ryuu-nii!!" Yamamoto and Fuuta greeted him. Fuuta ran up to him and gave him a tight hug. He smiled at the kid and patted on his head. "Yuu. Wanna have a match on this?" He pointed at the monster shooting machine that the three was playing as Yuuichi walked towards them.

So the twins ended on a full blown match on that machine. Ryuuichi was cringing the whole time at the disgusting looking creatures that popped out every two seconds. "Holy" Bang! "" Bang bang! "Those things are creepy" Bang bang bang bang! 

"Gotta agree" Yuuichi huffed and placed the toy gun back. Ryuuichi had won against him by a few points, promptly taking the highest score spot. He never knew that his older twin was so good at shooting. Then again, he is a member of the Archery Club. After that, the two ended up tagging along with the others seeing that they didn't have much thing to do. They were in a Music CD shop. 

"Hahi! You're a fan of the XXXX group too, Ryuuichi-san!" Ryuuichi swore he saw stars in Haru's eyes as they talked about the music and such of that certain group. 

And so, from one to another, they took pictures on the picture booth (Ryuuichi was forced to on the other hand). After a while, they decided to rest. They stopped by a cafe and sat in a few groups of tables because of the large amount of people they have. "Yuu. What do you want?" "Orange Juice" The older twin went to the vending machine and bought two bottles of beverage, accidentally eavesdropped on Tsuna and Kyoko's conversation.

"What is that sound?" He looked towards the direction of the explosion that just happened. 'Oh yeah. Today's Squalo... Crap' Suddenly, a male fall from the sky and onto Tsuna. The teen had blue Dying Will flames coming out of his forehead. He used the older Japanese language that even Ryuuichi didn't really get it.

"Juudaime!" The rest called out for the brunette, worried. Reborn wondered why was the fallen teen here but he didn't managed to ask before a loud shout took their attention. "VOIII!!!!!!!!" Ryuuichi sighed inwardly at that familiar shout. 'The shark's here...'

"What's this? A bunch of outsiders are starting to make a crowd. Any piece of trash that gets in my way will be cut!" The damn long haired guy just had to slash his sword around and make a hurricane-like wind. Dust flew everywhere. "Yuuichi! Get the kids and the girls to somewhere save!!" 

"What-!?" His twin protested. He wasn't going to leave his brother here in this kind of dangerous situation. Though, a stern look from Ryuuichi had him shut up. The same look when he insisted on going to Namimori, and the same look he gave him when he was worried about him. Reborn had said the same thing to the girls too, so he nodded. He quickly helped the girls and the children, and evacuated from that place immediately.

"I'm sorry, Sawada-dono. I was followed" The teen said. Tsuna didn't recognize, nor knew that teen. He was shocked when he saw the Dying Will flame from the other's forehead. He was confused. The teen had said that he had brought him into a dangerous situation even though they had just met. 'What?' "U-umm who are you?" The teen did not answer but pulled him to hide before the dusts settled, but they were stopped when an explosion when off in front of them.

"VOII!! Let's quit playing chase" The teen went into his fighting stance, but was slightly thrown off when the man demanded who was the brunette. 'He doesn't recognize Sawada-dono? Curses! I should have just continued onwards' The man brought up his sword, and slash it down as he quickly went in front of Tsuna and blocked him from the attack while he himself was thrown off. 

Ryuuichi remained by the side with Reborn, watching the scene unfold. The man demanded to know the relationship of Tsuna and that teen when dynamites suddenly started raining down. He quickly jumped away, avoiding them. "Take a look at what happens when you raise a hand against him. You won't be just walking away" "Well, it's something like that. We'll take you on!"

Gokudera and Yamamoto had their weapons out. Dynamites in Gokudera's hand while a katana in Yamamoto's. Their eyes were narrowed. Ryuuichi was a bit worried. The two doesn't stand a chance against that man whilst in their current combat skill. 'Dino should be here soon...' 

The three of them fought despite the other teen's warning but as Ryuuichi had expected, Yamamoto and Gokudera were taken down in matters of seconds. Ryuuichi sighed and shook his head. "Voiii!! I was wondering since just now but who are you!!" The man pointed his sword at Ryuuichi direction. 'Oh dear...' "No one important in particular" He held his hands up nonchalantly. "Don't you kid with me!" He quickly jumped away to avoid an incoming swing of the sword but he wasn't fast enough to avoid the next one. Fortunately, the teen with blue flames blocked the attack for him. 

The two fought like there's no tomorrow in front of Tsuna and Ryuuichi. Tsuna was worried and afraid when suddenly, his mittens fall onto his face. "These gloves!" Reborn had somehow became a poet while wearing a weird looking costume. A plant. 'Seriously, Reborn?' 

