Chapter 3 -Problem ....AGAIN!?!

When GD = Baby... Literally.



“ok this better be quick….I’m already having a migraine.” YG-ssi entered his office, the four members were just looking at each other, nervously calculating on how to break this “NEWS”. They were all frozen as their big boss sat down. YG sat down and started massaging the space between his eyes, closing them tightly.


YoungBae gritted his teeth and gestured for SeungRi to start talking.


‘Oh hell no, I’m not his best friend!’ Seungri whispered then shifted his glance to Dae…Seungri used his mouth to tell him to start talking..


‘, no way! My suspension just got lifted for December today…YoungBae should YG never gets mad at him.’ Dae said but YoungBae frantically shook his head…




“Hyyyuuunnnnggg~~~~~” the three cried in unison, as if throwing their best puppy dog eyes to the unsuspecting SeungHyun. They all know SeungHyun will not be able to resist such pout, Youngbae’s quivering lower lip, SeungRi’s dark circle eyes tearing up and Daesung’s yearning clasp of his hands. Tsk. Seunghyun shook his head, he guesses it his turn to face the bullet.


“Ummm, YG-ssi….we….we have a problem.” SeungHyun’s voice broke, making the other three laugh a little but then snorted to take it away. SeungHyun rolled his eyes cursing silently.


“WHAT?!” YG shouted making all four step back… “PLEASE GOD TELL ME WHAT?!?!”


SeungHyun was freaking out, his fingers shook rather violently and his face turned to pale white. Suddenly he felt someone pulling his finger. He looked down and saw Jiyong showing him his phone screen...SeungHyun squinted on what the leader was trying to tell him:


Hyung, just show me to him….don’t talk anymore


Seunghyun pouted and dropped his head…closing his eyes as his finger grace upon the swivel chair strategically turned away from YG’s view.


“Ummm sir….” SeungHyun pasued, gave one look at the other three (who are now as pale as he is, Seungri obviously the most scared for he was nibbling his thumbnail)  “tsk…”


Seunghyun held his breath and slowly…turned the swivel chair to face YG-ssi.




The tension was so thick, it was like taking forever and they can swear the atmosphere was odd you can cut it with a knife.


It took a little while before YG can fathom the idea of whatever SeungHyun was showing him.


A kid…


A little kid in a grown up clothing.


Smiling and waving….


“a….a kid.” YG tilted to the side….


“Yes.” SeungHyun continued.


Suddenly SeunRi realized something, he quickly walked towards YG hoping to stop what he thinks might turn to a HUGE misunderstanding but then----


“WHAT THE !? WHOSE KID IS THAT!?!?! WHOSE THE ING DAD! I DON’T CONTROL YOUR LIFE BUT DAMN I TOLD YOU 5 TO ALWAYS PUT A SOCK ON IT! WHAT THE !” YG yelled on the top of his lungs, that they can swear the practice room below stopped playing their music.


“OH I’M TOO LATE!” SeungRi stopped on his track, SeungHyun stared at him desperate for a save. YoungBae quickly walked towards YG who was now preparing to throw random stuffs, Daesung ran towards the space between YG and his precious trophy cabinet (making sure their boss will not be able to grab one and throw at SeungHyun)




“Sir it’s not Hyung’s fault!” SeungRi waved his hand and stepped in front of SeungHyun who was dodging flying objects towards him.


“HYUNG IT’S NOT ME! IT’S..IT’S NO THE THING!” SeungHyung shouted.


“Aish I better get you out of here!” SeungRi turned around and picked up Jiyong, preparing to bolt out since it’s pretty much useless. YG will not calm down. Seungri was about to reach the door when…



“SIR LISTEN!!” YoungBae shouted so loud that everybody froze, suddenly YoungBae was pulling YG’s arm behind him, careful not to twist it too hard.


“AAAAAOOOUUCCHHH!!!! Ba..bae…bae let go!” YG demanded.




Even the other four member were shocked at how bold YoungBae was at this moment. YG promised to calm down and slowly he was set free. He took a few deep breath…


“Ok…ok I’ll listen…what the hell is this.” YG spoke, his jaw was still clench and teeth grinding in anger.


“Ri I have an idea…” Jiyong whispered to Ri…


“Who’s the dad of the kid…” YG pointed at Jiyong.


“None.” All of them replied.


Slowly YG realized one thing, Jiyong was not around. “Where’s Jiyong? Wait…that kid looks like Jiyong…IS JIYONG THE DAD?!” YG shouted again, but flinched when he saw YoungBae stepping forward, his arm is still a little bit swollen.


“I’m here…” Jiyong raised his tiny hand, still within the maknae grip.


“huh?” YG turned around and looked all over his office… “Jiyong?”


“yes?” Jiyong replied still waving his hand.


“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?!” YG-ssi exclaimed.


