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"Run away with me," Yoongi whispers breathlessly in between heated kisses.   You laugh. "Where would we run to?"   Yoongi pulls out two plane tickets from his bag and you gasp in shock. So he's actually serious.   "I love you. I want to start a life with you. If we can't do it here, then let's do it here -" he waves the plane tickets.

You hesitate. You're so tempted. Yoongi is an awesome guy. He's sweet and funny, and the ... the has been amazing these past few months since you've known him. You take the plane tickets from Yoongi and stare at them. The flight is tomorrow afternoon. You run your fingers over the tickets as you consider this opportunity for a new and exciting life full of unknowns.

You look up at Yoongi. "I don't know..." you say softly.   "Let me convince you," he says, before he's capturing your lips in a searing hot kiss. Yoongi expertly moves his hands all over you, driving you so crazy with lust that you don't even register when he asks you again if you'll elope with him. All you know is that you're supposed to answer yes so that the pleasure doesn't stop. So you scream yes over and over again.

The next day, as you walk down the aisle towards the other man in your life, you mentally brace yourself to embrace this new life you're going to lead as a wife. It will never be the fun and exciting life you could have had with Yoongi but you think you'll be ok with that. You feel guilty as you think about Yoongi, who must be
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chantallvin #1
Chapter 55: *cries Han river*
Chapter 56: We will let you know. Don't worry ^^
Chapter 55: Awww!! This one is so sad, it made me cry the second time I read it. You're getting so good at this...T_T
afbahrah #4
Chapter 55: YEAAY UPDATE AND ANOTHER AWESOME CHAPTER! You do great (as usual), bcause now I try to do not cry.
Chapter 53: This is so unfair!! Now everytime I watch that video I'll think about this fic!! Honey, have mercy on us
Chapter 54: Ufff God! I'm panting here... this is so rude!!
agustdboi #8
Chapter 1: Hah! I'm starting on this one and aaaaaaccckkkkkkkkk I can imagine Jimin almost hahahaa

Too bad though my karma isn't enough to upvote :'(
Chapter 47: OMG JUNGKOOKIE~ ❤❤