My Music for You


"Yoochun Oppa?" Minhee asked confused.

"Yeah... hi!" He said to her with a smile and a simple wave. He was leaning beside the school gate.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him again confused while she walked to him.

"You left this." He said as he rummaged through his backpack. Minhee waited for a while. Then he took out the blazer from his Jansport bag.

"Ahh!" Minhee exclaimed with excitement as she saw her blazer and then she took it from his hands. "I was looking for this the whole morning! I almost flipped my closet upside down!" She said ecstatically.

"You left this yesterday at the music school...I thought you might need it for going home so I brought it here. I had free time." Yoochun chuckled as he scratched his nape... he motioned to walk so they began to walk...

“Thank you oppa... You could have waited ‘til I get to the music school on Saturday. This is such a hassle to you... I'm sorry." she said as she bowed her head.

"It’s ok. It’s ok..." Yoochun protested as he waved his hands to her.

"I remember how I was with uniforms when I was in high school. Each school only provides one set of uniform each school year. One blazer, one cardigan, and one varsity jacket, with pairs of dress shirts and pants... I know how it works in school..." he said with a knowing smile. She just listened to him. He continued, "I left my cardigan at home once. And I wore just my shirt. It was around springtime, so all of us were required to wear the cardigans. But it was hot that day... so I left it at home on purpose. My homeroom teacher saw what I was wearing and she sent me out to detention. So I thought you needed your blazer back." He explained.


Minhee smiled at him, "actually I was really worried when I came to school this morning." She confessed with a slight smile. "Thanks again for this oppa."


They both walked side by side, when they passed by a local cafe, "bob's coffee and tea". The aroma of freshly ground and roasted coffee filled the air. Yoochun stopped on his tracks, Minhee also stopped. She looked at him curiously. A smile stapled on his lips. He was enticed by the aroma of the coffee.  He loves coffee. "Would you like a cup of Joe?" Yoochun asked her.


  Minhee startled by his offer stuttered a bit. "Uh... yeah. Sure." She nodded. He led the way to the café and opened the door for Minhee. Again the aroma of fresh ground coffee filled the air. Yoochun loved it, Minhee found the aroma enticing as well. The place is filled with comfortable couches and tables, well lit lamps, vintage décor and old photographs on the dark green walls. The café is very homey.. a good place for hanging out and studying.


Yoochun headed to the counter as he already knew what he would like to have, as for Minhee...she stood behind Yoochun as she stared at the menu above the counter trying to decipher what she wants to have... she curled her eyebrows as she thought and pouted her lips.


Yoochun turned around to ask her what she will get. And to his surprise she was really standing close to him that his lips are to touch her forehead. He backed away and asked Minhee what she will get. Concentrating, still her eyebrows furrowed and lips pouted even more as she mumbled, "what do you suggest? I'm having a hard time figuring out what to get." Yoochun smiled. "Do you want something cold or hot? With milk or no milk?" He inquired the young lady. "Cold and with milk." She replied with a smile. He turned to the cashier and ordered a drink for her.  She took out her wallet and was to pass the money to the cashier for payment. Then Yoochun held onto her hand, stopping her . And said, "I'll pay. Don't worry." He said and smiled at her again. And he took out his wallet from his back pocket. Minhee smiled. "Thanks oppa!" She said joyfully. " I'll just look for our seats." She said as she tapped his shoulders.

"Yeah. Go ahead.” He managed to tell her.


Minhee looked around, she liked the place. There was light jazz music playing, Warm light over the place. And she spotted 2 brown leather couches with a tall lampshade and a coffee table in the middle, along a corner of the cafe.

She sat down comfortably with her legs crossing (Indian sit) and waited for Yoochun to come. She tapped her hands along with the irregular beat of the jazz music in the cafe. It was rhapsody in blue. Soon she was humming to herself and closed her eyes enjoying the music. 


Yoochun looked around the cafe searching for Minhee. He found her sitting rather very comfortably on the couch humming and tapping her hands on her knees as if playing an invisible piano. He sat down across her. She did not notice that he was already there watching her. He saw how peaceful she looked. ~sound tripping~ he smiled as he watched her even more. His heart skipped and banged loudly on his ribcage. He realized, again. She's very beautiful. Her beauty sent him into a spell. He was captivated. A small clutter broke both their trance. The drinks and the 2 cakes came as the waitress placed their orders to the coffee table.

Minhee thanked the lady, And so did he. Minhee's smile grew big as she saw cakes! She was starving. Though she wanted to ask Yoochun to get some cakes she was too shy to tell him what she wanted. "Cake!!!" She exclaimed and giggled at Yoochun as she grabbed a fork and digged in, "yum! Chocó mousse!!!? Yoochun just chuckled on how she acts. He watched her munch on the cake happily, as he sipped his iced cafe Americano.

"Aren't you going to eat your cake?" She asked curiously as she eyed Yoochun's cake. "You can have my piece."

"Really? I can?" Her eyes grew wide as she happily took his plate of cake.

She scooped some cake when she asked him, "Why didn't you tell me you were already here?"

Yoochun smirked. "Coz you looked chill. Happy. Sound tripping." He said nonchalantly.

"You're weird." Minhee announced, as she scooped another piece of the cake.

"No I'm not." He defended himself.

"Yes you are. Who does that? Watching other people..." Yoochun wanted to say something he already opened his mouth but no words came out... but she had a point. So again... all he could do is smile.

"See." Minhee said pointing at him with her fork.

"Stalker much?" Minhee joked, she rolled her eyes and scooped another piece of cake, and laughed at him. As she saw Yoochun's indescribable facial expression, a mixture of shock and embarrassment. Then he spoke,

"I'm appalled! That you think of me like that!" Yoochun exaggeratedly touched his chest and frowned. He continued, "I'm hurt!" He said as he acted as though he's really hurting. Minhee chuckled at him. He was being funny and very cute.


Minhee finished Yoochun’s cake and her Iced Cafe Latte. They spoke of things for their next lessons, their scope of pieces to play and practice, stuff about school, about themselves, they both lost track of time. Minhee noticed the time. It’s already late. It’s almost 6pm. She gasped. She hurriedly stood up. Yoochun startled by her sudden action. He stood up with her. She grabbed her jacket and wore it. He did the same.

“Where are you going?” He asked.

“It’s almost 6. My mom will go ballistic!” She said as she picked up her bag and began to walk out. Yoochun followed her out the door.

“I’ll bring you home.” Yoochun suggested. Minhee didn’t say a word.

“Why do you keep on flying off like this?” Yoochun asked with full of curiosity as they walked down a street. Minhee kept silent. Her heart beating fast.

“It’s just a habit.” She lied quickly. ‘But the truth is, my heart kept feeling like it’s going to burst whenever I’m with you,a nd also my mom will kill me.’ She thought.

“You shouldn’t do that. It’s rude. Good thing I’m your teacher, if other people will encounter this habit, they might think bad things of you.” Yoochun began to lecture.

“I know. I’m trying to change it.” Minhee said arrogantly with her eyes rolling. ‘I only do that to you. I think my heart is getting crazy whenever you’re near.’ She again told herself. 




Hey guys!!! an update!

happy new year!!!!

i hope you all like it!!! 

i will try to update soon. :D

Thanks y'all for reading!!!

i really really really really really need your feedbacks.

please read, comment, and subscribe! 

be happy and healthy!



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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^