My Music for You


Chapter 23


“You have me.”


Minhee smiled brightly at the idea. “Really? You would ask them if I can do a special solo number?”

“Uhhh… actually, that’s not what I have in mind, I was thinking of us being partners in the Year End Recital for the DUETS.” He slyly smiled.

Her eyes widened. “Why didn’t I think of that?” she asked.

“Because sometimes miss, you only think about yourself.” He smugly told her.

“No I don’t!”

“Well, you just did.” He interjected.

“Touché.”  She shrugged.


They began their lessons, and after an hour, they stopped for a break.

“What you reckon to have as a duet piece?” he asked her, as he drank some DemiSoda.

“Well, I don’t know yet. You?” she asked back.

“I’m thinking of something classical like Bach or Beethoven or Liszt. What do you think?”

“Any would do for me, as long as it will be an awesome piece. Since, this is your first Year End Recital; I’ll let you choose the piece.” She said proudly. And soon, they began their lessons.


As usual, their 3 hour lesson, ended with a school bell. They both walked out of the building together. Yoochun couldn’t help but really admire her outfit today, and soon, curiosity grew on him and he asked,

“Do you have a date after our class?”

“Huh? Why you ask Oppa?”

“Coz you look like you’re going on a date.”

“Do I look OK?” She asked worriedly.

“Of course you do, now, you really sound that you have a date.” He assumed.

“Well, actually, I ran out of jeans. Everything was in the laundry.” She lied, but she really wanted to look presentable today.

“You should wear clothes like that often.” He uttered quietly and walked faster than her.

“What did you say Oppa? I didn’t quite catch that.” She ran after him.

“Huh? I didn’t say anything.” He lied.


“Are you going somewhere after this Oppa?” she asked. Yoochun thought for a bit,

“I’m going to drop by the bank to withdraw some money for my share of rent, my roommates are already asking for my share.” He laughed and explained.


Minhee gave him a smug smile, she faced him and asked,

“Can I come with you today? If you don’t mind me tagging along. We could talk about the Year End Recital, our possible pieces that we can choose from. If that’s ok with you?” she asked innocently.


“I don’t mind some company; it’s good to have someone to talk to when doing some errands, but what about your parents? Aren’t they at home?” he asked worriedly.

“YEY! Dad is leaving for Japan, to follow mom, so I have nothing to do today. I have no company.”

“I don’t really mind. Come on, let’s go to the bank.”


Little did Minhee know, Yoochun has a lot of errands to do today, they went to the bank, went to the hardware store to buy some stuff for Yoochun’s room, and lastly, they went grocery shopping. From time to time they talk about random things, their likes, their dislikes and things about themselves.


While at the grocery store, Minhee really felt like her feet are already killing her, because of all the walking that they did, and she felt her stomach already grumbling, both of them walked around. Luckily, she saw some FREE TASTE STANDS with hotdogs, chips, juices, and barbecued beef!!! Her eyes widened.


“Ooohh! Oppa!!! Look! Free taste! Come on!! Let’s taste some free stuff!!!” She ecstatically screamed at Yoochun and dragged him across the grocery store.

“Come on Oppa get a toothpick and get some hotdogs.” Minhee encouraged as she tried to feed on  what she’s holding. Yoochun seemed shy. “Nah, you go ahead and eat that.” Yoochun declined. Minhee shrugged and ate the hotdog herself and went to the next free taste stand. Then, the ahjumma behind the hotdog stand uttered to him,

“If an adorable girl offered me something to eat, I will definitely not decline it. She’s very pretty. You’re very lucky. Here. Have a hotdog.” The ahjumma said and handed Yoochun one bag of those hotdogs that Minhee has been munching on. “Get her this and she’ll be happy, she seems to have a quite an appetite.” Yoochun was dumbstruck, but her statement was really funny for him, he smiled at the ahjumma and thanked her and left and followed Minhee over the beef barbecue stand and placed the bag of hotdog inside his grocery cart.


Yoochun realized, Minhee was already tired, so he decided to drop off the things they bought in the grocery and took the bag of hotdogs the ahjumma told him to buy for Minhee, he also took some paper plates, and paper cups along with disposable utensils and some tongs for grilling.


“Where are we going next Oppa?” Minhee asked Yoochun.

“you’ll find out soon.” He smiled at her.


When they arrived at the park nearby where you can grill some food, Minhee was happy when she saw that they’re heading to the park.

 “You’re taking me to the park? So that’s why you bought those hotdogs and some paper plates.”

“Yep. Thanks for accompanying me today.” He said to her.

“Thanks also for your company today Oppa.”


They both took their time cooking the hotdogs in the grill available in the park. it was Minhee’s first time to have grilled hotdogs.

“Oppa, I never thought of grilling hotdogs ever.”  She said as she flipped the hotdogs one by one.

“Really? We always did this when we were young.” Yoochun said.


“Yeah, my younger brother and my roommates.” He answered as he continued to fan the grill to produce more fire.

“Ahh.” Minhee smiled.  “What’s it like to have a brother?” she asked, she really longed for a sibling, but she never had one. Yoochun smiled when he remembered his younger brother, “having a sibling is like having a best friend that lives with you. Well, that’s my case. You never had a sibling?”

“No. But I always wanted to have one. Mom and dad only wanted only one child. I really don’t understand why.” She chuckled at how clueless she was about the topic, and looked ahead on the pond with sadness in her eyes.

“those are done.” He said, pertaining to the hotdogs on the grill.

“Uh… sorry about that, Oppa.”

“It’s ok, let’s eat.”


After a while.

“Oppa, can I ask you something, if you don’t mind me asking something personal?” she asked.

“Yeah, go ahead shoot.” He said as he bit on a piece of hotdog.

“Do you like someone?”





Hey guys! another update!

i guess, i have time on my hands at the moment. ~confetti showers~

soo yeah, i hope you like my update. sorry if the story is moving slowly. 

i cant wait for RTP's ep 13 to come out with subs!!!! 

soo yeah, till my next update!

please read, comment, and subscribe!!!

be happy and healthy!



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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^