31- Not your Fault

3 Steps To Loving You (EXO FANFICTION)
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"Oh? Seyeon-ah!" Minji called out, running over to where Seyeon was in her school uniform. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Where's Baekhyun? Is he okay?"

Seyeon chuckled, shaking her head. "Calm down Minji, how am I supposed to answer everything at once? But anyway yes I'm fine but Baekhyun..." Her face fell as she broke eye contact with Minji.

Minji looked at Seyeon curiously, waiting impatiently for her to speak. "What? Did something happen?"

"He injured his leg and...the competition..."

Minji gasped softly, covering with her hand. "Does he know?"

"Yes. " Seyeon answered simply, sighing. He had to know anyway, didn't he?

"What are you doing here though?" Minji peered over Seyeon's shoulder, double-checking the ward number. "This doesn't seem to be Baekhyun's ward."

"Ah... I'm starting the first treatment today."

"O-Oh! That's...that's great." Minji commented, unclear of what she was even blabbering herself. At that point of time, her mind was already drifting off to someone else.

Seyeon just smiled without saying a single word. Sure, it was great. It was supposed to be great, she was supposed to be happy that she was on her way to recovery, but why was it that she was so afraid to get started?

"Seyeon, we can go in now." Sehun informed, walking over from the counter.

Upon seeing Sehun,Minji bowed politely before turning her attention back to Seyeon. "I shall go visit Baekhyun first. Call me after you are done okay? Take care, alright?"

"Mmm, thank you!" Seyeon thanked, picking her items up and walking into the room with Sehun as Minji turned to leave.

The moment she entered the room, she could feel her fear slowly eating her up. The strong smell of disinfectants didn't make her feel any better of her current situation. Once again, she felt unsure of what she was about to go through. She felt herself slowing down and cowering subconsciously in fear, eyeing all the unfamiliar intimidating machines and medicines surrounding her.

Suddenly, she felt a warm hand wrapped around hers. Looking up, Sehun was right there looking right into her eyes, offering her a source of comfort that she needed right at that moment.

"It's okay, I'm here. Always." Sehun whispered, loud enough for her to hear.

Taking a deep breath, Seyeon nodded her head and allowed Sehun to lead her to the bed where she would be carrying out her chemo. With the help of Sehun, she carefully got on the bed and laid down.

The doctor advanced towards her, making all sorts of clinking sounds that Seyeon grew more and more afraid of by the second as he was preparing the materials needed. After a while, he positioned himself on the seat next to the bed Seyeon was on, holding onto something that Seyeon was too frightened to look at. Nevertheless, athough she was facing the other direction, she well knew what was he holding.

"I will be starting now. It might sting a little but just tolerate for a little while." The doctor warned before Seyeon felt his hands, which were then in gloves, come in contact with her forearm. Although she was afraid to look, she still looked over instinctively, insecure about what was about to happen to her.

"Seyeon." Sehun called softly.

Seyeon turned her attention away from the doctor to look at Sehun, tears already starting to flood her eyes.

Grabbing onto her free hand, Sehun inched closer towards her. "Just look at me, it's going to be fine, it's going to be fine."

And as Sehun kept repeating those words to her, the needle slowly went in. Before she knew it, the doctor already stood up from his seat to leave the room. Heaving a soft sigh of relief, she turned to look at her arm, where an unknown bag of liquid was entering her body through the needle.

Since young, she have always had a fear of needles and hospitals. If it wasn't for Sehun, she doubt she would be able to sit down quietly as the doctor put the needle through her arm.

As she felt a hand running through her hair, she turned her attention back to the male beside her, who was then her hair gently as he gazed at her. For the next minute, no one said anything. Just Sehun running his fingers through her soft hair repeatedly while Seyeon watched him comfortably, enjoying the silence aside from the steady beeping of the heart monitor beside them.

