My Music for You


Chapter 10


It was Monday; Minhee had to go to school. She doesn’t know why, but she was eager to finish this day in school, she was aching to play the piano. She had never been this excited towards a piece ever. Ever since she began playing Guardian Angel last Saturday, that’s the only piece she wanted to play, she found it fresh, light, modern, but most of all, it reminded her of her piano instructor.


She’s very fond of him, she doesn’t know why, but she just feels happy. She did everything that reminded her of him, she even went back to the salon to have a hair treatment, just to remind her that she went there with her Oppa.


Immediately after school she headed home. Her hands were just aching to play Guardian Angel. She freshened up rested for a while until she went to the music room, and practiced Guardian Angel once; she told herself it would be her warm up piece. But her one time practice piece became 2 times, 3 times, 4 times even more. She repetitively played the piece; she’s gone avid for the piece and soon perfected it.


And then, a knock from the door came. Minhee halted her playing. Her mother came in. “What are you playing honey?” Minhee’s mom, Kim Hana, asked her.

“Ah. Hi mom, it’s Guardian Angel mom.” She said to her mom as she stood up and kissed her mom’s cheeks.

“So, how was your concert tour mom?” She asked her mom eagerly.

“It was great. Lots of people went to see me and the orchestra.” Hana told her daughter.

“That’s great mom! Sorry we could not watch all your performances.” Minhee told her mother.

“Its ok honey, you have to go to school and make good grades.” Hana replied. Minhee smiled at her mother sweetly. Hana sat beside Minhee on the piano bench. Minhee scooted over to give her mom some room to sit.

“I’ll play for you my last piece, from my last concert you like?” Hana asked her daughter. Minhee smiled at her mom, “Please mom?”

Hana readied herself and placed her hands on the white keys, and played, Liszt, Totentanz.


[a/n: this is Liszt’s Totentanz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGBXA1tBiLw&list=PL77D772F47F0C361D&index=3&feature=plpp_video]



After finishing the piece. Minhee clapped. She loved her mother’s piece. Though the piece is disturbing, she loved it. She’s always impressed by her mother’s talent. She’s her idol, her role model; she looked up to her mom. Minhee beamed at her mother. Hana looked at her daughter seriously, and she said, “I heard you from downstairs; you’ve been playing that Guardian Angel multiple times.”

“Err... that’s just for warm up mom...” Minhee said in defense.

“I told you. Just the classics.” Hana said sternly.

All Minhee could do is frown, look at her mother, and nod her head.

Minhee took out her music book and looked for the piece that she was about to practice.  Piano Concerto No. 21 – Andante


[A/n: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df-eLzao63I&list=PL77D772F47F0C361D&index=5&feature=plpp_video]


So... that evening, before she went to bed, she decided to pass by music school before she comes home.


The next day again she hurried to get out of school, and went to her music school. The whole day, again, she wanted to play Guardian Angel. Almost Aching for it. She even ran to her music school, though she found it odd, but she thought she’s nearly obsessed with the piece. She shrugged it off and continued her walk/ run to her music school. When she got inside her usual music room, she dropped her bag and removed her school blazer and placed on another chair and then she played Guardian Angel with all her heart. She thought of him while playing, a smile creaked on her lips and she felt happy.


That’s why she’s aching to play it... Unconsciously, she had been thinking about him the whole day. Then, she received a knock. Startled, she halted her playing and turned around to see Mr. Park behind the glass window from the door, slightly confused and smiling sweetly at her. She waved to let him come in.


“What are you doing here Minhee? Saturday is still a few days away.” Yoochun asked the young lady. Minhee smiled at him, and scratched the back of her head.

“I... Uh... I just wanted to play a little.” She stuttered.

“Ah I see. You sound great with that piece. You have perfected it already.” Yoochun praised her. Minhee felt a little tinge of heat on her ears.

“Ah. Yes... Thank you. I don’t know why... but I’ve been itching to play it ever since last Saturday.” Minhee confessed. Yoochun smiled.

“I totally understand how you feel. I’ve been like that.” Minhee again smiled at his confession, she stared at him, and gave him another bright smile.

“Will you play it for me?” She asked him. Yoochun smiled.

“Nah. You’re better at it.” Yoochun said humbly.

“I insist. Play it for me, please oppa.” She begged Yoochun. Minhee scooted a bit to give her instructor some space to sit on.


Yoochun smiled and gave in to her request and sat on the same piano bench. He readied himself for the piece, and began playing it. As the second verse began, Minhee had joined his playing. They are in synch. His heart pounded.


As soon as Yoochun sat beside her, Minhee’s heart galloped a thousand miles per minute. As he began to play the first note, she did not know why, she just wanted to join him, so with timing, she joined him at the second verse. He smiled when she joined him.


She sat beside him playing the piece with him in synch. She noticed his warmth that he had even with them sitting side by side. She also noticed that faint cologne that he had on. It was sweet smelling and calming to her. She liked it. She closed her eyes as the piece went through. Taking in everything her senses are giving her, his warmth against her sides, the faint scent of his cologne, the feel of the white keys on her fingers, and the music they are creating.

When the piece ended, Minhee was happy. She felt satisfied. Her aching to play the piece faded. That was it. She felt that her day was already complete. A smile curved on her lips, proving her satisfaction.


“That was great, Oppa!”


“That was very good, Minhee!”


They both said at the same time as they turned their heads toward each other. Their eyes met. Minhee’s heart pumped even more. So, to alleviate her sudden feeling, she began to laugh and quickly stood up from the bench took her bag.


“So.. Oppa. I gotta go. Mom’s already looking for me.” She said quickly as she went to the door. She felt a rush of blood to her cheeks, so she quickly went outside.


She ran out of the building and on her way home. Minhee felt like her heart is going to burst out of her rib cage. She clutched her chest, and took a deep breath and went back home.




Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

wahahah!!! an update!!! happy me!!!! i hope you all like this!!! ~i updated again before christmas!!! :D

tell me what you think... please please pretty please with a cherry on top. ~puppy dog eyes~ 

your comments are my Christmas gifts! hohohohohhoh! santa laugh~

soo yeah. here it is!!!

please read comment and subscribe!!!

 please be happy and healthy! 



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Chapter 34: Aaah, beautiful! Loved the story!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 34: awwww.....sweeeeet. hehe, done reading this one, hehe,loveeee it ;)
kimbap876 #3
Chapter 32: I was wondering for the longest time when you were gonna update this. Even though it took you almost a year to update/end this fanfic, I am still thankful the ending was really sweet!!! Maraming salamat-and hopefully, you can write another one.
Chapter 34: waaaaaaaaaaah so sweet ending~~~~
Chapter 34: finally, a good ending
Chapter 34: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh this was awesome :D
nar12345 #7
Chapter 33: Till you meet again - the end!
Chapter 31: Next chapter? I love the story ^-^
Chapter 31: updated, thanks^^