Ice-Cream and CD's


“Hoseok~” Namjoon sing-sang, eyes locked on his employee who had his chin rested on his fist, eyes fixed on something and he wasn’t blinking. That brat was daydreaming. “Hoseok~” He tried again, the same song sang even if it was sang a bit harsher as his patience was wearing thin. The second time as just as futile as the first, so Namjoon now shouted the following, “HOSEOK!”

                Said boy’s head snapped up quickly, heart straining his breath. “Y-yeah?” he asked, blinking quickly in both confusion and the loss of water in his eyes.

                “What’s up with you, hyung?” Namjoon asked, eyebrows knit together in worry.

                Hoseok sighed dreamingly, going back to the previous position he was in. this time, however, he was blinking. “Ah, Namjoon-y… you have no idea…”

                Rap Monster chuckled, going towards the counter to pat him heavily on the back before the other rapper spaced out again. “Is it a girl?”

                Hoseok winced, nose scrunching up in disgust. Namjoon chuckled, placing both his elbows on the counter so that he could rest his chin on his hands. “Okay then… is it a boy?” he tried again, voice a bit happier than the first.

                The older rapper hummed, eyes fixed on a random spot on the wall. “Yeah…” he agreed breathlessly.

                “OOH~” Namjoon cooed. “What’s his name?” he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

                “Kim Taehyung,” Hoseok said, completely unaware of the huge smile spreading on his face. Noticing this, Rap Monster’s smile grew.

                “Is that your boyfriend?”

                Hoseok’s eyes widened, cheeks burning. “W-what? No of course not!” he shouted, face now burning his as if his blood were suddenly replaced by boiling hot lava. “I-I mean, I wish he was, but he isn’t.”

                Namjoon hummed in understanding. “So, what are you going to do about it then?”

                J-Hope shrugged his shoulders before they dropped in disappointment, something to go along with his heavy sigh. “I don’t know. I mean, I did ask him out again.”

                “So you’ve already been on a date with him?”

                Hoseok nodded.

                “And what happened?”
                Unconsciously, J-Hope his lips, facing darting down as his cheeks began to warm up again. “Well, I took him out on a date to this park and I made dinner and Jin and Jimin were our waiters and then he sang and I rapped and then I took him home,” he rambled on, smile growing with every word, “and then—and then we kissed.”

                Upon the blush that was now on his friend’s/employee’s face, Rap Monster laughed. He then patted him heavily on the back. “He was that amazing, huh? Man, you got it bad.”

                “It?” Hoseok repeated, frown as he had no idea what the hell Namjoon was talking about. “What do you mean by it?”

                “Crush, man. You really like this guy, don’t you?”

                “Yeah…” Hoseok admitted, biting his lip, looking down as the image of a cutely smiling Taehyung popped into his mind. At this, a small smirk appeared on his lips.


                “You kissed him? You kissed him? As in you made the first move?” Jungkook asked, eyes wide, repeatedly asking the same question just in case he had misheard his friend. “Doesn’t sound like you, Taehyung.”

                Taehyung frowned. “I don’t care if that’s what you think, Kookie. It’s just, well, Hoseok’s different. He’s so sweet and so genuine—that’s so hard to find in a guy. And in the whole night we spent together, he didn’t even try to, you know, .”

                “For the last time, not every guy’s mission is to you.”

                The older male rolled his eyes. “Remember Daehyun? All he wanted with me was quick . That’s why I left him,” he reminded the younger boy, arms crossed as he remembered his past boyfriend.

                “Yeah, but some guys are genuine, you know?”

                “Name one,” Taehyung scowled, arms crossed as he narrowed his eyes. Jungkook looked up at the ceiling, thinking for a few seconds before he opened his mouth to say something but then quickly shut it again. He tried once more before shutting his mouth.


                But before Taehyung could even began rubbing it in his face that he was, once again, correct, Jungkook’s words interrupted him. “What about Chanyeol? You know, the cute guy from EXO?”

                V rolled his eyes. “Your bias does not count. Of course everybody from EXO is perfect. Try someone that isn’t famous.”

                That left the young man to wonder yet again. “Yeah, okay, I’ll admit. I got nothing. You win, hyung.”

                With a triumphant smile, Taehyung nodded. “Damn right I’m right. Now, let’s go get some ice-cream. And since EXO released an album that you don’t have somehow, there’s a record shop across the street we can go to.”

                Jungkook was halfway out the door as soon as Taehyung mentioned one of his favorite groups.

                Taehyung had bought himself a delicious cookies n’ cream ice-cream, one of his favorites, and Jungkook made hyung buy him a cookie dough ice cream, just because Taehyung had nearly burned down the house with his cooking two days ago and this was his thanks for putting out the fire and because he had cooked for them the same day.

                However, the younger boy had rushed the older male out of the parlor just so that they could go and buy Big Bang and EXO stuff.

                The shop wasn’t very big. It was organized and there was a counter near the back with a few snapbacks hung there and some limited edition CD’s in the glass container just beneath the cash register. Posters were hung around the store; some were of famous artists from America such as Chris Brown or Usher while others were famous groups in Korea such as the Dynamic Duo and (much to Jungkook’s joy) Big Bang and EXO. Music was softly playing in the background, a song that sounded very similar to “Heart Attack” by EXO.

                “Hoseok!” a blonde guy shouted from the back of the store.

                Did he just say…?

                “Hold on, Rap-mon! I’m about to attend some customers!” the by called from the ladder he was, hands holding onto a snapback he was hanging up on display.

                “That voice…” Taehyung mumbled.

                Jungkook walked up to the male on the ladder and called out to him. “Excuse me, where do you keep your EXO stuff?”

