30- Blame

3 Steps To Loving You (EXO FANFICTION)
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Seyeon looked at the broken vase on the ground as a single tear fell on one of the broken piece of glass. Just like her heart, the vase shattered into tiny little pieces.

As her gaze shifted upwards slowly, it met with Baekhyun's. No, she wasn't angry. No, she wasn't disappointed. Or rather, she was angry and disappointed at no one else but herself. And looking into Baekhyun's eyes made her feel worse, because it was the first time she saw those emotions in the eyes of the happy-go-lucky teenager – loss, hopelessness.

Baekhyun tried to open his mouth to speak, but somehow, nothing came out. He was at the stage whereby he felt like breaking down at the thought of anything, especially Seyeon. He definitely wasn't blaming Seyeon for what happened, but looking at her pained him. Looking at her reminded him that he couldn't stand on stage like before anymore– the stage that he loved so much.

Not knowing what to do, only one thought ran across Seyeon's mind– run away.

"I-I'm sorry." Upon dropping the apology, Seyeon turned and ran out of the ward.

Baekhyun jerked as he held his hand out, preparing to stop her. 

However, he never did. 

He felt like he didn't have the right to, knowing that he's the reason behind those tears. Therefore, he could only watch as Seyeon disappeared from his sight, weeping.

*Byun Baekhyun, you really are a jerk. You really are.* Baekhyun thought to himself, ruffling his hair in frustration as his eyes looked towards the broken pieces of glass on the floor, especially paying attention to the one with traces of blood on it.


Removing his shades, Sehun opened the car door and stepped out. Smiling, his eyes scanned the mansion before him.

"Feels good to be back." He said to himself.

The chauffeur jogged over to the place beside Sehun and gave a slight bow. "Young Master, I will deliver your luggage to your room shortly."

"Alright, thank you for your hard work."

Walking in the house, Sehun removed his shoes and stepped into the living room, looking around for his sister. Honestly speaking, the main reason why he was so happy to get home was because of Seyeon. Indeed, he went for countless business trips and returning home was considered nothing special, but it was made special recently because he wouldn't be greeted with an empty home like before anymore. Now, he had his sister under the same roof and just the thought of if makes him feel all warm and blissful.

"Seyeon? Oh Seyeon! Oppa is back!"

"Sehun!" Mdm Jung called out happily, running out of the kitchen.

Sehun smiled as he turned his head towards Mdm Jung. "You are still as excited as always to welcome me back, Mdm Jung."

Patting his arms lightly, Mdm Jung eyed him like a proud mother. "Of course, it's always nice to see you back home safely."

"Ah, Mdm Jung, where's Seyeon?"

As Sehun mentioned Seyeon's name, he could just notice Mdm Jung's expression darkened as she looked at Sehun anxiously.

"I'm not very sure either, she hadn't been home since 2 days ago. I tried to call her but she didn't pick up. I didn't want to disturb you at work, so I decided not to call you about this."

"What?" Sehun could feel the anxiousness welling up in him by then. 2 days? Seyeon's not the type to not go home without informing him or Mdm Jung either. Unless... something bad happened?

Scooping out his phone at the speed of lightning, he pressed the speed dial button and pressed the phone against his ear hastily. "It's okay Mdm Jung I will call her now."

Nodding her head, Mdm Jung backed away slowly and headed back towards the kitchen.


Sometimes, Seyeon really hated how she always ended up running away. Why can't she ever pick up the courage to face her problems with grace?

As the train of hurtful thoughts travelled continuously in her mind, it was interrupted when she came into contact with a firm chest, making her stumble down to the ground.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry are you okay?" A deep voice asked.

With her hair in front of her face serving as her shield, Seyeon could feel herself choking on her tears as she tried to speak.

"It...It's okay."

"Excuse...me?" The male asked again, ducking his head from left to right, trying to get a glimpse of Seyeon's face which was well-hidden behind the curtain of hair.

Turning her head a little, her hair, which was previously concealing her face quite well, slowly slid off her face, revealing a pale tear-stained face.

Upon catching a look of her face, the male's eyes widened in shock. "A-Are you okay? Did I hurt you anywhere?"  He asked in concern. 

Seyeon moved her eyes  towards the owner of the voice instinctively, creating an unintentional moment of eye contact. 

At that, the male could feel the irregularity of his heart beat as he stared back right into her eyes. Upon noticing a fresh cut on her pale, white skin, he reached a hand out towards it.

However, after a few seconds, Seyeon mumbled a 
few apologies as she scrambled on her feet and ran off again.

Staying rooted in his position, he placed a palm over his chest, trying to control his palpitating heart. 

"What was that...?" He mumbled to himself, looking at the ground.

"Kim SeokJin-ssi!" The nurse called out, bringing him out from his state of trance. 

"Yes! I'm coming!"


Running out of the hospital, she gradually slowed down until she started walking towards a bench. She sat down, breathing heavily as her eyes stared into the empty space in front of her. She stopped crying by then, but it's not because she didn't want to cry anymore. It was because she couldn't cry anymore. There weren't any tears left. Literally none at all.

Just then, she jumped a little as her phone started ringing. It was the first time in 2 days she heard her phone ring. Or rather, was she just too distracted for the past 2 days to even notice?

Slowly, she took out the phone from her pocket, slid her finger across the screen before putting it against her ear. Throughout this whole process, her vision never once left the empty space —which was actually nothing except for a bunch of bushes, she was staring at the whole time.

"Oh Seyeon! Where are you? I heard from Mdm Jung that you hadn't been home for 2 days! Did something happen?" Sehun's voice boomed over the phone.

Somehow, Sehun's voice triggered the emotional portion of her heart again. Once again, she felt like crying. However, despite her wanting to cry, once again, she couldn't.

"Seyeon? Are you there?" Sehun called out again wor

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Shawn1231 #1
Chapter 30: Update soon Please!
Ariari1004 #2
Chapter 30: update please
Alexia1999 #3
Chapter 29: Update soon please!
Can't wait for the nxt update. Wishing this story to have a happy ending!