"Found ya"

Can't you see?

It's been 6 months since Jieun left L. His life was miserable. His house was in a mess, with lots and lots of broken glasses. He didn't even bother to clean them up. Since that 6 months, his life changed. He rarely went to the office. He spent most of his time searching for Jieun. But she was nowhere to be found. Some of her friends told him that she moved to Jeju Island. But it was just a lie. The truth was... Jieun was now in America with Jessica and Kwangmin. She lived with Jessica there while Kwangmin bought himself a mansion. 

There, she started to learn English. Her English was so bad that she had to learn English. But after 2 months learning, she started to fluent in English. Not to forget that she's also changed into the cold-hearted Jieun. She tried her best to move on. At first, it was so hard but with Kwangmin's help, it's not that hard. He took her to dates, just to make her forget about L. Little by little, Jieun's feelings for L started to disappear. She was relieved that she was now in a relationship with Kwangmin, the guy that always be there, whenever she needs him. But sometimes, she asked herself, why did she accept his love? Was it because she really loves him or because she wants to completely forget about L? She didn't have an answer for that question.




"Oppa, here!" Heerin waved to L. He went towards her car and hopped into it.

"So, how's dad?" Heerin said, still focusing on the road.


"What do you mean with that 'dunno'?" Heerin turned to L. He just shrugged.

"I don't know how is he..."

"Whatever... Oh yeah... What did you do to Jay that she lived here?" Heerin suddenly asked him.

"Jieun? She lived here?" He was curious. Heerin nodded.

"She lived with Jessica and her parents.... I'm her neighbour."




Heerin and L reached her home. They got out of the car and took L's luggage. Heerin walked in first, leaving L alone with his luggage. He was about to enter the house when..... he heard a very familiar voice.

"Unnie, hurry up! Kwangmin's waiting for us!" she yelled.

"Yah! He wants to meet you... ALONE!" Jessica emphasized the word 'alone'.

"Who cares?" Jieun crossed her arms.

"Ji- Jieun-ah..." L said. Jieun heard someone called her name so, she turned around.

She froze at her spot. Her eyes didn't blink at all. Her legs were shaky and her hands were sweaty. Her heartbeats started to thump rapidly. Her eyes met with L's eyes. She stared at the tall guy in front of her. Her first love, also, her last love.

"Found ya" he said softly with a smile.




Hey !!! It's been awhile now, right? He3x .. I'm sorry for not updating !!! Busy with MCLS ..

Anyway... Hope you enjoy this chapter !!! 

Comment & Subscribe !

Love <3 



Oh yeah .. I won't update until next year .. So, now, I wanna say ...


Hope 2012 will be better than 2011 !

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Chapter 33: Update Soon!
Hey Hey, New reader here ^^
The story seems great from the forward <33
ASLocket #3
update soon~
Well of course she still loves him! Judging by her reaction, that is...
BlueDiamondAngel #5
Sorry.. I'm busy now .. I'll find time to update .. Sorry again .. Once I'm not busy, I'll tell you!
shashimieshushie #6
owh..when will you update..??<br />
Awww mann it was so interesting! Update soon please? (:
shashimieshushie #8
owh..please update more...<br />
<br />
Jieun+Myungsoo=very happy and satisfied me<br />
I hope they get back together soon...
KimLNana #10
I want Myungsoo with Jieun again T_T