Forgive me

Can't you see?

Note: There are curses in this chapter ..



Narrator POV

The caller ID was Hyuna. After the first ring, L picked up the phone while muttering curses at her under his breathe for interrupting him.

L: What do you want?

Hyuna: I'm sorry, yeobo. Will you-

L: Stop 'yeobo' me. I'm not your yeobo.

Hyuna: Babe, please, forgive me? 

L: In your dreams.

Hyuna: Why not?

L: You cheated on me, did you forget?

Hyuna: L, I'm sorry! For your information, Woohyun and I are over.

L: Really? Huh, good, cause Woohyun is not match with a b*tch like you.

Hyuna: What?!

L: You're a b*tch, *sshole!

Hyuna: Okay, it's okay if you want to call me b*tch or whatsoever but please... Forgive me?

L: Hyuna... You know what?

Hyuna: What?

L: You should...

Hyuna: Should??


With that, L hung up. His blood boiled the moment he heard Hyuna's annoying voice. If Hyuna was right in front him right now, he'll kill her. How dare she break up with Woohyun just to be with me again? Tch... That's why she's a b*tch. L thought as he continued to find Jieun at the park. He was sure that the girl that was laughing was Jieun! But, unfortunately, she was not there. The guy that was with her was also nowhere to be found. Sh*t! He cursed in his mind.



Hey , guys ! I'm sorry it's a short chapter .. Actually, my co-author wrote some of this. He3x .. But I edited a bit. So, yeah .. 

I'm sorry !!! *bows*

I'm sorry !!! *bows*

I'm sorry !!! *bows*

Anyway, if you're Myungsoo's and Jessica's fans, raise your hand up! *raise my hand* I am! HE3x .. If you are, then, do you mind to read this fanfic:

My friend and I write this .. I'll write until 5th chapter .. Well, check it out! Thanks ! 

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Chapter 33: Update Soon!
Hey Hey, New reader here ^^
The story seems great from the forward <33
ASLocket #3
update soon~
Well of course she still loves him! Judging by her reaction, that is...
BlueDiamondAngel #5
Sorry.. I'm busy now .. I'll find time to update .. Sorry again .. Once I'm not busy, I'll tell you!
shashimieshushie #6
owh..when will you update..??<br />
Awww mann it was so interesting! Update soon please? (:
shashimieshushie #8
owh..please update more...<br />
<br />
Jieun+Myungsoo=very happy and satisfied me<br />
I hope they get back together soon...
KimLNana #10
I want Myungsoo with Jieun again T_T