Ryuuichi sighed as the brunette and the hitman bickered. Suddenly, the teen who was fighting with the man shouted in pain. He fell onto the ground and his Dying Will Flames had extinguished. He looked towards the fallen three, eyebrows furrowed. He ignored Tsuna's shout of 'Reborn!!' as he fought against the man this time. Ryuuichi briefly wondered when will Dino arrive. He chuckled lightly when Tsuna literally shouted the word long-hair. It was quite hilarious in a serious situation. 

He laughed out loud when Tsuna was bounced away before he ran back towards the man and got bounced away again. After that, his Dying Will Mode ended, and he himself ran away. The man's explosive were hots on his tails if not for the other teen's weapon that hit all of it and created a smoke screen. Once the smoke dispersed, they disappeared. 


Realization dawned Ryuuichi. 'Did they just left me here?' He groaned and facepalmed. How is he going to deal with the loud mouth without saying anything nor being slashed. "You!!" He quickly jumped away again when he was indeed about to be slashed. "Opps! Not gonna answer you anything!!" He ran towards the direction where Tsuna possibly will be. "Tsunayoshi!" He immediately hid behind the brunette's back. He and Basil was talking about the rings until explosions when off again. "Seriously, explosives are too boring now!!" He shouted.

"You haven't changed, Superbi Squalo" Ryuuichi rolled his eyes at the clinched entrance of Dino's. The Cavallone boss along with his subordinates appeared, and Dino was holding his whip. "Getting serious with children... Aren't you embarrassed?" Ryuuichi had the urge to hit the blonde. 'Who are you calling a child?' Well, he was mentally older than Dino anyway but he decided to shut it. He wouldn't want to blew his cover, would he? 

'Bucking Bronco Dino' Squalo narrowed his eyes. 'So this kid has connections with the Cavallone' Dino was in the boss mode, as he told the man to stop whatever he was doing. Squalo scoffed. If they think that he would just go back obediently, they were dead wrong. He immediately grabbed Tsuna by his head and held him up. Dino was to help the brunette but Squalo's explosive stopped him. Smokes surrounded them again, before it disperse. 

Ryuuichi sighed for the nth times. Seriously, he had been sighing for who-knows how many time already. Squalo had taken away the rings. Ryuuichi simply sat on the ground and looked bored whilst the other, especially Basil and Tsuna, panicked. "See ya!" And the loud mouth disappeared. "A Dopo~ Sharky" Ryuuichi muttered in italian. The others didn't hear him but Reborn did.

Reborn was puzzled. Not only did Ryuuichi spoke in italian, but he had replied 'See you later'. He narrowed his eyes, wondering if the teen was with Squalo. Ryuuichi who noticed Reborn's stare, shook his head. "Nope. This is the first time I met Squalo and no, I'm not on their side" He said quietly.


"Umm.. What is he?" Tsuna asked. They were in the hospital, where Basil was treated. Ryuuichi sat by the chairs on the other side of the room as the rest talked. Briefly, he wondered if the brunette had asked the wrong question. Dino explained that he wasn't a member of the Vongola, but is an ally, much to Tsuna's confusion. He and Reborn said about the Half Vongola Rings and the history of the rings. "Well, the thing is... I have them right here" Dino held up the identical box that Squalo had took away earlier.

"These are real" He also said that a certain individual had asked him to pass those rings to Tsuna, much to the brunette's chagrin. Tsuna stopped Dino from mentioning about him being Vongola Tenth before promptly running away, saying that he needed to study his reveals. 

At the same time he ran out, Yuuichi appeared. "Ryuuichi!" The younger twin was relieved when he saw his brother sitting on the chair, unharmed. He took a deep breathe and stomped up to his brother with his eyes narrowed. "U-umm.. Yuu, I ca-" A fist collided onto his forehead. "Seriously! What were you thinking?! Do you know how worried I was!?! Not to mention when you text me that you're in hospital, I thought you-..!" Ryuuichi rubbed his forehead. Fortunately his brother didn't used his full strength. Or else, he doubt he would go home uninjured.

He smiled fondly at his brother, honestly, why is he brother so adorable? "Sorry, Yuu." He hugged Yuuichi and patted him on the head. 

Dino and Reborn on the other hand was shocked, well, Dino was. Reborn was simply amused at the scene. The Cavallone boss had his mouth agaped, not knowing what to say or do. Ryuuichi noticed his stare and smiled at him. He let go of his brother, and had him turned towards the blonde. 

