My Music for You


Chapter 24


“Do you like someone?” Yoochun almost choked on the hotdog that he was chewing on, he was taken aback by her sudden question. Yoochun tried to fake a cough to make time and think of an answer.

“Are you OK Oppa? Here have some DemiSoda.” Minhee handed Yoochun a can of the drink. He caught it and gulped it down.

“Are you now Ok?” she asked again, worried. He nodded his head and placed the can on the table bench.

“Why did you ask that?” Yoochun asked Minhee. Minhee shrugged her shoulders.

“Nothing. Never mind.” She answered and looked through the pond with swimming ducks.


Yoochun looked at what she’s been staring at he took a deep breath and began,

“To tell you honestly, I have someone I have been liking.” Minhee turned her head on his direction. Disappointment came across her eyes.


“Do you want me to describe her?” he asked Minhee. She paused at his question and never uttered an answer. He looked ahead to the swimming ducks across the pond thinking of how to describe the person he likes, he smiled at the thought and he continued.


“She’s very ill tempered, a bit annoying, self centered, and stubborn. But beyond all that, she’s very beautiful.” He said with all endearment. Minhee felt stupid asking her Oppa the person he likes. To her, she felt like stabbing herself with a dagger. Trying to hide the pain she’s feeling, she looked away. And at the same moment, Yoochun turned to look at her.  “She’s very beautiful, inside and out. Everything about her seems to be just a façade. She appears to be strong, but for real; she’s very fragile.” He continued to look at her.


Sometimes, all I want to do when I see her, is hold her beautiful hands and never let go. I always want to protect her and be with her always.” After his statement, silence filled the place.


Minhee felt like she was slapped in the face, thinking that his heart is already taken by someone else. She was suddenly thankful when her phone rang, saving her from having an emotional breakdown right then and there. It was DAD on the other line.


Yoochun on the other hand felt relieved, having finally to realize what he really felt for Minhee.”


“I have to get home.” She announced as she stood up from the bench they were sitting on.

“I’ll take you.” Yoochun offered, Minhee smiled and accepted the offer.


They walked side by side, Minhee kept silent; she tried so hard to hide her feelings. She never spoke of the topic again.


On their way home, they both passed by an accessories shop and a necklace on the shelves got her attention. She stopped to admire the necklace by the window of the shop.

“Wow. That’s pretty.” She uttered under her breath, it was like love at first sight, that necklace is calling her name.

“Which one?” Yoochun asked.  [a/n: this is what it looks like, http://www.tiffany.com/Shopping/Item.aspx?fromGrid=1&sku=GRP02220&mcat=148204&cid=287465&search_params=s+5-p+75-c+287465-r+101323338-x+-n+6-ri+-ni+0-t+]

“That one, on the far right. I’ve always liked stars.” She pointed out.

“We can take a look at it closely.” Yoochun suggested.

“We can? It’s OK with you?” Minhee asked him.

“Of course.” He held her shoulders and playfully pushed her to the store.


In the store, Yoochun watched Minhee, as she asked the sales person if she could take a closer look. And the lady obliged. “How much is this?” Minhee asked the lady behind the counter.

“$160.” The lady replied. Minhee bit her lower lip; her face shows that it’s far too expensive for her. She felt more disappointed, she can’t just buy the necklace.

“You can try it on.” Encouraged the lady. Minhee smiled at the lady and shook her head, with a disappointed look, “No thanks. Maybe next time.” She told the lady and walked away from the counter and out of the store. Confused Yoochun, followed suit.

“You’re not going to buy it?” He asked.

“No. Expensive.” She said coldly at him. At that, they walked home.


That time, Minhee felt like crying, but she tried to endure it. She pulled her emotions in. she was disappointed with herself, for asking her teacher about the person he likes. She felt heart broken but she kept her composure.


When they got to her doorstep, she happily said, “Thanks for today Oppa.”

“Thanks for the company aswell, Minhee.” and with that she entered her house and closed the door.


The moment the door shut, she couldn’t keep her feelings, tears flowed like tap. She tried to stop it from falling, but she couldn’t. She ran to her room and cried herself to sleep. 




hi guys!!!! an update!!!!! weeeeeeeeeee!!!!

so how are you all? you good? 

tarrantalegra just came out this morning!!! OMG~ Junsu!!! what happened to you?! have you seen it? smexy much!

anywhooo... i hope you like my update!!! 

please do comment!!! i live off of them!!! 

sooo yeah... please read, comment and subscribe!!!

til my next update!!! 


ciao!!! annyeong!!!

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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^