My Music for You


Chapter 30


It was Saturday morning, around 10 am, Yoochun sat inside the music room, and he practiced the piece that he wrote. It still needed some polishing. He was busy writing on the music sheet and playing the piece, back and forth.


It was a long morning. He’s really bored. And then, the school bell rang at 12. He immediately got out of the music school and walked to bob’s coffee and tea, he thought he needed his caffeine fix, though it’s already noon.


Minhee sat at the backseat of their White Lincoln Continental, her dad picked her and her mom from the airport. They just got back from New York. She looked through the windows and watched the sceneries outside. Something caught her eye, near the music school, walking to her favourite café.


“Dad. Can you please stop the car?” Minhee asked her dad.

“Why honey?” Youngbae asked his daughter.

“Can we just stop the car dad? Please?” Minhee begged.

“Why are we going to stop?” Hana asked.

“Oppa… I just saw him; I want to tell him I passed Julliard. Can we stop? I promise, it will only take a few minutes.”


With a little more convincing, Youngbae stopped the car near bob’s coffee and tea. As soon as the car stopped Minhee took her handbag and hurried out of the vehicle as if dear life’s depending on it. Hana and Youngbae shared a look with each other.


Minhee ran outside their car and hurriedly closed the door and screamed.




He still continued to walk to the café. And then, he heard it again.




The voice, it really was familiar to him, so he turned around and to his surprise, it was her, Minhee. She was panting, for she ran a bit to catch up with him.


“Minhee? You’re back?” He was surprised, with wide eyes.

“Uhmmm…” She smiled and nodded. Yoochun smiled at her and then he remembered.

“How did the auditions go?” He asked her. “You never answered my text messages when you were in the US.” Yoochun pouted.

“I was busy. Practice.” She replied.

“So how did it go?” he continued to ask. Minhee looked through her bag and Yoochun was anxious of what she was getting at. She pulled out an envelope and took out a certificate, and showed it to him and screamed.


“I GOT IN!!! OPPA!  I GOT IN!!!!!”


Yoochun was so ecstatic and over the top that he embraced her tight and twirled Minhee around.


“I knew you could do it. I just knew it! I’m very proud of you!” he screamed while embracing her.


“Oppa! Stop it! Everybody’s looking! This is embarrassing.”


“I don’t care. Let them look. I’m soooooo proud of you!!!” he still continued to twirl around.


“Oppa! Stop it… *laughs* my mom and my dad are in the car.” Minhee cried. He immediately put her down.


“Oh. Sorry. I was just carried away. But then again, I’m so proud of you.” He gently caressed  her cheek. And immediately, Minhee’s face flushed and she smiled shyly at him.


In the car, Hana and Youngbae watched Minhee as she got out of the vehicle.

“Minhee’s really fond of her new instructor, have you noticed, honey?” Hana asked her husband.

“Now that you mentioned it, yeah. He’s quite an influence, in regards to her musical choices lately.” Youngbae answered.

“But I know, I made it clear to Yoona (Minhee’s previous instructor) that only to stick with the classics. I should talk to him one of these days, especially; now, Minhee’s going to Julliard at the end of the year.”

“But, you can see, Minhee loves these new pieces that he makes her play.” Youngbae replied as he still watched his daughter walk/run to her instructor.

“You know that those won’t make you a classical piano concert artiste if you meddle on those kinds of pieces. It’s just a waste of time.” Hana retorted to her husband.

Youngbae kept quiet, he didn’t want to keep the conversation going since it will only start an argument. Youngbae really thought that his wife’s opinion on modern pieces is not really that amusing; actually he doesn’t think the same way as his wife, he would love to hear Minhee play some new songs here and there, to hone her more into music.


“So, what do you want to have for lunch?” Youngbae asked his wife, to clearly avert the topic. He still has his eyes on his daughter on the other side of the road, speaking to her instructor.

“I don’t know, what do you like?” Hana asked her husband.

“Hmmm, let’s have some fried chicken on the go at the Chicken store near our ho--- *gasp*.” Youngbae saw Mr. Park embraced and twirled his little girl, then; Mr. Park caressed Minhee’s cheek. And he saw her face turn red like a plump tomato and she started to fidget. Youngbae couldn’t believe what he saw, and then he thought, ‘Could it be that my little girl likes Mr. Park?’


“Your Mom and dad are waiting in the car, you should get going. See you soon?” Yoochun suggested. Minhee nodded her head, “I’ll see you soon, Oppa.”

“You rest and sleep well today, OK dear?” Yoochun said as he again touched her cheeks, then Minhee started to fidget and nod her head. “You should go.” Yoochun again suggested, “They’re waiting.” He said pointing out to her parents. “Oh. Oh yeah. Bye, Oppa. See you soon.” She said running off to her parents and gave Yoochun the occasional glances and waves as she got to their vehicle.


When Minhee got into the backseat of the car, her phone rang a message. She fished her phone out and looked through the screen.


from DAD


“We need to talk when we get home.”


Minhee looked at her dad’s rear-view mirror only to find him looking at her like he means serious business. She suddenly felt get dry. 

'Dad means business.'





hey guys!! sorry for not updating for.................... a couple of months.i missed you all!!!!!!! ~please dont hate on me, please bear with me.

i know this story is getting boring, and everything is going downward spiral, and slower. i like this story. and i know you'd like it too. ~well i know you'll like it better if its finished already. haha! but please stay with me. please pray that i could finish this before the year ends. i already planned it out, i already have an ending. :D just please stay with me. thank you very much!!!

please read, comment, and subscribe! 

be happy and healthy!!!

til my next update, hopefully that would be in the near future. :D thank y'all!!! see you next update!!! ^^ ~saranghae!!!! 



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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^