
Always Here
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"What else? Did we forget anything?" Asks Sunny. The two of you are finishing up putting all of your stuff in your bag the next morning. 
"Hmmm...did you pack my slippers?" You say back, looking around the room. 
"Are my headphones in there?"
You sigh, taking another look around with your hands on your hips. 
"Did you check in all the drawers?" You say, and she proceeds to do just that. She takes out a few things she missed and tosses them on the bed. She opens another drawer and cracks up laughing. 
"Why did you have a here?!" She laughs. 
"What?" You say, walking over to her. "I didn't bring a !"
"Then what's this?" She says, taking out a pink rubber . 
"I didn't put that-oh ." You say.
At your words, Sunny's face goes from happy to angry. 
"That ! SHE WAS GOING TO TRY AND YOU!" Sunny shouts, throwing the across the room. You watch the pink blur soar all the way through the open window and out to the street. Sunny's jaw drops and she looks over at you. As soon as your eyes meet you start cracking up. Soon enough, the two of you are falling over each other, crying from laughing so hard. 
"AND WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO? DO THEY PICK IT UP? DO THEY WALK AWAY?" Sunny shouts, grabbing her sides.  The two of you fall to the ground, and you lay in Sunny's lap, your laughs slowly calming down. She moves the hair from your face, smiling at you. You stick out your tongue at her and she giggles. You sit up and wrap your arms around her neck lazily. 
"I'm so glad I'm going home, baby." You say, smiling. "I missed being with you all the time."


When you get back home, you run to the kitchen, opening the fridge. 
"Finally! Real food! Wait, why is this empty?" You say, disappointed. 
"Oh, I haven't been here for the past few weeks. I stayed at the dorm while you were gone, remember?" Sunny says, walking over and sitting on the countertop. You smile at her absentmindedly kicking the air with her feet, which didn't reach the ground. You walk over to her and pout.
"But I'm hungryyyyy...." You say, and she pretends to kick you. 
"Too bad. Now that you're home, you have to cook me food to make up for being gone so long. I nearly starved because of you!" She says in an angry tone, trying to mess with you. 
"I fractured my skull, I didn't have a choice!"
"You still could've made me food, ."
"I COULDN'T LEAVE. I WOULD'VE COOKED IF I COULD'VE!" You yell, falling right into Sunny's trap. She suppresses giggles as she sees you get madder and madder at her. 
"Yeah right." 
"REALLY, SUNNY? REALLY?!" You shout, sighing angrily and stomping away. "I'M GOING FOR A WALK. DON'T WAIT UP."
Once you're out of sight, Sunny giggles as she stands up and follows you. She watches you go up the stairs to the roof, where you two have a sort of balcony area to hang out. She peeks outside and sees you sitting on a lawn chair mumbling to yourself. She sneaks up behind you and hugs your neck. 
"I'm sorry baby." She says, and you roll your eyes. 
"Are you though? How could you think I didn't cook for you out of choice?" You say, still angry. Sunny moves in front of you and sits on your lap. 
"Because I was messing with you." She says, poking your nose. Your eyes go wide and you punch her playfully. 
"You're such an !" You say, and she flashes a grin. "What are we doing for food though?"
"I have Goobne Chicken on my speed dial!" She says, waving her phone in your face. Your mouth starts watering at the mention of the brand you and the girls love so much. 
"Hell yes!" You say, and she orders the food. The two of you head back downstairs, sitting down on the couch in the living room. You turn on KBS to watch Music Bank, which the two of you watched every night before you went to the hospital. D&E's Can You Feel It comes on, and the both of you do the "Chok" dance, cracking up. When the food gets there, Sunny answers the door. 
"Hello?" She says, opening the door. 
"Hi! Your chicken is...SUNNY?!" Shouts the prepubescent delivery boy. Sunny giggles and nods. 
"Yup! I'm SNSD's Sunny. Nice to meet you!" She says. Just as the boy is about to answer, he hears your voice from inside the house. 
"YA! STOP FLIRTING AND GET THE CHICKEN!" You yell, and she turns, sticking her tongue out at you. She turns back and gives the boy the money, along with an autograph on the receipt. The boy bows clumsily before heading back to his car. Sunny closes the door and brings the chicken into the living room

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Hello everyone! (If you’re still here haha) sorry I haven’t been updating at all in a long while, life kind of got ahead of me. I’m planning on making ends to these stories, so I don’t leave them open ended. Keep an eye out!


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Nadinevanthe #1
Chapter 30: UwU
Nadinevanthe #2
Chapter 20: Secret bathtub
Nadinevanthe #3
Chapter 9: Who’s that girl?
Nadinevanthe #4
Chapter 8: Lmaooo
Nadinevanthe #5
Chapter 1: So cuteee
Chapter 35: hohoh... getting a bit heated up here with both couples ;)
Chapter 18: You made me cry v; but that was a good one xD
Chapter 54: Please update ;_;
Chapter 54: please update soon
Breaky #10
Chapter 54: woww!! nice so nice i like this story i will wait for more uptdates kekekek;)