My Music for You


Saturday came again. Minhee came in earlier than usual; she wanted to practice a little piano first before their lessons would start. But to her surprise, she heard the piano playing from her music room. The piece was modern, it was something she heard before, though she can’t pin point where.


[a/n: Guardian Angel from Secret Garden OST here it is:]


Minhee peeked through the glass from the door, she looked at the man playing, and it was her new instructor, Mr. Park. She started to get immersed with the music he’s creating and without knowing it, She’s looking at him play the piano, slightly swaying; she had the feeling that he was pouring his heart on the piece. She carefully watched him; she saw how his hands moved, and the way he swayed. Then, she realized, he looked manly. His wide back, his neat hairline, he just exudes masculinity, from where she’s looking. And then, the piece ended. She was startled a bit. She took a deep breath, and knocked at the door.


Yoochun looked behind him when he heard the knock on the door, and gave a wave to let her come in.


“Hi Ms. Kim. You’re early, good morning.” He said as he grabbed a chair for Minhee.

“Hi Mr. Park, Good Morning… I came in early so that I could practice a bit of the Flight of the Bumblebee.” She said as she took the seat beside him. She placed her hand on the white keys, and began to play flight of the bumblebee.


[a/n: this is  flight of the bumblebee]


“Uh, can I ask you something? Can you not call me Ms. Kim? It makes me feel awkward. Call me Minhee instead, OK Mr. Park?” she asked.

“Hmmm, OK Minhee, since you began to drop the formalities, why don’t we drop off Mr. Park as well, call me Yoochun instead.” He suggested.

Minhee cringed her nose, “I think calling you by your first name may sound disrespectful to me, I’m 15 and you are?”

“25.” He answered,

“Yep. You’re 25, I’m 15, calling you by your first name is odd for me… Mr. Park will do.” She stated

“Ok… why don’t you call me Oppa.” He again suggested.

“Oppa?” she said, and stopped playing the piano.

“Yeah. Oppa. It’s not disrespectful like you have said, and it’s not too formal either.”

“Ok then, Oppa it is…”


An awkward silence filled the room.


“Uhh, can I ask you something again, Yoochun oppa?” she began.

“What is it Minhee?”

“Erm, what was the piece that you were playing earlier? It sounded familiar; I know I heard it from somewhere already.”

Yoochun smiled at her question, “That was Guardian Angel from the Secret Garden Soundtrack.” He explained.

“Aaaah, so that’s why it was so familiar…” she nodded her head. Then, she realized, “You watched Secret Garden? I thought women are the only ones into drama?” Yoochun gave a little chuckle. “I watch dramas for the soundtracks. I find it very refreshing, and from time to time I cover the pieces that they have.” Then, again he played Guardian Angel again. She again listened to him play.


Then he stopped. She turned to him; he had this playful grin across his face. His smile was contagious; she didn’t notice that she herself was smiling with him.

“I have an idea, why don’t we play some drama OSTs for today?” he asked her.

“But I still have to practice Flight of the Bumblebee.” She whined at him.

“Oh yeah… Minhee. Since I am your new instructor, I would want you to know my rules.” He stated. Minhee looked at him with full of curiousity.


“Yep. I only have one rule.”


“During our lessons, I want you to have a good time… think of it as free period where you can just play anything you want. Not just the classics. I know that you already know the classics, just let loose.” He announced.

Minhee gave out a smile, she found his idea fresh, unlike what she was used to.

“So… I’ll start, Ok… guess which soap is this from. And you’re next to let me guess.”

[a/n: this is what he played. ]

Minhee thought for a while, “Uh! That’s from Sungkyunkwan scandal! I love this song.” She exclaimed.


Time went by fast, their 3 hours of lessons seems to be not enough. The 12 noon bell rang again, she has to leave and bid goodbye to her new instructor.

“Oppa… I had fun today… Thank you… I needed a break from the classics. Thank you again.”

“Sure thing Minhee…” then he reached for his wallet and took out his calling card, and handed it to her.

“Give me a ring if you need something ok?”

“Sure thing Oppa. Thanks again for today.” Then she left.




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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^