"I love you"

Can't you see?


Narrator POV

Jieun walked aimlessly in the rain. She was tired of crying. Her eyes were red and sore from all the crying for the past two hours. She walked, walked and walked until suddenly, she realised that she was now in front of the office. Why am I here?

She turned around and walked away but someone stopped her.

“Where are you going?” it was her boss, Kwangmin.


No answer was heard. He walked beside her and took a good look at her.

“Were you crying?” he caressed her face. She started to sob again in the heavy rain. The rain was so heavy that no one could barely see them.

“Shhhttt… Don’t cry, Jieun. Tell me what’s wrong” he hugged her to make her feel better.

“Mianhae… but can I borrow your phone for a few minutes?” she stopped crying and looked at him.

“Sure but first, let’s get into the office. You’re gonna catch cold if you stand still in the rain” he dragged her into the office and handed her his Blackberry. She thanked him and dialed a number.

Jieun: Unnie…

Gyuri: Jieun-ah? Jieun… Is that you?

Jieun: Neh…Unnie, mianhaeyo.

Gyuri: Eo? Jieun-ah, neo eodiya?

Jieun: Somewhere… Unnie, please tell Jessica, Nicole, Soyeon and the others that I’m sorry and most importantly… my husband, L. Please tell him that I’m sorry and that I… I love him. *cried*

Gyuri: Yah, what’s wrong with you? Where are you actually?

Jieun: You don’t have to know. I just want to say goodbye.

Gyuri: Goodbye? For what?

Jieun: Don’t look for me and just let me go, okay? I love you.

She hung up and cried her eyes out. She couldn’t stop her tears from flowing down her red cheeks. There, Kwangmin stood still beside her. He just watched how pathetic his dream girl was.

“Thanks” she said and handed him back his phone.

“Where are you going?” Kwangmin asked her as he saw her walking away.

“The bridge, searching for peace” Then, she walked to a bridge. She gulped as she imagined her dead body float on the river but she was determined to die. I’d rather die than seeing him live happily with Hyuna. He doesn’t need me anyway so why should I live?


L cried, cried and cried when suddenly, he remembered Jieun’s last sentence to him.

“Oh yeah, there’s something I left for you. It’s under my pillow”

He walked into her room and lifted her pillow. He saw a blue box and a letter. He opened the box and lots of Hyuna and Woohyun’s photos could be seen. He took a good look on the photos of HyunWoo. So she was right but why didn’t she show them to me?

He closed the box and read the letter.

Hi there, Myungsoo! I don’t know if you really want to read this letter. You can close it now and throw it into the trash but if you really want to read this, just read until the end. The moment you read this, I probably am not here. Maybe I’m floating on the river near my old house. I’m sorry for not being a good wife to you. I’m sorry for everything. I’m not perfect but I’ve always tried to be a perfect wife for you. Well, thanks for everything you’ve done to me. You know, L, to tell you the truth, you actually have melted my cold heart. You’re my first and my last love. I… actually… I don’t have a boyfriend. That Kwangmin guy is my boss and nothing more. I only have you in my heart but I don’t want to seem like a cheap girl. He3x… Babo me… You probably are not reading this so why am I writing all of my feelings here? Last but not least, I hope I can meet you in heaven.


Your not-so-perfect wife,



I love you and before I die, I have a dream which is to call you ‘yeobo’. But I guess I'll never reach that dream. -_-

A tear escaped his eye. Without wasting any time, he quickly drove off to the river near her house.


“Jieun, please don’t!” Gyuri begged her.


Gyuri called the Kwangmin’s phone.

Gyuri: Jieun? Jieun? Neo eodiya?

Kwangmin: Jieun’s not here.

Gyuri: Where is she? And… Who are you?

Kwangmin: I’m Kwangmin, her boss. I don’t really know where she is right now.

Gyuri: Aisyy… Do you really don’t know?

Kwangmin: She did say that she’s going to a bridge to search for peace but I don’t know which bridge.

Gyuri: Bridge? Kwangmin-shii, please go to ___ River. There’s a bridge there and please hurry!

Kwangmin: But why?

Gyuri: Just go before it’s too late!

End of flashback


“Just let me go! He doesn’t need me anyway” she said, getting ready to jump off the bridge.

“But I need you” Kwangmin blurted out. Both of the girls paused for a moment.

“I do need you, Jieun. What do I do without you?”

“Mr, I’m just your secretary for a day. You can always search for a better looking secretary”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Then what?”

“I love you”

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Chapter 33: Update Soon!
Hey Hey, New reader here ^^
The story seems great from the forward <33
ASLocket #3
update soon~
Well of course she still loves him! Judging by her reaction, that is...
BlueDiamondAngel #5
Sorry.. I'm busy now .. I'll find time to update .. Sorry again .. Once I'm not busy, I'll tell you!
shashimieshushie #6
owh..when will you update..??<br />
Awww mann it was so interesting! Update soon please? (:
shashimieshushie #8
owh..please update more...<br />
<br />
Jieun+Myungsoo=very happy and satisfied me<br />
I hope they get back together soon...
KimLNana #10
I want Myungsoo with Jieun again T_T