
My INFINITE charm !!

Sorry I took so long to update. I sent a copy of the chapter to Moony unnie, but I thought I'd post this even without her feedback just for you guys. You all have waited to long and I feel absolutely horrible. This chapter... Isn't cute like Moony unnie's, and it's probably boring, since I tend to fixate on the littlest details and all... But I hope you like it. Again, I'm so sorry for making you all wait this long (;一_一)

Also, although I haven't spoken to unnie yet, I'm sure she misses you all!!!! I'm going to ask her to write a message for you guys that I'll add in the next chapter ^^

Oh and I don't know any Korean like unnie, so I can't give the romanized text along with the translation. My version of them speaking Korean is when the text is bolded. So whenever you see that, that's not "English" it's "Korean"

Another note... Italics are thoughts.

Or so you thought. What really happened was this:

“Close your eyes,” Myungsoo ordered as he tilted his head and moved closer. When you see his face is only a few inches away, you close your eyes and pucker your lips.

When nothing happened in the next few seconds, you slowly opened your eyes to see Myungsoo looking at you strangely.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

Embarrassed at having misread the cue, you just shake your head and give a cryptic smile. You can’t meet his eyes, so you glance down at his hands. Then you notice he was holding something. “What are you holding?” you asked, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, these…” he raises his hand and you see that he is holding a pair of the Infinite charms you had wanted to buy from the lady. Oh, so that’s what she meant by my boyfriend having already bought them.

Myungsoo shyly approaches you and puts it around your neck. “Promise me you’ll never disappear like that?” he asked.

Shocked, you finger the charm and nod in return, “I promise.”

Then Myungsoo leaned in and gave you kiss on your cheek, right over your scar. He steps back and smiles at your flushed face. “Come on, it’s getting late and you need to get home… I should also call the members and tell them I found you. You had us really worried!” he grabbed your hand and started walking to where he assumed the exit was.

Giggling, you tug him to a stop and say, “The exit is in the opposite direction… How about you let me lead? That way we won’t get lost.”

Myungsoo reddened a bit at his mistake and just nodded. You two walked for a while in silence, but then he broke it. “I have a question for you. Do you mind telling me where you got that scar from?” he said pointing at your cheek.

Slowly you raise your hand and run your finger over it. “Oh this… It’s not really an exciting story to tell,” you reply.

“Still, I want to know how you got it. Do you mind?” he persisted.

“Well, it was a long time ago. I have a younger sister and we fight a lot. One day it got really violent and she pushed me off the stairs. I fell and hit my face on the side of a table… Really, I’ve almost forgotten about it,” you say, but your eyes tell another story. They are deep with sadness and there is a film of tears over them.

Myungsoo, noticing the tears, stopped and reached out to touch the scar. “I think even with this, you are still very beautiful,” he smiled at you and without allowing you time to respond, continued walking again.

Your eyes wide, you could just follow him in silence. That is until you noticed you had somehow managed to double back and were heading towards the park again. “Ummm… Myungsoo, how about we catch a bus? The walk is really long and the bus station is right there,” you asked, knowing that walking with him would take too long and would eventually lead you to be lost since your head was lost in the clouds whenever you were with him.

“Oh, sure, let’s do that… I can call the members then,” Myungsoo said, following your lead.

Luckily for you two, the bus came in just a few minutes and it was fairly empty, so you had your privacy. Myungsoo pulled out his phone and dialled Sunggyu’s number. It only rang once before he answered. “Yah! Myungsoo-ah, where have you been? It’s been an hour since we left! Have you found _____? Is she okay? Is she hurt?” Sunggyu could be heard yelling through the phone.

“Hyung, calm down, I’m on my way back and I found _____. She’s fine, it turns out she got tired of waiting for me to return and went to look for us,” Myungsoo explained. “I’m just going to drop her home and then I’ll come back to the hotel. Okay? I’m going to hang up now.”

“NO!” Sunggyu yelled. Startled, Myungsoo brought the phone back up to his ear, “What hyung?”

“Bring her back to the hotel, it’s late and I bet she hasn’t had dinner. She can eat with us. We can hold our mini concert for her in our room,” Sunggyu said.

“Let me ask her,” Myungsoo said. “_____ do you want to come back to the hotel and have dinner with us?”

“Sure!” you replied excited, any excuse to hang out more with Infinite was always a good thing.

“She said yes hyung. I’ll send you a text message when we get to the hotel so you can prepare,” Myungsoo said.

Since he had spoken in Korean in the end, you looked at him curiously. “What did you say?” you asked.

“Oh, it was nothing, just saying goodbye,” Myungsoo lied.