“I’m here.” Jiyong rolled his eyes….but then seeing that his boss can’t seem to find him he gestured Ri to get closer to their boss. Ri carefully walked towards the fuming YG when finally:


“DON’T GET THAT DARN KID NEAR ME!” YG shouted but then he noticed something ….the kid just gave him an eyebrow raised…uniquely Jiyong’s.


Then the kid blinked a couple of times….unmistakably Jiyong’s.


Then lastly..


“Yo Hyung…miss me?” this darn kid finally said…..with that deep voice,…definitely Jiyong’s.


“Ji……..” YG’s face turned white, YoungBae and Daesung quickly looked at each other, this is already a familiar scene; that quivering finger, shaking lower lip and pale complexion…. “Ji—ji—“ and that stuttering speech…


YoungBae and Dae quickly braced themselves for the worse----


“Yup Hyung, it’s me..Jiyong.” Jiyong winked and with that…


“HYUNG!” YoungBae and Daesung dove forward to catch YG when he fainted, SeungHyun just look weird out with neck stretched forward while Ri hugged Ji tighter and turned him away…protecting his tiny package from the falling YG CEO.




Everybody’s quiet, 5 grown up men were talking in the middle of the YG cafeteria. All looking at each other carefully, not one wanting to talk. The only sound that breaks the odd silence was coming from the sloppy attempts of a toddler trying to feed himself some food. Seungri leaned to give Jiyong a better look and squirmed when he realized that Jiyong had been spilling yogurt all over his pants…


“AISH!!” Jiyong’s hands can’t still grip the spoon, maybe it has got something to do with his undeveloped body. Jiyong slammed his spoon on the table and then noticed the 5 men staring at him. Ri just dabbed off some few spills on his cheek.


“What?!” Jiyong shouted, “I don’t know why but I’m always hungry and’s either I sleep or I eat…so stop staring at me!”


“We’re not complaing…growing boys needs their food.” YoungBae squinted his eyebrow together as he pick up a new spoon and fed Jiyong.


“Seriously it’s not funny, I feel hungry all the time…aish…” he complained but still opened his mouth voluntarily when Youngbae handed him another spoonful.


“Umm….” Daesung looked at YG who was still busy studying Jiyong. “Yg-ssi…” he looked at SeungHyun who just response was a mere shoulder jerk and mouthed ‘don’t look at me I also don’t know what to do’.


But before Daesung can open his mouth again YG already raised his hand to shut him up.


“I thought Jiyong’s stuck at home…then how on earth…”


“A weird just popped in from nowhere! Like POOF!” Jiyong replied quickly, with eyes exaggeratingly opened wide.


“Ya ya ya here!” YoungBae carefully shoved a spoonful of yogurt. “Hey maybe being honest is a virtue you need to know right?” YoungBae pinched Jiyong’s ear while biting his own lips.


“AAH ouch bae bae bae…” Jiyong felt like his dad was there punishing him.


“hey!” SeungRi slapped YoungBae’s disciplining pinch and gave him a ‘don’t jiyong like that’ look and gently massaged Jiyong’s ear. “does it hurt?”


“A little” Jiyong pouted at SeungRi.


“AISH!” SeungRi snide at YoungBae… “he’s still a kid or even more  a baby!”


“Physically.” YoungBae rolled his eyes.


“So don’t physically discipline him, talk to him and not like that!” SeungRi threatened.


“Omo..” SeungHyun pointed at YoungBae and SeungRi… “You two look like a couple fighting on how to discipline their kid….wait so that makes me the funny uncle who’ll spoil the kid all the time!” SeungHyun grin proudly at himself.


“Yeah the funny uncle that spoils the kids and also gets DRUNK in reunions” Daesung added.


SeungHyun glared at Dae then said: “and you what are you?”


“huh? Me?” Dae thought carefully, “I’m the—“


“Maid who if will not shut up I’ll fire soon.” SeungHyun quickly snapped, Daesung shrunk at how piercing SeungHyun stares were.


“ANNYYWWAAYYSSS…” YG rolled his eyes…”I don’t want any explanation….it won’t help this situation…what I want to know is how we can turn him back to normal” YG answered but then Jiyong looked at him totally clueless with the baby spoon on his mouth. The big boss had to cough and looked away quickly, that was just too adorable and he can’t let such an idea enter his head right now; he must be firm (that’s what he keeps on chanting) “How about a charity event?”


“We can’t” all bigbang members answered in unison.


“Predictable” YoungBae followed.


“Jiyong visits a sick?”


“Nope too plastic and programmed.” Daesung answer.


“He did one last time doesn’t that count?”  YG asked.


“Um yeah but I don’t think it’s a great idea to let Jiyong go in a hospital.” YoungBae took the glass of water and placed a straw, then gently placing it in front of baby jiyong to drink, supporting it with care so as not to let the straw hit jiyong’s throat..and when Jiyong seemed to be too engrossed with the straw Bae slowly pulled it away. “No no no, just sip no chewing.”