Yuuichi finally noticed the other occupants in the room and blushed a little. Ryuuichi chuckled. "Yuu, this is Dino. He's Tsunayoshi's self proclaimed brother, and an ex-student of Reborn's" Dino's eyes widen. "Dino, this is Shiroki Yuuichi. My younger twin" He stuttered a greeting whilst the younger one bowed. Ryuuichi gave him a look before turning back to his brother. "Yuu, could you wait outside for me? I need to say something to them first" His brother obediently went out. 

"U-umm" Ryuuichi smiled a little. "He doesn't know anything about the mafia or whatever. So please don't mention about it until I tell him" He bowed at two before going out of the room, leaving Reborn and Dino together.


Sakura and Kei was very happy. They had came back to Namimori after three months of working outstation and they were excited to see their sons. When they opened the door and shouted a 'I'm home', two familiar voices welcomed theirs before they were promptly tackled by a teen with short dark brown hair. "We missed you~!!" Yuuichi squeezed them both into a tight hug, making them a little out of breathe. But they were happy nonetheless.

"Yuu, you'll suffocate Mother and Father" Ryuuichi appeared, he leaned against the wall of the hallway and had his arms crossed. He had a smile plastered. He walked forward to the three and gave them a brief, but tight embrace and helped them with the luggage. "I'll take these. Go have dinner first" 

Yuuichi dragged them into the dining room, and was taken away. There were so much food on the table that they themselves weren't sure if they could finished it all. (Ryuuichi had a deja vu when he saw the amount himself)"Did you cooked all this, Yuuichi?" Kei asked. 

"Yep!!" He and Sakura were so blessed to have their two sons that made them wondered what did they do to deserve such wonderful children. They thanked the youngest. "Now now, stop staring. The food is getting cold." Ryuuichi appeared, a bottle of wine in hand that surprised them to no end. 

"What-" Ryuuichi chuckled. "Don't worry, Yuuichi and I won't drink this. This-" He it onto Kei's hand "-Is for you two" He smiled. 

"Alright! Seat down!" 

Really, what did they do to deserve Ryuuichi and Yuuichi.


Almost a week had pass, since the incident with Squalo. Tsuna and his selected guardians were training for the incoming battle with Varia, Vongola's Independent Assassination Squad. Tsuna with Basil and Reborn, Ryohei with Collonello (Ryuuichi's meeting with the Rain Arcobaleno was comical enough that he didn't want to mention about it), Yamamoto with his Father, Tsuyoshi, Gokudera with Shamal and Hibari with Dino.

Ryuuichi himself were doing training of his own. Who knows what would happen. And if he remembered correctly, Varia would send people to kill whoever has relation with Tsuna. If that was the case, he would have to avoid Yuuichi getting involved at all cost. Though, his training was slightly different.

He was having a rest and was watching over everyone's training. He just passed by Gokudera's training, and didn't disturbed him. Dino and Hibari's was deadly enough so he didn't even took a peek of it. (Well, he knew how it goes already) Yamamoto's when he visited Tsuyoshi at TakeSushi. Ryohei's, well, he and Collonello was basically lying down in the middle of nowhere. He went to where Tsuna, Basil and Reborn were. 

Just as he stepped onto the grounds they were training, he felt a presence behind him. He could suppress the shiver and whipped his head around. He saw a familiar old man while holding a pick axe. Sawada Iemitsu. He nodded at the man and was returned with a smile and a nod before Iemitsu walked away silently. 

He turned back around and towards the rest. Tsuna was training for the third phase's ground work. Reborn said something about training his mental strength. He swore he saw a mischievous glint in those black orbs of the hitman's when he greeted them. "Ryuuichi-dono! Good evening" "R-ryuuichi!! Ahh!" Tsuna shook a little, but fortunately didn't fall on the pile of mines around him. 

"Ryuuichi, good timing. How about joining Tsuna?" "I don't-" His protest fell into dead ears as he was forced to join Tsuna. He sweated as he stood on one foot on a small rock. Unlike Tsuna, he didn't shook too hard, and he was calmer. "As expected of someone with high mental strength" He groaned. Slightly regretting why he didn't run away. 

After almost an hour, they finally went down the cliff and the sun was setting. Ryuuichi had his black mountain bicycle with him. "I'll see you guys in a few more moments" He rode it and cycled away in a fast pace, not giving them a chance to explain. He headed towards the direction where Fuuta, Lambo and I-Pin should be. 'Damn.... Should have been with those kids instead of... Nevermind..'