The rest of the ride was uneventful, both of you deep in your thoughts. You were thinking about the kiss and his comment about you being beautiful. Did that have a double meaning? Am I making too much out of a simple act of kindness? When your stop came, you quietly signalled to Myungsoo and you got off. The walk to the hotel was also silent… For some reason Myungsoo seemed distracted.

Both of you entered the elevator and he kept glancing at you. “What?” you asked finally tired of the silence.

“Nothing,” he responded.

You sigh. What had happened to the friendly banter you guys had at the park? You get off the lift and head towards the room. Oddly enough, when you opened the door, the lights were all off. As you stepped further into the room, the lights exploded on and you heard music start. As you recognized the familiar strains of She’s Back, you saw all the members, including Myungsoo, standing in the living room getting into position for the dance. Laughing, you realized that they were performing for you. You stood there and watched their flawless dance.

“We’re glad you aren’t hurt!” Sungjong shouted. “You had us really worried. Sunggyu hyung even started to think that we had to call the police.”

“You guys are so sweet,” you said smiling. “Thank you for worrying about me and I promise I’ll never give you another reason to.” You proceeded to hug each member, but when you got to Myungsoo, your tummy rumbled loudly again. Stupid stomach, embarrassing me once again in front of Myungsoo! You glanced up to see Myungsoo’s smirk.

“How about we order something to eat now hyung? I’m really hungry,” he asked Sunngyu.

“All right, it is rather late. Okay, what do you guys want to order?” Sunggyu asked. And the various members all yelled at once.


“I want burgers!”

“Pancakes!” At that… All of you looked at Dongwoo.

“Pancakes? Hyung, that’s breakfast,” Hoya said.

Dongwoo shrugged, “I like them, what’s wrong with having breakfast for dinner?”

“Anyways, ignoring Dongwoo’s suggestion, I think we’ll order pizza. ­­­­______ can choose the toppings,” Sunggyu said smiling at you.

And that was how dinner passed. You all sat on the floor, surrounding the pizza boxes and just laughing and chatting. You enjoyed sitting back and watching the camaraderie between the members, they all seemed very close. I’ll treasure this moment forever.

Eventually though, as always, all good things had to come to an end and it was time for you to leave. Infinite dropped you off at your home and you said goodbye.

“See you tomorrow Ms. Tiger! Make sure to plan something fun again,” Sungyeol said cheerfully.

You stood outside waving goodbye until the van disappeared from sight.

So yeah, that's the end of my first chapter. I bet it was boring, huh? Anyways, I hope you guys will comment!!!! It'll mean a lot to me. Tell me about any improvements I can make, if I made any mistakes, anything!!!! Also, I was thinking, since "you" still have 5 days left of being Infinite's tour guide, how about you leave a comment telling me about a day you'd like to spend with them. Tell me what you want to do, anything ^^ I'll make sure to credit you if I choose your idea... Anything is welcome!!!!

..... Now that I look at the chapter... It's not very long is it... T_T.... Sorry....

Now if I could only write like this for my English essay... Wrote this all in 2 hours. Sigh (~_~;)

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I'm so sorry I know you hate me for not updating TT I will do my best to update today!! I have been very busy TT


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infinityxkmsl_ #1
Chapter 38: update soon author nim^^
Love your story soo muchhh <3
kiseop1 #2
Chapter 37: woow this is so shakjzskzk exiting !!! Update soon or I'll srsly kill you auother-nim! hehe jk ;p
Chapter 37: W.O.W..
My infinite feels~ unF!
Ugh, this is amazing!
mkiss-aisb2st #4
Chapter 2: Omg. Dongwoo's my bias too o3o

Even though im only on the 2nd chapter, I love it! I can clearly see what happens and its so entertaining 'seeing' me and my sister beat each other up XD
Ycmcdc #5
Chapter 36: O-o Give me the next chapter naow....
Ycmcdc #6
This feels interesting~~~~
This is a great storyO-o.
Chapter 32: YAY!!!!! UPDATE SOON UPDATE SOON!!!! Sungyeol know that she is miss tiger!!! Yeay yeay yeay!! *crazy* hahahha ^o^
Chapter 30: Please update soon!!! I've been waiting for your update!!! ^o^
ShahdB12 #9
Chapter 30: aaaah finally ,, i've been waiting for ages for your story update ,, Oh i'm curious yeaaaah xD for what will happen next :DD
Chapter 29: i cant believe i missed so many updates...blink blink...but i read em all!!!!and everything i wanted to say disappeared when myungsoo said what he said in this and the previous chap!!!gaaah!!!!the idiot!!!!whys he being so stupid!!!!you just hurt her!!!!grr grr grr...phoo...i dont wanna read the other part...gaaah!!!!but i want to too...but awww...poor chan...but yay!!!!least he gotta see sungjong before he passed on!!!!and grr his father...