My Music for You


Chapter 26


Yoochun couldn’t sleep. He kept thinking of his situation. He clearly knew what he felt for Minhee. He knows he had fallen head over heels over the young lady. He tossed and turned in his bed, but to his dismay, the sandman hasn’t visited him. He looked over the digital clock on his bedside table, it’s already 1.00 am. At this time, he should be sleeping soundly.


So out of desperation, and the need and want to fall asleep, he went out of his apartment and bought himself a few bottles of soju and some samgyupsal on the go and headed back to the apartment.


He quietly poured himself a shot glass of soju and fed on the pork. Soon, he toppled 3 bottles. He wanted to keep his feelings to himself, but he knows, sooner or later his heart would just explode and admit to himself that he has fallen deep for the young lass.


Jaejoong bid goodbye to his co-models at the fashion show that he was a part in. He hailed a cab and directed it to his apartment. The ride was quite short, there’s no traffic since it’s already 2 in the morning. He opened their apartment door; he was expecting that the lights were off because it’s a school day tomorrow. But to his surprise, the lights were on. So, he went to the kitchen to drink something before going to bed. And to his surprise, he found his best friend in the kitchen sitting on a bar stool by the center island, helping himself with another shot of soju. Jaejoong assessed his surroundings, his friend already emptied 3 bottles of soju, and he has this half eaten plate of samgyupsal.


“tsk. Tsk, tsk.” Jaejoong thought to himself. He has never seen his best friend like this before. Yoochun was oblivious of his presence in the room; he went to the bedrooms to see if his other roommate, Junsu is in the house. Junsu’s not home, ‘maybe he went to his mom’s house’. Jaejoong thought. He changed to his pyjama bottoms and a black tank top and went back to the kitchen.

“Hey bro.” Jaejoong called Yoochun as he poured another shot of the alcohol. Yoochun halted halfway and turned to his best friend and offered a shot. In turn, Jaejoong took the shot and emptied it immediately.


“So… Why the drinking?” asked Jaejoong. Yoochun only shrugged and continued to pour Jaejoong another shot which Jaejoong took.

“ Couldn’t sleep.” Replied Yoochun. Jaejoong eyed his best friend suspiciously.

“Really? I know it when you drink… you’re thinking about something.”  Jae inferred.  Yoochun gave a deep sigh.

“I am actually.” Yoochun opened up.

“You know you can tell us everything, Me and Junsu. Where’s Junsu by the way?”

“He went home.” Yoochun said with another deep sigh.

“So… Why are you drinking? Is something bothering you bro?” Jaejoong asked concerned.

“I think I’ve fallen.” Yoochun confessed. Jaejoong looked at his best friend confused.

“OK? fallen for the girl?” Jaejoong asked.  Yoochun just nodded.

“That’s good right? Go and ask her out again. That’s no problem.” Jaejoong encouraged.  Yoochun again sighed for the nth time and took another shot of soju for himself.

“Why are you sulking like that?” Jaejoong asked.

Yoochun just looked him in the eye and drank another shot of soju and uttered quietly, “She’s my student.”




Ice cream, marshmallows, chocolate, instant ramyeon, popcorn, and Yakult… everything is trashed in Minhee’s study table. She ate her heart out. “Why am I doing this?” she asked herself as she bit off from a bar of kitkat chunky. She played her favourite feel good DVD. FINDING NEMO. The movie was fun, but, confused as she was, tears just flowed from her eyes. She couldn’t help it. Knowing that his heart is already taken, she just can’t think right. She felt fragile; she felt like a glass that when you drop it, it will just break. It was unexpected, her mobile phone rang.


> Yuna Unnie <


That showed on the screen. She pressed the answer button. and took a deep breath.

“Hello? Unnie!!! How are you? How’s Jiyoung Oppa? No baby news yet?” She tried to sound happy.

“I’m good. We’re good. No baby news yet.” Yuna replied.


“Are you OK honey? You don’t sound like you usual. Is everything ok in school? How was Piano lessons? How’s the fam bam?” Yuna asked, concerned.

“Everything is ok, you don’t have to worry.”

“Are you sure, coz, if you have any concerns, you can tell me. You know I’m always here to listen to you and give you an advice.”


“Well, duh!? You always tell me your stuff! We’re buddies remember, I only lived in another country but we always talk! What’s wrong honey?” Yuna heard Minhnee sighed on the other line.

“Well… Here goes, Unnie, I think already like someone.” Minhee heard a gasp from the other line.

“Well, tell me more.”

“He’s a guy from Music school.”

“And then?”

“He also plays the piano, he’s a gentleman, and he’s been up with my ever changing moods. He gets along with me very well. And I think I like him… but…”  Minhee confessed to her best friend.

“But what?”



Minhee was walking from school, it’s quite chilly today and it seems that it’s going to have a down pour anytime soon, it was Monday again, her usual route when going home. She passed by  “bob's coffee and tea”, a smile came across her face, so, she got in and ordered Café latte, on the go. When she got her beverage, she turned around, surprised, she bumped onto him.


Yoochun walked inside bob’s coffee and tea, his head is breaking into pieces, hang over. Not minding his surroundings, he went in line. He needed a cup of joe before heading back to the music school. He read the menu over the counter, he was thinking of getting something fancy or getting just plain old, cup of Americano. As he was debating in his head, someone bumped into him.