He slowed down on a junction before speeding up again, trying to find the kids. The locations were never really mentioned in the anime nor manga, he only knew that it was somewhere in Namimori. 'I need to find them before....' He turned a few more junctions, and cycled across a bridge. He fasten his pace when he heard the familiar voice shouting for help and stopped when he saw them. Tsuna had arrived a few seconds earlier and Ryohei had punched a man in black in the face. 

He let out a sigh of relieve when he saw the kids were save. Gokudera and Yamamoto soon make their appearance and had taken out the rest of the enemies. He slumped on his bicycle, legs so tired that he swore that he would have muscle pain for a day or two after cycling for so long and none stop. The fact tht he had stood on a small rock for an hour didn't help either. 

At least the kids were save. Then again, he wondered why he had to panic when he already knew that the others would help them. He facepalmed. 'Idiot..' He sat on his bicycle as he watched them conversated. And then, Leviathan, appeared. (Ryuuichi cringed at the sight of the man. 'He's uglier than I thought') Just as the man wanted to attack them, the whole Varia member appeared. Ryuuichi was getting bored of all those clinched appearances. 

"Out of the way" Xanxus walked forward. He glared at Tsuna as the brunette fell onto the ground back first. "Sawada Tsunayoshi" His hand clenched as a orange glow appeared. Ryuuichi unconsciously whistled at the sight, making them turned towards him. 'Crap...' 

A pick axe suddenly stabbed into the ground in front of Xanxus, successfully stopping the man from firing anyone with the flame on his hand. "Hold on, Xanxus. That's enough. I'll take charge from here" Ryuuichi let out a breathe that he didn't realize that he was holding. He hadn't thought that Xanxus was more intimidating in real life. 

Tsuna was utterly confused at his father's appearance. 'Oh right, Tsuna didn't know about Iemitsu's job..'

"Xanxus, are you subordinates going to point their swords at the external adviser?" The tone in Iemitsu's voice was very professional like, a total opposite of what he uses when he was at home and with Tsuna and Nana. Ryuuichi ignored whatever they were saying and pinned his eyes on the largest member of Varia. He narrowed his eyes when he saw electric boards and components through the supposedly eyes of the member. "..."

"Vongola successor candidate, Sawada Tsunayoshi. Also a candidate, Xanxus." Only then did Ryuuichi pay attention and took his eyes off the member. "The Vongola Rings that you both require to become the true successor. To decide who has the right to these, we will begin the decisive battle between Tsuna's Family and Varia! A one-on-one battle between those who hold the same type of ring!"

And Cervello appeared. The judges of the match and the organization that serve directly under Ninth. Ryuuichi could never understand why their organization had so many look-a-likes. His brain shut down for a moment when they were talking and explaining and arguing this and that, and only work again when the Varia finally walked away. 

'Tomorrow huh..'

"Oi Tsuna." He whispered to the teen. He smiled when the brunette jumped a little. "Relax. I'll be supporting you guys too. Though, I won't be presence tomorrow night." He chuckled at the puzzled face. "One small thing." He turned around with his bicycle, ready to ride off. 

"Tomorrow, two sun shall rise. 
Though, there won't be two.
One shall rise as planned,
Whilst one shall fall."

He cycled off before any of them could say anything. A knowing smirk plastered on his face. 'And the Sun that rise will shine brighter than any other you will meet'


A/N= The first chapter of the Varia Arc!! I skipped all the episodes of their training because I was really tired of rewriting it down. Seriously, I'm tired of having to write whatever that happens. If can't understand or catch up, watch episode 38 to 41. Don't remember which one. 

I didn't really explained much about Ryuuichi and Yuuichi's appearances, did I? I mean, I did mentioned that Ryuuichi would have long hair while Yuuichi would have short one. But... Well, it's something like the one in the picture except that Ryuuichi's hair is shorter that the one in the picture and both of them have dark brown hair rather than black or dark grey. 

Sakura and Kei's appearance would be all up to you guys because they wouldn't really appear much anyway. The two would only appear once a while because of work. They would always be outstation for about two to four months before coming back for a week or two. Depending. 

What their job was will be mentioned in later chapters, though it would take a while before it get there. I mean it would take a long time.


[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc.etc. mistakes]

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Chapter 16: Ah~The feels ♡
Chapter 4: Wow. I didn't expect this story would be interesting. Definitely no regrets choosing to read this story.
hoseokislove #4
got my eyes on this fic:D
seventeenwoozi #5
cant wait for the next chapter!!
sugalovere #6
cant wait^^
xiuhanisreall #7
please update soon^^
niceguy12 #8
looks interesting can't wait
romancefanfics #9
waiting for update^^
joowonlov #10
hehe update soon author-nim ^*^