Soon enough, Seyeon felt her eyelids grew heavier as her eyes closed slowly. Within minutes, she felt her consciousness ebbing away, and her thoughts, as clear and concise as they were moments ago, were coming to an end. And finally, she didn't know when it exactly happened but her whole world turned black and she lost contact with whatever was happening around her.

However, right before she fell asleep, a voice that sounded like that of a whisper entered her ears.

"I love you."


"Byun Baekhyun!" Minji hollered, barging into the ward. Fortunately, there wasn't anyone else inside except Baekhyun who was just staring into the white space in front of him. Upon hearing Minji, he flinched in surprise as he turned to look at Minji who was standing at the doorway, looking at him disapprovingly.

Stomping over to the space beside him, she smacked him lightly on his arm, earning a yelp from him. "What the hell do you think you are doing? Why couldn't you have been more careful? Didn't you say how important the competition was to you? Then what the hell are you doing to yourself?"

Honestly, despite blabbering so much, Minji felt as though those words were coming out uncontrollably. She tried to hold back those feelings of concern of worry flooding in her system from the moment she heard the news about the accident, but it overflowed and exploded the moment she stepped into the ward.

"W-what...?" Baekhyun stuttered, shocked at Minji's abnormal behaviour. He was the one injured right there and then, but why did she seem to be more hurt than he was?

She hated to admit it, but those feelings of concern were directed at the male in front of her, instead of her best friend.

"It was an accident, wasn't it? None of us expected it nor could it be avoided–"

"It couldn't be avoided?" Minji retorted, as Baekhyun looked at her questioningly. "Wasn't Seyeon the one involved?"

Baekhyun scoffed and stared at her in disbelief. "So, you want me and stand at the side and watch without doing anything? Minji, I am sure you know better than anyone else I'm not the type of person to do that, and who we are talking about here is Seyeon."

Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Minji blinked a few times and looked away. "Of course... I should have known..." She whispered to herself.

"By the way... did you just arrive?" Baekhyun asked, breaking the silence.

Minji nodded her head nonchantly. "You could say so, why?"

"Did you happen to see Seyeon around?"

Seyeon, Seyeon again. But of course, who else when it comes to Byun Baekhyun? "Yes, I saw her just now."

At that, Baekhyun's eyes brightened as he sat up straight. "Is she... alright?"

"Well, nothing seems to be wrong with her. She was just waiting for her chemo." Minji informed.

"Chemo?! What chemo?"

Minji eyed him weirdly. "Didn't you know? She's starting her treatment today. To think I thought you knew every little single detail about her, seeing how obsessed you are with her."

Upon hearing Minji's words, Baekhyun's face fell as his head dropped. Yes, how could he have not known? But then again, he didn't hear Seyeon mention anything about it either, and it wasn't a topic he would casually bring up in front of her. He had a sudden urge to find her and be with her, knowing how afraid she was of needles.

"I'm going to find her. You can choose to stay here or leave." Baekhyun told Minji as he struggled to get out of bed. Not waiting for Minji to even react, he grabbed his crutches by the bed and slowly stood up before leaving the room, leaving Minji alone in the empty room, her hand that was about to hold onto Baekhyun hung midway in the air.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity of walking, he found the room number as given to him by the nurse. Gently, he pushed the door open and peered inside, looking for the familiar figure.

After about a second of scanning the area, he caught sight of the person he was looking for. Slowly, he made his way in as he kept his eyes on the petite figure on the bed. However, when he finally reached her bedside and got a clearer glimpse of her face, his heart wrenched.

Her face was ashen with the pallor of a faded tombstone. Beads of perspiration appeared on her forehead as her eyebrows creased, her breathing coming out in sharp, shallow rasps.


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Shawn1231 #1
Chapter 30: Update soon Please!
Ariari1004 #2
Chapter 30: update please
Alexia1999 #3
Chapter 29: Update soon please!
Can't wait for the nxt update. Wishing this story to have a happy ending!