Sing With Me

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It's 11pm and you're still not done with work. Everyone else has gone home, leaving you alone in the building. You rub your tired eyes. You decide to stretch your legs and take a break.
You put your earphones on and turn on some music as you walk through the empty hallways. It's nice being alone. Feels like you own the building. Feeling encouraged by the absence of people, you sing a little louder. You're a decent singer, so you start singing power ballads while standing in front of a window. You close your eyes and lose yourself in the music. But by the second song, you're started to get annoyed by a sound in the background of the songs. You look at your phone. You've played this song plenty of times but what's with this additional guy's voice in the song, suddenly? Puzzled, you pull out one of the ear buds.
Then you hear it. That male voice singing. It's a beautiful voice, and it's not coming from your phone but somewhere nearby. Then it stops. You're embarrassed but then you feel kinda freaked out because you thought you were alone. What if it's not... a guy? You don't want to freak yourself out but your imagination is not helping.
Your panic intensifies when you hear footsteps coming your way. Oh god oh god oh god. You're rooted to the spot. What should you do?! Then a figure dressed in black is coming into view. You squint to see better in the dim lighting. It's... not a ghost. You actually feel slightly disappointed and you laugh at yourself. 
Your l
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chantallvin #1
Chapter 55: *cries Han river*
Chapter 56: We will let you know. Don't worry ^^
Chapter 55: Awww!! This one is so sad, it made me cry the second time I read it. You're getting so good at this...T_T
afbahrah #4
Chapter 55: YEAAY UPDATE AND ANOTHER AWESOME CHAPTER! You do great (as usual), bcause now I try to do not cry.
Chapter 53: This is so unfair!! Now everytime I watch that video I'll think about this fic!! Honey, have mercy on us
Chapter 54: Ufff God! I'm panting here... this is so rude!!
agustdboi #8
Chapter 1: Hah! I'm starting on this one and aaaaaaccckkkkkkkkk I can imagine Jimin almost hahahaa

Too bad though my karma isn't enough to upvote :'(
Chapter 47: OMG JUNGKOOKIE~ ❤❤