My Music for You


Chapter 25


Jaejoong was shopping for clothes for his next “Go-See”; he’s a part time model and full time student at Seoul Conservatory of Music. He’s supposed to be on the same batch as Yoochun, but he got delayed for a year.


Jaejoong was checking out a pair of jeans when someone outside caught his attention. It was his best friend, Yoochun. And then he remembered… RENT, he immediately said to the sales lady, “I’ll try this one in size 28. I’ll be back. Thanks.” And then, the lady earned a wink and in turn, the lady blushed. Jaejoong ran outside only to stop, noticing that his best friend has company. A girl, Jaejoong smiled, and he thought, “ IT’s about time that dork had a girl. I’ll ask about rent when I get home.”


Jaejoong dropped the shopping bags in his room and checked whether he has his roommates around. He went to Junsu’s room first, it’s nearer to his. He found Junsu sitting in front of his TV playing Mario Kart.


“Hey ‘Su, have you eaten?” Jaejoong asked.

“No. Not yet. Have you?” Junsu asked back.

“Not yet as well, is Yoochun home?” he asked the guy busy dodging Yoshi with a bomb.

“I think he’s in his room, will you make dinner?” Junsu asked with his eyes still glued on his TV.

“Yep.” Jaejoong said and closed the door and headed for the next room.

“What are you planning to cook?!” Junsu screamed from the room. Jaejoong halted his walk, he thought for a while, he rolled his eye. He had no idea what to make for dinner.

“What do you want?” He screamed back to Junsu from the closed door.

“Fried chicken!” cried Junsu. JAejoong smirked. “I shouldn’t have asked.” Jaejoong mumbled to himself and walked to the next room, Yoochun’s.


Jaejoong knocked once, no one answered, so he gave another knock. Still no one is answering. So he pushed through the door and entered the room. Yoochun was playing with his piano, with his head phones on and his back facing the door. Jaejoong walked to him and touched his shoulder. Yoochun was so concentrated with what he was doing that he was startled by the mere touch on his shoulder.


Yoochun removed his head phones when he saw that Jaejoong was around. Jaejoong asked him the same thing he asked Junsu, “Have you eaten?” Yoochun thought to himself and shook his head. He hasn’t eaten dinner yet, his last meal was with Minhee and it was 6 hours ago. “I’m going to make fried chicken.” Jaejoong announced. Yoochun nodded his head and completely removed the headphones around his neck.


“You need a hand?” asked Yoochun.

“Of Course. Why else would I come here?” Jaejoong smirked at his friend and headed out, Yoochun chuckled. “I’ll be down in a minute; I’ll just finish this thing I’m composing.”


Jaejoong was washing the choice cut chicken of wings and thighs when Yoochun came down from his room to help Jaejoong with the cooking. Yoochun prepared everything that they will need to marinate the chicken with from the cupboard, he pre-heat the frying pan and filled it with cooking oil and soon began to place the chicken one by one in the hot oil. Jaejoong was chopping some veggies for their side dishes.


“So… Who’s the girl?” Jaejoong began. Yoochun was a bit confused.

“Huh? What girl?” he asked back.

“The girl that you were with in the jewellery shop this afternoon.”

“What?” Yoochun stopped, swallowed the lump on his throat, and looked at his friend.

“She’s pretty.” Jaejoong teased as he wiggled his eyebrows to Yoochun.

“What are you talking about?” Asked Yoochun, acting all innocent and continued to put chicken in the fryer.


“Hey! Don’t try to deny that you weren’t in the jewellery store and you’re with a pretty girl in a blue dress. She looks very young.” Jaejoong said as he wiggled his eyebrows on his best friend. Yoochun cleared his throat.

“I wasn’t in the jewellery store this afternoon, I was at home.” Yoochun lied. Jaejoong looked at him and Yoochun averted his eye contact.

“Yeah. Yeah… You even pushed her playfully inside the store,” Jaejoong demonstrated how Yoochun did it. Yoochun’s eyes widened. “Seriously, Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. You’re really not a good liar my friend.” Mocked Jaejoong.


Yoochun just kept quiet and gave a sigh of defeat. Jaejoong knew Yoochun is going to spill, so he pushed more questions.

“No, seriously dude, who is she? Do we know her? Is she from around here? Is she a former classmate?”


Yoochun sighed, and looked at his friend, annoyed. “Why are you sooo annoying?” he asked Jaejoong. Jaejoong replied with a smug smile.


“She’s a friend.” Yoochun uttered.

“Oh. Really? Where she from?”


“Ohhh… I see, a co-teacher? I didn’t see her closely, but she’s pretty, and kinda young. I’m sure about that.” Jaejoong replied, Yoochun kept quiet and drank water.

“Is she from the music school?” Jaejoong urged his friend to answer. Yoochun just nodded his head; Yoochun’s getting a bit uncomfortable, knowing that the “date” his friend is saying that he had was with a minor, better yet, his student.

“So, how many dates have guys been to?” Jaejoong asked. Again, Yoochun just kept quiet, keeping himself busy with flipping the chicken on the fryer.

“How long have you known her?” Jaejoong just kept asking questions, he himself is busy with cutting some veggies for their side dishes. Yoochun just kept quiet.


“Seriously bro, if you don’t want to talk about it, just say so, don’t just ignore me. But seriously, I’m happy that you already have someone.” Jaejoong said to his friend, continuing his work with the veggies.


Yoochun gave a sigh, “Sorry dude, we’re just not dating each other.”


“Really? But why did you take her into the jewellery store?”  Jaejoong asked. “She just saw a necklace and I knew she wanted to check it out. So, I invited her in. That’s all. Nothing big about that. Why are you so nosy?” Yoochun replied very irritated.


“Coz I’m your best friend. And you can tell me anything you want.” Jaejoong winked Yoochun just rolled his eyes. “Sometimes bro, you creep me out. You’re such a Girly-boy.” Jaejoong just laughed.


“But seriously dude, I’m happy that you’re turning into a relationship.” Yoochun smiled. At the moment, Junsu came in and walked up to them and looked around the kitchen.

“Is dinner ready?” Junsu asked.

“Not until you fix the table, ‘Su.” Jaejoong said.

“Ok! I’m on it!” 



That night, Yoochun thought hard, he should stop whatever he’s feeling about Minhee. He shouldn’t cross the line. He’s her teacher; she’s his student, and nothing more. But still, he couldn’t keep his heart beating for the young lady. And accepting her offer to hang out with him was far from what a teacher should be doing, and then, he remembered the night that both of them slept inside the music room. They were lucky no one spotted them inside. Then he came with the realization.


“I should stop this.” 






hey guys!!! it's almost a month since my last update! sorry!! busy much with work and all... 

also... i updated, coz it's Yoochun's birthday the other day! i wish i could've updated on the 4th... but i coudnt. -_-"

so yeah... i hope you like my update! 

thank you to all my subscribers! please do leave a comment! 

i'd love to hear from y'all!

please read, comment and subscribe!

be happy and healthy!






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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^