Knock Knock

Everything Happens For a Reason


A/N : Like always, italics = thoughts (:.




Unknowingly, time passed by really quickly and it was already lunch. You walked towards the door when you heard someone calling you, “_____! Wait for us!” you turned around to face the 5 boys as they smiled at you.


The 6 of you walked into the canteen and queued up for food until a few girls decided to cut the queue in front of you. “Rude.” you whispered, loud enough for them to hear you. Opps, couldn't control myself right there. You sighed.

“Excuse me?” They turned around and glared at you. Excused. You rolled your eyes as the girl who seemed like their leader raised an arm, “HEY! MOVE IT, .” someone from behind impatiently shouted.


They snorted and flipped their hair while walking away as you bit your lip to prevent yourself from laughing at them.


After getting your food you scanned around the canteen to look for any empty seats until you hear your name. You looked around to find a nerdy looking boy waving at you. You walked over and sat down.


“So..” you started as you picked up your fork, “What are your names?” you asked as you poked your food and started to eat. “Well..” GD rubbed the back of his neck, “I guess we just changed a little of our name? It's not that important anyway. No one here really knows our name.” he shrugged as the rest of them ate.


School was over in an instant and soon you were in your apartment. You glanced at the beautiful wall and decorations. It was perfect.. or at least you thought. You were contented with whatever was given to you anyway. So.. apparently I have work at 3pm.. You looked up at the clock on your wall, it was only 2pm.


You sighed. Guess I'd better do something to kill time huh? You wondered to yourself as you turned the TV on. It was the first time you could watch television without anyone trying to kill you and you were glad.


You started switching between channels and decided to watch the music channel. Hmm.. Oh.. right.. I still have to learn the names of all the Korean groups.. Man.. what a job. You pressed your lips together and started concentrating on the show. As you continued watching them you managed to memorise a few. 2NE1.. same company.. T-ara from CCM.. Uhh.. Man this is hard .. You glanced up at the clock again to realise it was already 2.45pm. Damn! You hurriedly wore your shoes and ran out of your apartment. Luckily for you, the company was only a 10 minutes walk away but you ran anyway.


You reached the building in no time and tried to even your breaths as you walked into the company. You walked up to the receptionists as they greeted you with a smile that never seems to leave their face.


“Uh-” you were cut off by a girl with long, brown hair. “Mr.Yang is waiting for you in his office.” she said to you, with the smile still on her face, of course. “Oh, thank you.” you were pretty creeped out by their smiles. You walked towards the elevator and pressed the buttons while waiting. When the doors finally opened, you walked into the elevator. As the doors were about to close, you heard a few girls shouting, “WAIT! WAIT A MINUTE!” You acted on instinct and quickly pressed the button as you girls walked in the elevator, “Thank you.” a girl with blonde hair smiled at you. You smiled and nodded back at the four girls.


“Uhm.. Are you perhaps.. _____ ?” A girl with short hair asked you. Surprised, you asked, “How did you know?” you raised an eyebrow. “Haha, literally the whole company knows!” Another girl with long, red hair smiled at you. Huhhh.. how the.. Your eyebrows were knitted together.


“Oh, we forgot to introduce ourselves. We're 2NE1.” the girl with blonde hair started, “I'm CL the leader of 2NE1, this is Minzy, Dara and Bom. Nice to meet you.” the both of you shook hands and bowed. “Nice to meet you too.” you awkwardly smiled. Whyy.. god.. WHY AM I SO AWKWARD. You sighed quietly.


“Alright, see you around.” CL said to you as the rest of them waved at you. You waved back, your lips curled up. You waited for the elevator to reach the 7th floor and walked towards YG's office. You gulped, feeling nervous and anxious.


Knock knock.



Mann I'm having a writers block T__T.

There you go, lame chapter I know :\ .

Oh well ~ 

I hope you enjoyed that chapter anyway (:

Thank you to everyone who subscribed and commented <3

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amg why why
i missed a chapter.
is the a/n longer than the chapter...........
god i'm such a horrible person.
And yes, I'll try to :0
It most definitely will...
Hopefully. :D
BigBang_VIP #5
Ahhh this might not turn out so well XD update soon!
Haha. Don't worry about those 2.
BigBang_VIP #7
Awww :( they seriously need to be revealed already ._. I hate mean people :<
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
@BigBang_VIP HAHHA, DON'T WORRY. I like to see rants B)
Also, well.. you never know :D

@Doublehearts wot. wot. wot. i don't even--