                As soon as Hoseok turned around and saw a very familiar pair of lips, he smiled. Completely ignoring the younger male, Hoseok walked up to the still shocked Taehyung with the same cute grin he had no idea V loved.

                Is that my heart beat or did the store suddenly decide to play some rock music? Taehyung thought to himself.

                “Hey,” Hoseok smiled, but this one was a bit shy.

                “Hey,” Taehyung said, cheeks a light pink, the beginnings of the cutest thing Hoseok had ever seen.

                “Um, I hate to interrupt, but where the hell is my EXO?” Jungkook called from behind, interrupting the cute scene, arms crossed in a sassy manner.

                “They’re in the front; right underneath that Chris Brown poster, on the very top shelf. Can’t miss it.” Hoseok stated, finally looking at the sassy young’n.


                Then Jungkook skipped up to the section the rapper had mentioned in search for his bias.

                Hoseok smiled before returning his attention to Taehyung. “So, that your friend?”

                Taehyung nodded, the shock finally leaving his being. “Yeah. That’s Jeon Jungkook. I’ve been knowing that kid since grade school.”

                J-Hope simply smiled and nodded before looking down to inspect the cute boy before him. Today, Taehyung was sporting a simple grey sweater with a red heart on it and black skinny jeans, followed by white Jordan’s. Yet, he still looked so perfect.

                Then he noticed the ice cream on his hand that was already melting and he smiled. “Might wanna eat that; don’t want it to melt over your fingers.”

                Taehyung blushed, suddenly feeling so awkward. “R-right…” he then brought the cone up to his lips and stuck his pink tongue out, the white substance that was the ice-cream now staining his flesh. Hoseok bit his lip.

                A sudden wave of confidence hitting him, Hoseok leaned over and, while Taehyung’s tongue was still at the ice cream, he held the cone, his hand covering Taehyung’s, and as the younger male’s eyes went wide, Hoseok dipped his tongue out to capture V’s.

                Slowly, Hoseok held out the cone, removing it to the side so that he could pull V’s body closer to his, deepening the stolen kiss. Taehyung placed both of his hands around Hoseok’s cheeks, his cold mouth quickly being warmed by J-Hope’s warm one. The rapper could taste the faint taste of chocolate and vanilla on the singer’s mouth, smiling when he realized that ice-cream or no, the boy always tasted so sweet.

                Jungkook stuck his tongue out in disgust in the background, nose scrunching up, hands brining the Overdose CD up to his face so that he couldn’t see the kiss happening right before his innocent eyes.

                “H- Oh—“Namjoon shut up, coming out from the employee lounge, but quickly realizing that his employee was busy. He simply smiled, raising a brow at the poor kid.

                Taehyung slowly pulled away, eyes fluttering open at the same pace before they widened in horror when he saw two males staring at them, one nearly puking while the other looked like a proud brother.

                Hoseok then turned around, smiling at Namjoon.

                “So, that’s the guy that’s got you so love-crazy,” Jungkook said finally, a smile growing on his lips when Taehyung’s face flushed, a smile that everyone but Taehyung wore.

                “Why are you smiling, hyung?” Namjoon called out to J-Hope. “You couldn’t even work this morning because that boy right there couldn’t get out of your mind.”

                Hoseok looked down. Taehyung now smirked, even though he was still blushing.

                “So, Jung Hoseok,” Jungkook said, walking over to the older male with an intimidating face. Hoseok raised a brow. Jungkook pushed Hoseok a few feet away from Taehyung and then stabbed a finger to his chest, eyes full of seriousness. “I swear to God—no, I swear to everyone on Big Bang, if you so much as think about hurting him, I will haunt you down and I will hang you from the highest tree. Got it?”

                Taehyung quickly jumped in and pulled Jungkook away from the guy before the kid did whatever it is he threatened to do. God… V doesn’t even want to remember what Jungkook did to Daehyun after they broke up.

                “Jungkook, chill. He’s not like that, I promise.” Taehyung assured, both hands on Jungkook’s shoulders so that the boy couldn’t get past him and totally kill Hoseok.

                “You better be lucky Tae-Tae seems to really like you, JUNG HOSEOK!”

                J-Hope chuckled. “Well, Jeon Jungkook, I can assure you, I have no intentions of playing your cute little friend here. And I promise I will never leave him,” he added with a smirk to the blushing vocalist.

                “Okay, I trust you now,” Jungkook assured, hands reaching up to remove Taehyung’s hands. “But I still have both of my eyes on you.”

                J-Hope smiled. “Is he always like this?” he asked, eyes fixed on Taehyung.

                But before he could answer the younger male of the group answered for him with a smile. “Yes, yes I am.”

                A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please remember to subscribe and comment! But don’t be so harsh on the comments, please. LOVE YOU GUYS! And also, I am open to suggestions so… go ahead. :)


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Luciferka #1
Chapter 39: That was beautiful...and jinkook are so precious
Chapter 39: good job jungkook!!! tripping her! I luv this story!!!!<3♥♥♥
blgirl69 #3
Chapter 30: I don't like the fact that the villain has my name. :( I was hoping she was going to be a nice and supporting character and then she turned into a . Sigh.
Chapter 26: You are right: " You can’t rush love and you can’t rush the healing process." This chap was so good, don't say its a piece of :)

Love JinKook <3
Chapter 25: OMG, I loved this. I think the angst was necessary to develop their relationship, I love so much JinKook and this was so good, thank u <3
Chapter 9: Where's YoonMin and JinKook? Like, I searched like forever.
Kimtatae12 #7
Chapter 39: ok I seriously loved this story. It was so sweet and cute. I'm so sad that it's over. But now I can't wait to read the sequel
Chapter 39: This was so good omg...It was so well written and I think it has to be my favorite Vhope fanfic. Great job ^^
notbrokenjustbent #10