
Because of him, we're a 'Couple'

So i recommend you to read the previous chapter before continuing. Bet some of you forgot what happened since its been long since i updated ._.

It's Saturday the next day. I woke up from bed feeling very ill. I got up from bed and walked over to the table to check my temperature.
'Great. 38 degrees..'
"MUUUUUM!" I shouted from my room and went back to bed. She came up to my room and asked me what's wrong.
"Oh my! Your forehead feels hot!" She gasped.
"Mum I just said I have a fever.." I rolled my eyes.
"Right... I'll get you some soup"

She covered me in blankets and went down to make some soup. I closed my eyes and thoughts ran up to my brain.
'Yesterday..yesterday.. Oh that's right! I found out I like Jinki!'
My eyes went wide.
'Did I just said that?!' I sighed. I can't deny the fact that I don't like him anymore.
I got up from my bed and walked over to the table and take out a piece of paper and pen.

'Okay, I need to find a way to tell him, I like him back'
I wrote down lists of things i could do to tell him I liked him back.
'Be drunk and tell him? Nah that's just setuuuuupid..' I crushed and threw the piece of paper away. I then tore a new piece of paper and place it on my table. I wrote down multiple ideas, but just crushed and threw it away.
'This is harder than I thought!' My mum came up with the bowl of soup and left.

I ate the soup and kept thinking.
'How do I make it natural?!' I sighed and wrote more ideas. I got tired and went back to my bed.
Soon I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said, still having my eyes.
"Minsung?" I opened my eyes. Jinki? What is he doing here?
I sat up and looked at him. 

"Hmm? What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Well, I heard from your mum that you had a fever" He smiled.
Why did my mum even told him that? I sighed.
Then I realized I've yet to shower. I grabbed my blankets and covered them around myself and get up.
"I'll err, shower downstairs. Don't you make a mess in my room!"

"Yes ma'am!" He stood there and saluted me. I laughed and when down to take a shower.

Jinki's P.O.V

Minsung went down to take a shower and I was left at her room. I got bored so I started looking around her room. For a girl, her room is quite messy. I shook my head and went over to her table and sat down.
I looked at her table and scanned through her books, till I saw a piece of paper that caught my eyes. I read the headline.
'Jinki you? What did I just read?!' I re-read the headline over and over again.
Jinki I like you. Jinki I like you. Jinki I like you. That's all that I saw.

Is this real? Or are my eyes playing tricks with me?! I smiled slightly.
I didn't know that she would eventually like me back!
I then heard fast footsteps up and i quickly placed the piece of paper to it's original place and stood up by the side. 
Minsung then came running in.

Your P.O.V

While I was in the bathroom, I remembered..
'It doesn't feel right, I think I left something that he's not supposed to see...'
I kept on thinking..
'The paper! The paper!!' I quickly dried myself and put my clothes on and ran up to my bedroom.
When I opened the door, Jinki was standing where he was standing when he came in, and the piece of paper was still at it's place.

"You read, touched, saw nothing AT ALL right?" He nodded timidly.
I squinted my eyes and nods, going back to the bed.
He sat at the chair near my bed and looked at me.
"So it's true?" What on earth is he talking about?

"What's true?" I blinked.
"That you like me?" He wiggled his eyebrow.
'WHAT?! How did he even..'
"W-what do you mean?" I laughed awkwardly
He got up and went to my table and took the piece of paper. 'I'm screwed..'

"This" He gave me the paper. I quickly tore it and threw it away.
"W-what was that? Haha.." I scratched my head.
"Don't lie Sungie~ You fell for me didn't you?" His smile was so bright I couldn't help but smiled back.
"I-I mean what? Where did that came from?"

"Come on~ Say that you like me~!" He continued teasing me. I punched his arm and he winced in pain.
"Yah don't joke around me!"
"Fine then, I'll just go down by the chicken shop, there's this cute girl employee there."
He then got up and get out of my room.
'Great.. What have I done..' I sighed.

 -moments later-
'NO I CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN!' I got up from my bed and ran down.
"Yah Minsung ah where ar you going?!" My mum called out.
"To the chicken shop, I'll be back!" I got out the house and ran to the chicken shop. It was pouring cats and dogs halfway there.
I was all soaked. I arrived at the chicken shop and looked through the window.
'He's not there, he probably went home already..'

I sighed and looked back to the front. I wanted to go home, but there's no way to walk under the heavy rain. I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering in the cold. Moments later, I saw a figure holding an umbrella, walking towards me. I squinted my eyes and he got closer. Soon enough I could see the figure's face.
"Jinki..?" I spoke quietly and now he is directly in front of me. 
He dropped his umbrella and quickly hugged me. Without realizing anything, I hugged him back, still shivering from the cold.
[a/n: if you listen to Sunggyu's 60 seconds the last part, it totally fits :'D]

He pulled away and took his jacket off and placed it around me.
"You bad guy! You made me run over here in the rain, don't you know i'm having a fever?" I slightly raised my voice.
"Mianhe.." He grabbed his umbrella and walked back to my house together. When we reached, I changed into a new pair of clothes and lied down my bed. He came to sit at the chair beside me and fed me the soup.

"Feeling any better?" I nodded slightly.
"I'll get going now, don't go anywhere and just stay in bed" He got up and was about to go when I grabbed his wrist.
"Jinki.." He turned around to face me.
" you.." He looked at me and smiled softly, he leaned down and kissed my forehead.






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Chapter 37: really,likeee this story
update soon please
jinki and minsung really cute here
love this couple
Chapter 36: New reader here. ;) Eeeeeeep im so in love with this story. ;D omooooo its amaaaaaaaaaaazing. lol update soon pleas
Chapter 36: zsdfasdf x'DD Yay Jinki gaah asdf tease ;u;
damsel6533 #4
Chapter 36: an update! *o* it's been 901840353958308931 days! I almost forgot about the plot already. XD
Please update soon...
My bias is Onew too .!
Teehee . [[;
Please continue. [[;

<3<3<3 - nancynuggets
kpopforever2012 #7
update please soooo cute!
Elizaza #8
Annyeoooong!! New subbie here ^^ totally love your storyy!!
Update soon pleaase :3
Update soon~~
Aahh please update <3 i want to know whats going to happen!! And pleeeeeease dont let L hurt onew :(