She looked ahead, and saw him. Her eyes grew large. She did not expect to run into him at the time. He looked at the person who bumped into him, and to his surprise, it was her.





“What are you doing here?” He asked dumbly, he was surprised. Minhee rolled her eyes.

“Getting coffee?” She answered sarcastically. Then it struck him. ‘Right, we’re at bob’s coffee and tea.’ Yoochun thought to himself.

“Are you heading home?” He asked.

“Apparently, Yes.” She answered short.

“Can I bring you home? I thought of some pieces that we could use for the Year end recital.” Yoochun made up. HE just wanted to be with her at the moment, quite unusually, his banging head ache seems to him disappeared. Minhee was a bit dumbstruck with his sudden suggestion and answered immediately.



The sky is getting dimmer, not just because it’s getting late in the afternoon, the rain clouds are forming.

They walked along side each other, both holding their beverages. It was a silent walk to her home. Both occasionally sipping through their drinks. The way to Minhee’s home is still far ahead. Minhee gave him a glance, his eyes were straight on the road, and she cleared to get his attention. He turned to her and realized that she’s waiting for what he’s about to say.


“Oh… It’s about the piece that we are going to play in the Year End Recital. Do you have any ideas that we should play?” He asked her. Minhee scrunched her lips and eyebrows, she hasn’t thought of any piece that they would play, she actually forgot about the recital. Then, she remembered.

“Didn’t I tell you, you pick the piece? It’s your first recital. I gave you the privilege to pick what ever you want to play.” She said to him frankly.  He turned to her.

“Oh. I… uh… just want to ask you, coz, you know, you might like to give me some other suggestions, coz, you know…” Yoochun said and looked ahead as he ended the statement.

“You know what?” Minhee asked.

“It’s also, your LAST year end performance, you might want to pick the piece to make it more special.” Yoochun suggested. Minhee looked at him with bright eyes, she didn’t realize until now that it is her LAST YEAR END RECITAL. She fell speechless. It dawned to her.


Then, big rain drops fell from above. It startled the both of them, the raindrops got heavy, it started to pour, and Yoochun held her hands tight and lead her to a shed that’s a few yards back. Minhee felt her heart skipped beats, she looked at him as he lead her, his hands getting hold of hers. They both arrived at the shed, his hands still intertwined with hers.


Minhee couldn’t explain the feeling, it’s like a bazillion butterflies are inside her tummy. She could feel the heat come up to her cheeks. She smiled to herself.


“We could stay here until the rain stops.” Yoochun suggested as he dusted off the droplets of rain from his shirt with his free hand with his other hand still with Minhee. Minhee did the same as well.  


She wanted to call his attention, but it felt right. She felt right. Then Minhee thought as she watched his profile busy looking at the sky observing the down pour, ‘Can I keep my hand in yours? Can we be like this always, Oppa?’


“Are you OK?” Yoochun asked the young lady beside him. She was staring blankly.

“I- Uh… Yeah. I’m ok.” she replied with a stutter, and then she quickly removed her hand from his. Then, it dawned to him, he was still holding her hand after a long while.

“I’m sorry about that.” Yoochun apologized.


Minhee thought, ‘Should I tell him? Should I tell him that I like him? It’s what Yuna unnie advised me to do. If I like the person, I should at least inform him.’


‘Oh . I have been invading her personal space. I’ve been holding on to her hand for quite a long time already. What if someone sees us?’ Yoochun worriedly think. ‘Jae-hyung told me I should stop this madness. I really should be professional about this. I am her teacher. And she is my student. He is right.’ Then his hear beat faster as he glanced at the beautiful young lady.


“Minhee, I want you to pick the piece for the recital.” Yoochun said.


“I want you to pick the piece for the recital.” He repeated with more sternness.

Minhee just nodded her head, she understood what he meant.



It’s getting cold and dark, the rain hasn’t stopped, and it’s still a down pour.  Minhee could feel her body shake because of the cold.


“Oppa.”  She called his attention. Yoochun turned to her. She got paler, and her body is trembling. It shocked Yoochun.

“What’s happening to you?!” Yoochun panicked.

“I’m cold.” She uttered. With no thinking, he engulfed her in his arms and embraced her tightly.

“Oh My God Minhee. Why didn’t you tell me you’re starting to feel cold?” he asked her as he began to his hands on her arms to produce more heat. He removed himself away from her and then he removed his jacket to give to her and embraced her more.

“Sorry.” Was all she could say.  “I thought that you’d feel cold if I asked for your jacket.”

“You’re such a dummy sometimes, you know that?” And they kept like that for a while until Minhee felt ok.


The rain stopped. They headed to her house. When they got to her porch, Minhee handed his jacket back to him. She went in and closed the door. Yoochun stared at the closed door for a while and then turned around to leave, then the opened once more.


“Oppa!” Minhee cried. Yoochun turned to his caller.

“I LIKE YOU.” She said fast and then closed the door immediately.

Yoochun on the other hand, stunned. Then it dawned to him, a smile came up from his lips, then he thought, ‘I like you too.’








HEy guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! an update!

sorry for the long wait! 

i really hope you all like it!

please do leave a comment. 

sorry if this story is dragging. 

please give me some crituques! please please please pretty please!!! 

please read comment and subscribe!

be happy and healthy! 





have you all seen the elle korea photo shoot that Yoochunnie did? he looks friggin' awesome!!! he looks hawt!

ok i should stop fan giriling!

til my next update! ciao!

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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^