“WHAT!?!” Jiyong shouted with a funny scared look, “I’m not purposely chewing it, it’s just that….it feels weirdly good! AH WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?!” Jiyong turned around and sobbed at SeungRi’s chest, Seungri replied with a hug and gently patting of the back..humming to calm Jiyong down. SeungHyun shivered at this.


“I think I need a smoke.” SeungHyun wanted to stand up but YG pulled him down.


“Nope we need to figure this one out first.” He said in a serious tone that SeungHyun quickly fasten himself back on the chair. “As you were saying bae?”


“Well sir, we can’t bring Jiyong in a hospital…it’s risky, he’s still a kid and god knows he might get sick.” YoungBae then unconsciously Jiyong’s back, Jiyong quickly looked at who was doing that soothing gesture then saw it was YoungBae, he leaned closer to SeungRi’s warm chest and smiled when he heard Ri’s heartbeat…it was really fast, ironic cause on the outside he seemed really calm.


“You got a point there…I kinda noticed that Ji’s whole functioning also reverted back to being a toddler.” YG shook his head, as if figuring out a puzzle that he can never solve.


“What do you mean?” YoungBae asked, handing over his keys (which Jiyong had been weirdly trying to take off from the hook on his belt), Jiyong played with the keys as if it’s one of the best thing he had ever saw.


“Just look at him….he sleeps all day, he eats anything, he finding teething fun and now look….he’s playing with your keys…” YG shook his head more…


Jiyong stopped when he heard his boss’ explanation and quickly threw Bae’s keys with disgust. “Oh my God!!! NO!!!!” Jiyong was on denial but then YG looked at him closer…


“I think Ji still have his reasoning as an adult but his reflexes and instinct is still that of a toddler…” YG slowly pulled Ji’s chin to face him.


“well I have an idea to find it out!” SeungHyun smiled, and gestured for YG to lean aside to give him space. As soon as YG did, SeungHyun leaned towards Jiyong.


“What the hell are you doing?!” Jiyong shouted, SeungHyun’s face is freaky enough but seeing it up close takes it to another level.


SeungHyun took  a deep breath…this is a one chance opportunity, if he stinks baby Jiyong will not notice, but if YG is wrong then he’ll have the rest of the year hearing about this possibly image ruining move. After playing stare game with the baby Jiyong, SeungHyun quickly covered his face.


The other 4 men raised an eyebrow…anticipating carefully what SeungHyun’s great plan is.






“What the ?!” YG was astounded, YoungBae felt like flipping and Dae was just lost…


But suddenly..


“PUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Jiyong’s laughter erupted in the cafeteria. Oh crap why am I laughing so hard, like this is one of the best games I ever saw?! What the !! I I can’t help but laugh! Jiyong curses at himself.


After three repetition of this childish game, SeungHyun pouted at YG “Sir yeah I think you’re right he really still have the instincts of a toddler.”


“This makes it harder.” YG shook his head in disapproval.


“Cool! That means he laughs at everything right?!?!” DaeSung asked, SeungHyun and YG nodded. “COOL! HYUGN LOOK!” Dae grabbed Bae’s keys and started playing with it in front of Ji’s face.


“DaesungHyung! Jiyonghyung is not a dog!” RI wanted to shove the keys inside Dae’s nose..what the hell is he thinking…but before he could pull the keys off of Dae’s hand…Jiyong erupted in another round of laughter.


“What the…this is nice..” YoungBae started joining in. Ri started finding the laughing Jiyong cute and started tickling him. SeungHyun went back to playing peek-a-boo.


What the hell is wrong with me..why can’t I stop laughing! This is not right….i wanted to curse at all of them but I couldn’t…it’s like they pushed a laughing button at me.


“Umm guys Jiyong just drank a glassful of water…” YG tried to warn the 4 ignorant boys who was too focused on making Jiyong laugh… “I…Jiyong’s a kid…he still doesn’t know how…ummm guys…please stop making him laugh…jiyong’s bladder might…guy stop it cause---“


~drippping sound~


SeungRi suddenly froze when a warm feeling erupted on his lap, the other three stopped and mouth fell open as the saw Jiyong’s face turned red all of the sudden.


“—that might happen.” YG was too late.  “toddlers his age needs to be potty trained” he finished.


“EEEWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE!!!” all four bigbang screams erupted.


LOOOOL... thank you for the fast comments =) i suddenly felt like finishing this chapter after reading them (and my mom noticed how i did't left my laptop lol....) well time for me to rest...

I think lessons will come by soon....i just don't know how come my fingers have a mind of their own, adding a few quirky details as i sorry about it..



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Chapter 30: I am rereading this again in 2020 bcoz i miss this story and you author nim. Wherever u are please stay safe n thank you for this! ❤️
Chapter 30: This is so beautiful
I somehow dont want it to end
iamfayee #3
Chapter 30: I re-read this fic again. It’s still as good as when I first read it 3 years ago. We miss you here and I hope you are doing well in life, author-nim :)