A Job

Everything Happens For a Reason

A/N : Queenkas = Best looking girl around

Italics = Thoughts



 “Hmm?” he raised his eyebrows and he stared at you with his widened eyes.


“Uh.. umm..” Awkward much. You thought to yourself as your eyes darted around to avoid any eye contact.


Ugh.. YG YG YG. What exactly do they do... You searched your mind for any conversations you heard in school by the queenkas.


“OH!” you recalled. “YOU DO THAT .. THAT.. KPOP STUFF RIGHT?” You asked anxiously, hoping you were right.


“Yup.” He smiled. PHEW. You heaved a sigh of relief.


Flashback --


HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE NEW GROUP DEBUTING?” One of the queenkas squealed in excitement. “YEAH, TOTALLY! Wait.. what agency were they under again?” the other asked. “I heard it was YG Ent. or something..” “Oh..!”


End --


“Ha-ha, ha..” you awkwardly laughed.

“Now, would you tell me how you ended up looking.. like that in the alley?”


Ughh.. anything but this.. You sighed as you told him about your life story. “Interesting, huh?” you shrugged, hoping that he wouldn't sympathise you.


Of course, he did. “I'm sorry.” he looked at you with those eyes you've always hated. Those eyes that pitied you and your life. You rolled your eyes, “Seriously, people HAVE to realize. Not everyone who lost their parents like being pitied, in fact, you make us look even more pitiful than ever trying to get sympathy. Don't be sorry, you didn't murder them...” you paused, “ did you?” you joked.


He looked at you seriously, “Of course not.”, you broke into laughter. “What are you being nervous for? Mister, why so serious?” you beamed at him as he smiled back.


“So.. like I was saying.. Do you still have a home to go back to?” he curiously looked at you. “Uh.. to be blunt, no.” you shrugged.


“Perfect..” he smirked.




“Uh.. what do you guys do again?” you had fear written all over your face as you stared at the building in front of you. You gulped as you straightened your clothes so you looked neater. “Don't be nervous! Come on in!” YG gave you a shove from behind.


“Like, who wouldn't be nervous on their first day?” you rolled your eyes as you walked into the building. You couldn't help but feel anxious, after all, it was your first job. Man.. why did I even agree to doing this. Your head dropped at the sight of people wearing the most fashionable clothes walking around while you were wearing hoodie and jeans. It was a gift from YG because you didn't have anything else other than your torn and dirty clothes.


You sighed as you recalled how the deal happened..


Flashback --


Perfect..” he smirked.


You stared back at him. “Yes?” “Oh.. I was wondering.. Since you no longer have a home.. How about you come work for me? I was just looking for someone to replace that new guy who quitted recently.”


W-what?”, you laughed, “Are you kidding me?” You continued laughing for a while until you notice him staring at you with a serious look on his face. You stopped. “Uhh.. I guess not, huh?” you shrugged and scratched your head.


So..? What do you think about my idea?”, he smiled at you, “Better than starving on the streets?” the way he said it sounded like you really would if you rejected him.


You hesitated, but agreed to it since you had no other choice. “Don't worry, I'll provide you with a home and transfer you to another school.” he thought for a while, “Oh and you don't have to worry about friends,” “Nope, no worries. Never had them.” you interrupted.


He sighed, and continued. “Don't worry, you will, soon.”


End --


And here I am.. stuck here forever.. You sighed as you walked into the office. You looked at the colourful decorations around and tried to think positively, oh well, at least those two would never be able to order me around anymore.


“Sit.” he pointed to the couch. You plopped into it and smiled. You have never sat on such a comfortable chair before.


“Alright,” he started as he sat on your opposite side, “Like I've mentioned before, you're going to work here.” he reminded you again.


“Mhm..” you tilted your head, “ but.. what am I going to do here? I have absolutely no talents.. not that I know of.” you shrugged.


“Have you ever tried singing? Or dancing?” “Wh-what? Those kind of things just.. they just don't suit me.” you chuckled. “I see.. Zero interest?” “Yup, zero interest.” you raised your eyebrows and shrugged again. “But do you do well in them?” he continued. “Uh, I.. I don't know.” you looked away, hoping he wouldn't test you.


It was as if he had read your mind, “ Alright then.” he handed you a file. “Sign it.” he smiled.


“Wait a minute, what exactly IS my job?” you took over the file.

“Our new debuting group, Big Bang's manager.” Your jaw dropped.


Are you kidding me.



Updating again ~ on 11/11/11 lol. 

This took me the whole day to write it lmfao.

Prolly cause I was procrastinating all the time..

Yeahhhh. Here you go x_x .

Sorry about my grammar and uninteresting way of writing /sob

Uh, Enjoy? (:

Alright, bye :D

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amg why why
i missed a chapter.
is the a/n longer than the chapter...........
god i'm such a horrible person.
And yes, I'll try to :0
It most definitely will...
Hopefully. :D
BigBang_VIP #5
Ahhh this might not turn out so well XD update soon!
Haha. Don't worry about those 2.
BigBang_VIP #7
Awww :( they seriously need to be revealed already ._. I hate mean people :<
Iheartlife #9
update soon :D
@BigBang_VIP HAHHA, DON'T WORRY. I like to see rants B)
Also, well.. you never know :D

@Doublehearts wot. wot. wot. i don't even--